
TEM Grids Overview
Silicon Nitride Support Films
QUANTIFOIL® Substrates
Substratek™ TEM Metallic Substrates

PELCO® Graphene TEM Support Films
PELCO easiGlow™ Glow Discharge Cleaning System

Substrates, Support Films
for Transmission Electron Microscopy Grids

Formvar      Formvar/Carbon      Carbon      Silicon Monoxide      Lacey      Graphene

PELCO® TEM grid Support Films of Formvar, Formvar/Carbon, Carbon, and Silicon Monoxide are available on the following 3.05mm O.D. grids: 0.4 x 2mm single slot Cu, 75 mesh Cu, 200 mesh Cu,Ni or Au, 200 mesh Hex Mo, 300 mesh Cu, Ni or Au, 300 mesh Hex Mo, and 400 mesh Cu, Ni, Au, Al, Ti and stainless steel.

Support films on the finer mesh grids can withstand considerable handling during specimen preparation. Those on slot and 75 mesh grids require more gentle handling and are ideal for those applications requiring large viewing areas without grid bar interference.

Our popular line of PELCO NetMesh™ Grids (our trademarked lacey films) are available on 200, 300 and 400 mesh grids. These robust films allow for viewing of specimens without interference from underlying support film material.

The complete PELCO® line of support films meets the requirements of most applications in all fields of electron microscopy.

TEM Support Film Product Note, How Material is Layered on the Grid.

Consult the Support Film / Substrate Application Guide below for suggestions on support film choice:


PELCO® TEM Grid Support Film Application Guide

This Support Film Application Guide will help you determine what support film to use for your particular transmission electron microscopy project. Once you have decided which substrate best suits your needs, you can go back up on the page for a listing of available Support Films and pricing.

B = Best;     G = Good Alternative;     - = Not Suitable

Substrate Application

Stabilized with Carbon
Silicon Monoxide
on Formvar
Silicon Monoxide
on Type-A
Is Lacey Film suitable for this application?
Applications Requiring Pure Formvar B - - - - - - No
Bacterial Suspensions - G B B B B B Yes
Cell Fragment Suspensions - B B B B B B Yes
Diffraction Studies - - G G B B B Yes
EDS (energy dispersive spectrometry) - G - - B B G Yes
High Resolution Microscopy - G G B B B B Yes
High Temperature Techniques / Heating Stage - - - G B - B Yes
(Type A)
Low Magnification Microscopy G B B G G B G No
Particulate Suspension, Biological - G B B B B B Yes
Particulate Suspension, Non-biological - G B B B B B Yes
Powders, Dry - G B G G B G No
Replicas & Low Temperature Techniques G B - - G B G Yes
Thin Sections G B G B G B G Yes
Viral Suspensions - G G B B B B Yes

We Offer a Comprehensive Selection of Support Films on TEM Grids

Typically packaged in PELCO® TEM Grid Storage Box (Product Number 160) but is subject to change to other equally suitable grid storage boxes.

1 - Formvar Films (30-60nm)
Formvar on 200 mesh Cu pkg/50
Formvar on 200 mesh thick grid Au pkg/25
Formvar on 300 mesh Cu pkg/50
Formvar on 300 mesh thick grid Au pkg/25
Formvar on 400 mesh Cu pkg/50
Formvar on 400 mesh Au pkg/25
Formvar on 0.4 x 2mm slot Cu pkg/25
Formvar on 1x2mm Slot Cu pkg/25
Formvar on 1x2mm Slot Cu pkg/50
Formvar on 1x2mm Synaptec™ Dot Cu pkg/25
Formvar on 1x2mm Synaptec™ Dot Cu pkg/50
2 - Formvar Stabilized with Carbon (5-10nm)
Formvar / Carbon on 75 mesh Cu pkg/50
Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh Cu pkg/25
Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh Cu pkg/50
Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh Cu pkg/100
Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh thick grid Cu pkg/25
Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh thick grid Cu pkg/50
Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh Asbestos Reference Cu pkg/25
Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh Asbestos Reference Cu pkg/50
Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh Ni pkg/25
Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh Ni pkg/50
Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh thick grid Au pkg/25
Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh thick grid Au pkg/50
Formvar / Carbon on 300 mesh Cu pkg/50
Formvar / Carbon on 300 mesh Ni pkg/25
Formvar / Carbon on 300 mesh Ni pkg/50
Formvar / Carbon on 300 mesh thick grid Au pkg/25
Formvar / Carbon on 300 mesh thick grid Au pkg/50
Formvar / Carbon on 400 mesh Cu pkg/50
Formvar / Carbon on 400 mesh Ni pkg/25
Formvar / Carbon on 400 mesh Ni pkg/50
Formvar / Carbon on 400 mesh Au pkg/25
Formvar / Carbon on 400 mesh Au pkg/50
Formvar / Carbon on 0.4 x 2mm slot Cu pkg/25
Formvar / Carbon on 1x2mm Slot Cu pkg/25
Formvar / Carbon on 1x2mm Slot Cu pkg/50
Formvar / Carbon on 1x2mm Synaptec™ Dot Cu pkg/25
Formvar / Carbon on 1x2mm Synaptec™ Dot Cu pkg/50
3 - Carbon Type B (15-25nm) with Formvar
NEW Carbon Type B on 150 mesh Au pkg/25
Carbon Type B on 200 mesh Cu pkg/25
Carbon Type B on 200 mesh Cu pkg/100
Carbon Type B on 200 mesh Ref. Cu pkg/50
Carbon Type B on 200 mesh Hex. Mo pkg/25
Carbon Type B on 200 mesh thick grid Au pkg/25
Carbon Type B on 200 mesh thick grid Ni pkg/25
Carbon Type B on 200 mesh thick grid Ni pkg/50
Carbon Type B on 200 mesh thick grid Au pkg/50
Carbon Type B on 300 mesh Cu pkg/25
Carbon Type B on 300 mesh Cu pkg/50
Carbon Type B on 300 mesh Ni pkg/25
Carbon Type B on 300 mesh Ni pkg/50
Carbon Type B on 300 mesh Au pkg/50
Carbon Type B on 300 mesh Mo pkg/25
Carbon Type B on 300 mesh Hex. Mo pkg/25
Carbon Type B on 400 mesh Cu pkg/50
Carbon Type B on 400 mesh Ni pkg/25
Carbon Type B on 400 mesh Ni pkg/50
Carbon Type B on 400 mesh Au pkg/25
Carbon Type B on 400 mesh Au pkg/50
Carbon Type B on triple slot Cu pkg/25
4a - Carbon Type A (15-25nm) with Removable Formvar
Carbon Type A on 300 mesh Cu pkg/25
Carbon Type A on 300 mesh Cu pkg/100
4b - Ultrathin Carbon Type A (3-4nm) with Removable Formvar
Ultrathin Carbon on 400 mesh Cu pkg/25
Ultrathin Carbon on 400 mesh Cu pkg/50
4c - Ultrathin Carbon (<3nm) on Carbon Lacey Support Film
Ultrathin Carbon / Lacey Support on 300 mesh Au pkg/25
Ultrathin Carbon / Lacey Support on 400 mesh Cu pkg/25
Ultrathin Carbon / Lacey Support on 400 mesh Ni pkg/25
Ultrathin Carbon / Lacey Support on 400 mesh reference Max H7 Cu pkg/25
5a - Carbon Film only on 200 mesh (20-30nm)
Carbon Film only on 200 mesh Cu pkg/25
Carbon Film only on 200 mesh Cu pkg/50
Carbon Film on 200 mesh pinpointer grid Cu pkg/25
Carbon Film on 200 mesh pinpointer grid Cu pkg/50
Carbon Film only on 200 mesh Ni pkg/25
Carbon Film only on 200 mesh Ni pkg/50
Carbon Film only on 200 mesh Au pkg/25
Carbon Film only on 200 mesh Au pkg/50
Carbon Film only on 200 mesh Hex Mo pkg/25
5b - Carbon Film only on 300 mesh (20-30nm)
Carbon Film only on 300 mesh Cu pkg/25
Carbon Film only on 300 mesh Cu pkg/50
Carbon Film only on 300 mesh Ni pkg/25
Carbon Film only on 300 mesh Ni pkg/50
Carbon Film only on 300 mesh Au pkg/25
Carbon Film only on 300 mesh Au pkg/50
5c - Carbon Film only on 400 mesh (20-30nm)
Carbon Film only on 400 mesh Cu pkg/25
Carbon Film only on 400 mesh Cu pkg/50
Carbon Film only on 400 mesh Ni pkg/25
Carbon Film only on 400 mesh Ni pkg/50
Carbon Film only on 400 mesh Au pkg/25
Carbon Film only on 400 mesh Au pkg/50
Carbon Film only on 400 mesh Al pkg/25
Carbon Film only on 400 mesh Ti pkg/25
Carbon Film only on 400 mesh SS pkg/25
6a - Formvar stabilized with Silicon Monoxide
Formvar / Silicon Monoxide on 200 mesh Cu pkg/25
Formvar / Silicon Monoxide on triple slot Cu pkg/25
6b - Silicon Monoxide with removable Formvar
Silicon Monoxide on 300 mesh Cu pkg/25
Silicon Monoxide on 300 mesh Cu pkg/50
7a - PELCO NetMesh™ Lacey Formvar stabilized with Carbon
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh Cu pkg/25
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh Cu pkg/50
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh thick grid Ni pkg/25
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh thick grid Ni pkg/50
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh, Thick Grid Au pkg/25
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh, Thick Grid Au pkg/50
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 300 mesh Cu pkg/25
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 300 mesh Cu pkg/50
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 300 mesh Ni pkg/25
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 300 mesh Ni pkg/50
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 300 mesh, Thick Grid Au pkg/25
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 300 mesh, Thick Grid Au pkg/50
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 400 mesh Cu pkg/25
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 400 mesh Cu pkg/50
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 400 mesh Au pkg/25
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 400 mesh Ni pkg/25
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 400 mesh Ni pkg/50
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 400 mesh Au pkg/50
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh, Reference Index Grid Cu pkg/25
Lacey Formvar / Carbon on 200 mesh, Reference Index Grid Cu pkg/50
7b - PELCO NetMesh™ Lacey Carbon Type A with removable Formvar
Lacey Carbon Type A on 300 mesh Cu pkg/25
Lacey Carbon Type A on 300 mesh Cu pkg/50
7c - PELCO NetMesh™ Lacey Formvar stabilized with Silicon Monoxide
Lacey Formvar / Silicon Monoxide on 300 mesh Cu pkg/50
7d - PELCO NetMesh™ Lacey Carbon - No Formvar
Lacey Carbon on 200 mesh thick grid Cu pkg/25
Lacey Carbon on 200 mesh thick grid Cu pkg/50
Lacey Carbon on 200 mesh thick grid Au pkg/25
Lacey Carbon on 200 mesh thick grid Au pkg/50
Lacey Carbon on 200 mesh thick grid Ni pkg/25
Lacey Carbon on 200 mesh thick grid Ni pkg/50
Lacey Carbon on 300 mesh Cu pkg/25
Lacey Carbon on 300 mesh Cu pkg/50
Lacey Carbon on 300 mesh Ni pkg/25
Lacey Carbon on 300 mesh Ni pkg/50
Lacey Carbon on 300 mesh thick grid Au pkg/25
Lacey Carbon on 300 mesh thick grid Au pkg/50
Lacey Carbon on 400 mesh Cu pkg/25
Lacey Carbon on 400 mesh Cu pkg/50
Lacey Carbon on 400 mesh Ni pkg/25
Lacey Carbon on 400 mesh Ni pkg/50
Lacey Carbon on 400 mesh Au pkg/25
Lacey Carbon on 400 mesh Au pkg/50
Lacey Carbon on 400 mesh Reference Max H7 Cu pkg/25
Lacey Carbon on 400 mesh Reference Max H7 Cu pkg/50

1. Formvar: A film of pure Formvar, with no stabilizing coating. These films are useful for your customized coating of stabilizing material or for the support of thin sections.

Formvar Support Film

Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01700-F Formvar, 200 mesh, copper pkg/50 $72.60
01701-F Formvar, 300 mesh, copper pkg/50 72.60
01702-F Formvar, 400 mesh, copper pkg/50 72.60
01703G Formvar, 200 mesh thick grid, gold pkg/25 71.70
01704G Formvar, 300 mesh thick grid, gold pkg/25 71.70
01702G Formvar, 400 mesh, gold pkg/25 71.70
01706 Formvar, 0.4 x 2mm Slot, copper pkg/25 65.70
01705 Formvar, 1 x 2mm Slot, copper pkg/25 71.70
01705-F Formvar, 1 x 2mm Slot, copper pkg/50 124.10
01707 Formvar, 1 x 2mm Synaptec™ Dot Slot, copper pkg/25 71.70
01707-F Formvar, 1 x 2mm Synaptec™ Dot Slot, copper pkg/50 124.10
substrate grids
200 Mesh
substrate grid
300 Mesh
substrate grid
400 Mesh
substrate slot grid
0.4 x 2mm Slot
substrate slot grid
1 x 2mm Slot
Triple Slot Grid 1GC3x1
Triple Slot

2. Formvar, Stabilized with Carbon: A Formvar film covered with a "light" layer of carbon. The heat and electrical conducting properties of carbon help to stabilize the Formvar films when exposed to the electron beam. This is a resilient, all-purpose specimen support film, ideal for mounting thin sections and for applications using lower ranges of magnification. The 200M-TH grids (Prod. No. 01803 and 01803-F,01803G and 01803G-F), plus the 300M-TH grids (Prod. No. 01804G and 01804G-F) are thicker and more rigid than normal and useful for many applications - particularly where a lot of grid handling is involved.


Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01802-F Formvar/Carbon 75 mesh, Copper approx. grid hole size: 292µm pkg/50 $76.70
01800 Formvar/Carbon 200 mesh, Copper pkg/25 44.10
01800-F Formvar/Carbon 200 mesh, Copper pkg/50 76.70
01801 Formvar/Carbon 200 mesh, Copper pkg/100 143.20
01803 Formvar/Carbon 200 mesh TH, Copper pkg/25 47.20
01803-F Formvar/Carbon 200 mesh TH, Copper pkg/50 83.40
01900 Formvar/Carbon 200 mesh, Copper, Asbestos Reference Index pkg/25 72.80
01900-F Formvar/Carbon 200 mesh, Copper, Asbestos Reference Index pkg/50 115.80
01803G Formvar/Carbon 200 mesh TH, Gold pkg/25 88.20
01803G-F Formvar/Carbon 200 mesh TH, Gold pkg/50 163.80
01800N Formvar/Carbon 200 mesh, Nickel pkg/25 49.70
01800N-F Formvar/Carbon 200 mesh, Nickel, approx. grid hole size: 97µm pkg/50 83.80
01753-F Formvar/Carbon 300 mesh, Copper approx. grid hole size: 63µm pkg/50 76.70
01753N Formvar/Carbon 300 mesh, Nickel pkg/25 49.70
01753N-F Formvar/Carbon 300 mesh, Nickel pkg/50 83.80
01804G Formvar/Carbon 300 mesh TH, Gold pkg/25 78.60
01804G-F Formvar/Carbon 300 mesh TH, Gold pkg/50 143.60
01754-F Formvar/Carbon 400 mesh, Copper approx. grid hole size: 42µm pkg/50 79.20
01754N Formvar/Carbon 400 mesh, Nickel pkg/25 49.70
01754N-F Formvar/Carbon 400 mesh, Nickel pkg/50 83.80
01754G Formvar/Carbon 400 mesh, Gold pkg/25 82.90
01754G-F Formvar/Carbon 400 mesh, Gold pkg/50 152.20
01806 Formvar/Carbon, 0.4 x 2mm Slot, Copper pkg/25 61.70
01805 Formvar/Carbon, 1 x 2mm Slot, Copper pkg/25 75.60
01805-F Formvar/Carbon, 1 x 2mm Slot, Copper pkg/50 127.40
01807 Formvar/Carbon, 1 x 2mm Synaptec™ Dot Slot, Copper pkg/25 75.60
01807-F Formvar/Carbon, 1 x 2mm Synaptec™ Dot Slot, Copper pkg/50 127.40

TH= Thicker Grids

PELCO® Synaptec™ Grids

75 mesh substrate grid
75 Mesh
200 mesh substrate grid
200 Mesh
substrate grid
300 Mesh
substrate grid
400 Mesh
slot electron microscopy grid
0.4 x 2mm Slot
substrate slot grid
1 x 2mm Slot

3. Carbon Type-B: A Formvar film coated with a “heavier” layer of carbon. This is the strongest and most versatile support film we produce. It is stable in the EM under all operating conditions including high magnification with high beam intensity. The films can withstand vigorous specimen preparation techniques. If the carbon surface is hydrophobic, specimen suspensions can be applied to the Formvar surface.


support film grid
200 Mesh
Micron Reference Carbon Type B Support Film
200 Mesh
Micron Reference substrate electron microscopy grid
300 Mesh substrate grid
400 Mesh
Triple Slot Grid 1GC3x1
Triple Slot

Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01815G NEW Carbon Type-B, 150 mesh, Gold pkg/25 $88.20
01810 Carbon Type-B, 200 mesh, Copper pkg/25 60.70
01811 Carbon Type-B, 200 mesh, Copper approx. grid hole size: 97µm pkg/100 210.60
01910-F Carbon Type-B, 200 mesh, Copper, Micron Reference pkg/50 132.30
01808N Carbon Type-B, 200 mesh TH, Nickel pkg/25 66.20
01808N-F Carbon Type-B, 200 mesh TH, Nickel pkg/50 115.80
01808G Carbon Type-B, 200 mesh TH, Gold pkg/25 88.20
01808G-F Carbon Type-B, 200 mesh TH, Gold pkg/50 163.80
01808M Carbon Type-B, 200 mesh Hex, Molybdenum pkg/25 193.60
01813 Carbon Type-B, 300 mesh, Copper pkg/25 60.70
01813-F Carbon Type-B, 300 mesh, Copper pkg/50 109.80
01813N Carbon Type-B, 300 mesh, Nickel pkg/25 66.20
01813N-F Carbon Type-B, 300 mesh, Nickel pkg/50 115.80
01810G-F Carbon Type-B, 300 mesh, Gold approx. grid hole size: 63µm pkg/50 149.80
01813M Carbon Type-B, 300 mesh, Molybdenum pkg/25 199.10
01809M Carbon Type-B, 300 mesh Hex, Molybdenum pkg/25 210.80
01814-F Carbon Type-B, 400 mesh, Copper approx. grid hole size: 42µm pkg/50 110.10
01814N Carbon Type-B, 400 mesh, Nickel pkg/25 66.20
01814N-F Carbon Type-B, 400 mesh, Nickel pkg/50 115.80
01814G Carbon Type-B, 400 mesh, Gold pkg/25 82.90
01814G-F Carbon Type-B, 400 mesh, Gold pkg/50 143.60
01816 Carbon Type-B, Triple Slot, Copper pkg/25 60.70

4. Carbon Type-A: Carbon support films with a removable Formvar on the opposite side of the grid. When the Formvar is removed, by dipping in solvent, a pure carbon film remains. (Note: The Ultrathin Carbon Film on a Lacey Carbon Support Film, Prod. No. 01824, has no Formvar backing.) These films are stable under all EM operating conditions and are for use where the presence of a Formvar layer cannot be tolerated. Pure carbon films tend to be more delicate than those with a Formvar backing and require more delicate handling during specimen preparation than most other support films.


(a) Carbon Type-A: Carbon support film of 15 to 25nm thickness.
carbon support film grid
300 Mesh

Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01820 Carbon Type-A, 300 mesh, Copper pkg/25 $69.50
01821 Carbon Type-A, 300 mesh, Copper, approx. grid hole size: 63µm pkg/100 249.20
PELCO® Technical Notes, Removal of Formvar Film From Carbon Type-A and Silicon Monoxide Type-A Support Films, Product Numbers 01820, 21, 22, 22F, 29, 29F, 1890, 90F (81KB PDF)

(b) Ultrathin Carbon Type-A: Carbon support film of approximately 3nm thickness.
support film grid
400 Mesh

Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01822 Ultrathin Carbon Type-A, 400 mesh, Copper pkg/25 $71.20
01822-F Ultrathin Carbon Type-A, 400 mesh, Copper, approx. grid hole size: 42µm pkg/50 123.10
PELCO® Technical Notes, Removal of Formvar Film From Carbon Type-A and Silicon Monoxide Type-A Support Films, Product Numbers 01820, 21, 22, 22F, 29, 29F, 1890, 90F (81KB PDF)

(c) Ultrathin Carbon Film on a Lacey Carbon Support Film: Pure carbon support films with no Formvar backing. This new product has an even thinner carbon film which is mounted on a Lacey carbon film. The carbon support layer lying over the holes is less than 3nm in thickness and is the thinnest support film available. It is particularly useful for high resolution microscopy of low contrast particles and is also ideal for use with the Energy Filtering TEM.

0.26µm dia. Latex on Ultrathin Carbon Film on a Lacey Carbon Support Film,
example of application. >

  Ultrathin Carbon Film on a Holey Carbon Support Film
carbon support film grid
300 Mesh
support film electron microscopy grid

Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01824G Ultrathin Carbon Film on Lacey Carbon Support Film, 300 mesh, Gold pkg/25 $144.40
01824 Ultrathin Carbon Film on Lacey Carbon Support Film, 400 mesh, Copper pkg/25 117.90
01824N Ultrathin Carbon Film on Lacey Carbon Support Film, 400 mesh, Nickel pkg/25 126.80
01825 Ultrathin Carbon Film on Lacey Carbon Support Film, 400 mesh, Reference Max H7, Copper pkg/25 132.30

PELCO® Technical Note, Ultrathin Carbon Film Supported by a Lacey Carbon Film on a 400 Mesh Copper Grid (77KB PDF)
PELCO® Technical Note, Ultrathin Carbon Film Supported by a Lacey Carbon Film on a 300 Mesh Gold Grid (153KB PDF)
PELCO® Technical Note, Ultrathin Carbon Film Supported by a Lacey Carbon Film on a 400 Mesh Nickel Grid
PELCO® Technical Note, Ultrathin Carbon Film Supported by a Lacey Carbon Film on a 400 Mesh Maxtaform Reference Copper Finder Grid


5. Pure Carbon Film: Carbon films with a thickness of 15-25nm with no Formvar used during manufacturing. Completely free of Formvar. Carbon films are thin and highly transparent to electrons. They exhibit very fine grain and minimal interference with specimen structure. Films are ready to use upon receipt. The pure carbon films tend to be more delicate than support films with a Formvar backing and require more delicate handling during specimen preparation. Available on Cu, Ni, and Au TEM grids with 200, 300, and 400 mesh. Mo grid only available in 200 mesh hex. Al and Ti only available in 400 mesh. PELCO® Technical Note, Pure Carbon Film (143KB PDF)

Carbon Support Film on TEM Grid

support film grid
200 Mesh
pelco pinpointer grid
200 Mesh Pinpointer

Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01840 Carbon Film only on 200 mesh, Copper pkg/25 $71.70
01840-F Carbon Film only on 200 mesh, Copper pkg/50 131.80
01841 Carbon Film on 200 mesh, Copper, PELCO® Pinpointer Grid pkg/25 108.10
01841-F Carbon Film on 200 mesh, Copper, PELCO® Pinpointer Grid pkg/50 186.90
01840N Carbon Film only on 200 mesh, Nickel pkg/25 77.10
01840N-F Carbon Film only on 200 mesh, Nickel pkg/50 142.80
01840G Carbon Film only on 200 mesh, Gold pkg/25 93.20
01840G-F Carbon Film only on 200 mesh, Gold pkg/50 181.40
01840M Carbon Film only on 200 mesh, Molybdenum Hex pkg/25 191.90

support film grid
300 Mesh

Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01843 Carbon Film only on 300 mesh, Copper pkg/25 $71.70
01843-F Carbon Film only on 300 mesh, Copper pkg/50 131.80
01843N Carbon Film only on 300 mesh, Nickel pkg/25 77.10
01843N-F Carbon Film only on 300 mesh, Nickel pkg/50 142.80
01843G Carbon Film only on 300 mesh, Gold pkg/25 90.50
01843G-F Carbon Film only on 300 mesh, Gold pkg/50 181.40

support film electron microscopy grid
400 Mesh

Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01844 Carbon Film only on 400 mesh, Copper pkg/25 $71.70
01844-F Carbon Film only on 400 mesh, Copper pkg/50 131.80
01844N Carbon Film only on 400 mesh, Nickel pkg/25 82.70
01844N-F Carbon Film only on 400 mesh, Nickel pkg/50 142.80
01844G Carbon Film only on 400 mesh, Gold pkg/25 157.70
01844G-F Carbon Film only on 400 mesh, Gold pkg/50 181.40
01844A Carbon Film only on 400 mesh, Aluminum pkg/25 197.40
01844T Carbon Film only on 400 mesh, Titanium pkg/25 542.50
01844S Carbon Film only on 400 mesh, Stainless Steel pkg/25 203.56

6. Silicon Monoxide: Silicon monoxide produces a highly resilient support film which can withstand vigorous specimen preparation techniques. It has low background contrast, is stable under the electron beam and is less hydrophobic than carbon. We offer two types of silicon monoxide support films:

(a) Formvar Stabilized with Silicon Monoxide: A Formvar film coated with a “light” layer of silicon monoxide.

support film grid
200 Mesh

Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01830 Formvar / Silicon Monoxide, 200 mesh, Copper approx. grid hole size: 97µm pkg/25 $62.80
01832 Formvar / Silicon Monoxide, Triple Slot, copper pkg/25 70.60

(b) Silicon Monoxide Type-A: Silicon monoxide with a removable Formvar backing on the opposite side of the grid. When the Formvar is removed, by dipping in solvent, a pure Silicon Monoxide film remains. These films are stable under all EM operating conditions and for use where the presence of Formvar cannot be tolerated. Pure Silicon Monoxide is more delicate than those with Formvar backing and require more careful handling during specimen preparation.

support film grid
300 Mesh

Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01829 Silicon Monoxide Type-A, Removable Formvar, 300 mesh, Copper pkg/25 $72.60
01829-F Silicon Monoxide Type-A, Removable Formvar, 300 mesh, Copper approx. grid hole size: 63µm pkg/50 128.80
PELCO® Technical Notes, Removal of Formvar Film From Carbon Type-A and Silicon Monoxide Type-A Support Films, Product Numbers 01820, 21, 22, 22F, 29, 29F, 1890, 90F (81KB PDF)

7. Lacey Support Films - PELCO NetMesh™ Grids:

lacey support film grid
Lacey Support Film

lacey support film
Molybdenum Trioxide Crystal on a Lacey Support Film, example of application

A lacey network support film. The holes in the lacey support film vary in size from less than a quarter micron to more than 10 microns making them ideal for any type of specimen. Lacey support films are extremely strong and withstand vigorous specimen preparation treatment. The specimen material is supported by the film network but lies across or protrudes into the holes of the mesh. This allows high definition imaging without the effects of underlying support material. Lacey films can be used for specimens ranging from large crystals and other particulate material to virus particles. Smaller particles, such as viruses or bacteria, tend to adhere around the inner edges of the holes, an ideal situation for high resolution microscopy. Lacey films are also ideal for selected area electron diffraction imaging. We offer four types of lacey film.

See the Support Film / Substrate Application Guide at top of page.

  lacey support film electron microscopy grid
0.26µm dia. Latex on a Lacey Support Film, example of application.

(a) Lacey Formvar Stabilized with Carbon: A Lacey Formvar film with the lacey structure enforced by a heavy coating of carbon. Holes are completely open.

substrate grid
200 Mesh

Micron Reference Carbon Type B Support Film
200 Mesh
Micron Reference

lacey formvar grid
300 Mesh

support film electron microscopy grid

Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01881 Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 200 mesh, Copper pkg/25 $76.60
01881-F Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 200 mesh, Copper approx. grid hole size: 97µm pkg/50 130.10
01882N Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 200 mesh, TH, Nickel pkg/25 82.70
01882N-F Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 200 mesh, TH, Nickel pkg/50 157.20
01882G Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 200 mesh, TH, Gold pkg/25 104.80
01882G-F Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 200 mesh, TH, Gold pkg/50 198.50
01883 Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 300 mesh, Copper pkg/25 76.60
01883-F Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 300 mesh, Copper approx. grid hole size: 63µm pkg/50 130.10
01883N Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 300 mesh, TH, Nickel pkg/25 82.70
01883N-F Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 300 mesh, TH, Nickel pkg/50 157.20
01884G Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 300 mesh, TH, Gold pkg/25 104.80
01884G-F Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 300 mesh, TH, Gold pkg/50 198.50
01885 Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 400 mesh, Copper pkg/25 77.00
01885-F Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 400 mesh, Copper approx. grid hole size: 42µm pkg/50 130.90
01885N Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 400 mesh, TH, Nickel pkg/25 82.70
01885N-F Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 400 mesh, TH, Nickel pkg/50 157.20
01885G Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 400 mesh, Gold pkg/25 104.80
01885G-F Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 400 mesh, Gold pkg/50 198.50
01886 Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 200 mesh, Copper, Reference Index Grid pkg/25 93.80
01886-F Lacey Formvar/Carbon, 200 mesh, Copper, Reference Index Grid pkg/50 174.20

(b) Lacey Carbon Type-A: A Lacey carbon film with a removable Formvar backing on the opposite side of the grid. When the Formvar is removed, by dipping in solvent, the Lacey carbon film remains. These films are stable under all EM operating conditions and for use where the presence of Formvar can not be tolerated. Pure Lacey Carbon is more delicate than those with Formvar backing and require more careful handling during specimen preparation. Holes are completely open.

lacey formvar grid
300 Mesh

Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01890 Lacey Carbon Type-A, 300 mesh, Copper pkg/25 $76.60
01890-F Lacey Carbon Type-A, 300 mesh, Copper approx. grid hole size: 63µm pkg/50 133.50

PELCO® Technical Notes, Removal of Formvar Film From Carbon Type-A and Silicon Monoxide Type-A Support Films, Product Numbers 01820, 21, 22, 22F, 29, 29F, 1890, 90F (81KB PDF)

(c) Lacey Formvar Stabilized with Silicon Monoxide: A Lacey formvar film with lacey structure enforced by a silicon monoxide coating. Holes are completely open.

silicon monoxide on formvar grid
300 Mesh

Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01887-F Lacey Formvar/Silicon Monoxide, 300 mesh, Copper, approx. grid hole size: 63µm pkg/50 $126.00

(d) Lacey Carbon Films with No Formvar: Holes are completely open.

silicon monoxide on formvar grid
300 Mesh

support film electron microscopy grid

Manufactured in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
01894 Lacey Carbon, 200 mesh, TH, Copper pkg/25 $75.00
01894-F Lacey Carbon, 200 mesh, TH, Copper pkg/50 143.40
01894N Lacey Carbon, 200 mesh, TH, Nickel pkg/25 87.70
01894N-F Lacey Carbon, 200 mesh, TH, Nickel pkg/50 157.20
01894G Lacey Carbon, 200 mesh, TH, Gold pkg/25 126.80
01894G-F Lacey Carbon, 200 mesh, TH, Gold pkg/50 248.10
01895 Lacey Carbon, 300 mesh, Copper, approx. grid hole size: 63µm pkg/25 82.20
01895-F Lacey Carbon, 300 mesh, Copper, approx. grid hole size: 63µm pkg/50 146.10
01895N Lacey Carbon, 300 mesh, Nickel pkg/25 80.00
01895N-F Lacey Carbon, 300 mesh, Nickel pkg/50 154.40
01895G Lacey Carbon, 300 mesh, TH, Gold pkg/25 108.10
01895G-F Lacey Carbon, 300 mesh, TH, Gold pkg/50 210.60
01896 Lacey Carbon, 400 mesh, Copper, approx. grid hole size: 42µm pkg/25 75.00
01896-F Lacey Carbon, 400 mesh, Copper, approx. grid hole size: 42µm pkg/50 143.40
01896N Lacey Carbon, 400 mesh, Nickel, approx. grid hole size: 42µm pkg/25 80.00
01896N-F Lacey Carbon, 400 mesh, Nickel, approx. grid hole size: 42µm pkg/50 154.40
01896G Lacey Carbon, 400 mesh, Gold, approx. grid hole size: 42µm pkg/25 110.10
01896G-F Lacey Carbon, 400 mesh, Gold, approx. grid hole size: 42µm pkg/50 201.30
01897 Lacey Carbon, 400 mesh, Copper, Reference Max H7 pkg/25 137.90
01897-F Lacey Carbon, 400 mesh, Copper, Reference Max H7 pkg/50 231.60