
Grid Sale Page
TEM Supplies
Cryo-EM Supplies

TEM Grids Overview

The largest and most comprehensive selection of transmission electron microscopy grids,
support films and SiN membranes for all TEM applications in life science,
materials sciences, semiconductor and nanotechnology.

TEM Grids — Square & Hexagonal Mesh, Slot, Aperture & Index
pelco tem 50 mesh grid pelco transmission electron microscopy grid pelco honeycomb tem grid pelco slot grid
PELCO® Grids
Comprehensive selection of easy handling, wide rim, sturdy grids. Mesh, Hexagonal, Slot & Hole
pelco transmission electron microscopy grid pelco honeycomb tem grid pelco slot grid
PELCO® Special Metal Grids
Stainless Steel, Titanium, Molybdenum, Aluminum
50 mesh grid gilder triple slot grids

Large selection of well defined, thinner grids up to 2000 mesh. Mesh, Hexagonal, Slot & Hole
stratatek 100 mesh transmisson electron microscopy grid stratatek 100 mesh hexagonal tem grid
stratatek folding tem grid

StrataTek™ Grids
Affordable, sturdy, medium mesh grids. Mesh, Hexagonal, Slot & Hole
reference finder grids
pelco pinpointer grid

Reference / Finder Grids
Wide selection of reference, locator and micron index grids
veco hexagonal grid 100 mesh veco 200 mesh handle grid veco slotted pattern single slot grids
Veco Grids
Selection of rigid grids.
Mesh, Hexagonal & Slot
maxtaform tem grid, 100 mesh maxtaform tem grid, 150 meshmaxtaform tem grid, 400 mesh
Maxtaform Grids
Selection of Rh coated grids
athene 200 mesh, centre mark athene thin bar gridathene slot grid
Athene Grids

Specialty Grids — Silicon Aperture Frames, Tools & Grid Storage
SynapTek Grids
SynapTek Slotted Grids
SynapTek™ Grids
Thicker notch type
slotted grids
chien grid
tomography grid
Specialty Grids

Pyrolytic Carbon, Titanium Folding Grids, Tomography
& Chien Grids

PELCO FIB Lift-Out Grids
omniprobe lift-out grid with 4 posts
omniprobe lift-out grid with 4 posts
FIB Lift-Out Grids

NEW styles available!

silicon aperture frame 1.0 x 1.0mm
PELCO® Silicon
Aperture Frames

pelco reverse tweezers, curved self closing
dumont no. 5 sharp tweezers
dumont high precision fine points, bent at 45 degrees tweezers
Grid Tweezers

pelco grid storage box
TEM Grid Storage Boxes

Grid Storage
Grid Storage

Coated Grids   Support Films for TEM
quantifoil  square mesh 7x7µm
orthogonal array quantifoil substrate 2µm dia.
orthogonal array quantifoil substrate 1.2µm dia.
Quantifoil® TEM
orthogonal array quantifoil substrate 2µm dia.
orthogonal array quantifoil substrate 2µm dia.
UltrAuFoil® Holey Gold Support Films
silicon nitride membranes
Silicon Nitride
Support Film

Silicon Dioxide
Support Films

Substratek support film
TEM Substrates

Metallic Support Films

PELCO Graphene Support Films
PELCO® Graphene
Support Films

Related Products to TEM Grids
AutoGrid Tweezers
AutoGrid Tweezers
AutoGrid Rings & C-clips
PELCO ESD Ergo Wire Cutting Tweezers
Grid Tab Nippers

grid coating pen
Grid Coating Pen
grid coating plate for electron microscopy
Grid Coating Plates
parafilm laboratory film
Parafilm M® & Melinex
Grid Holder Block
Grid Holder Blocks
pen vac tweezer, vacuum pick-up
Vacuum Pick-Up System,
Pen-Vac Tweezer
stainless steel wire mesh screen
Wire Mesh Screening,
Stainless Steel, Nylon Mesh
easiGlow™ Glow Discharge Cleaning System
PELCO easiGlow™ Glow
Discharge Cleaning System
chien grid staining pad
Grid Holder & Staining Pads
grid staining transmission electron microscopy grids
PELCO® Grid Staining
Matrix System
White Porcelain Spot Dish
Porcelain Spot Dishes
staining mold
Microwell Staining Molds