
TEM Grids Overview
Silicon Nitride Support Films
QUANTIFOIL® Substrates
Substratek™ TEM Metallic Substrates
PELCO easiGlow™ Glow Discharge Cleaning System

PELCO® Graphene & Graphene Oxide Films


PELCO® Graphene TEM Support Films & Substrates

for TEM, SEM, SPM & Research

Available with single, 2 layers, 3-5, and 6-8 layers graphene
on lacey carbon, 300 mesh Cu grid, 2000 mesh Cu grid, holey silicon nitride, and ultra flat SiO2
Graphene TEM Support Films for TEM
Crystalline Structure of Graphene Film MAADF Image of single-layer Graphene (bar = 1nm) on Holey Silicon Nitride product. Ref: J. Kotakoski, et. al. Nano Letters, 2015

Pelco Graphene products are available on a variety of substrates including lacey carbon, 300 mesh Cu grid, 2000 mesh Cu gridholey silicon nitride, and ultra-flat SiO2. The Graphene is available in different thicknesses: single layer, 2-layers, 3-5, and 6-8 layers. Graphene sheets with thicker layers are available by special order.

Graphene on Lacey Carbon

The PELCO® Graphene TEM Support Films are suspended on a lacey carbon film on a 300mesh grid (#01895). The Graphene films we offer have either single, 2, 3-5, or 6-8 layer Graphene sheets and cover the entire TEM grid. The usable area is around 75% due to some unavoidable folds and wrinkles in the Graphene sheets. Graphene, with its unique properties, offers a support film layer that is more conductive and also much thinner than the average carbon support film. Although it is a crystalline support film, its contribution to signal formation is relatively low. This makes the single and 2-layer Graphene support film ideal for high resolution imaging, imaging of nanoparticles and imaging of weak contrast materials/interfaces.

Low-magnification TEM image of single-layer Graphine on lacey carbon. Marker bar = 500nm

High-resolution TEM image of single-layer Graphene showing a typical region for imaging. Marker bar = 5nm

EELS Spectrum of single-layer Graphene Typical Raman Spectrum of single-layer Graphene

Graphene Specifications

  • The sheet resistance for a single layer of Graphene Film is 600Ω/sq.
  • The thickness for a single layer of Graphene is approximately 0.35nm, Transparency is in the order of 96.4%.
  • The thickness for 2 layers of Graphene is approximately 0.7nm, Transparency is in the order of 92.7%.
  • The thickness for 3-5 layers of Graphene is between 1.0 - 1.7nm, Transparency ranges from 90.4 - 85.8%.
  • The thickness for the 6-8 layers of Graphene is between 2.1 - 2.8nm, Transparency ranges from 83.2 - 78.5%.

The PELCO® Graphene has an in-plane modulus of 0.9TPa, compared to 1.0 TPa for Graphene produced by the Scotch Tape™ method.

Comparison of the diffraction pattern of Graphene on copper mesh coated with a lacey carbon film measured with (a) a transmission electron microscope (TEM) at 80 kV and (b) the ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) setup at 6 kV. The line profiles in (c) correspond to the highlighted regions in the diffraction patterns in (a) and (b). These data have been normalized to the intensity of the first order peak. The widths and locations of neighbouring Bragg peaks were used to estimate the transverse coherence length of the UED setup. Ref: Badali, et. al. Struct. Dyn. 3, 034302 (2016).

The PELCO® Graphene TEM Support Films are available in packs of 5, 10 or 25.
Made in USA

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
Single Layer of Graphene Support Films
21710-5 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/5 $155.00
21710-10 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/10 269.00
21710-25 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/25 614.05

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2 Layers of Graphene Support Films
21720-5 PELCO® 2-layer Graphene TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/5 $145.00
21720-10 PELCO® 2-layer Graphene TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/10 254.10
21720-25 PELCO® 2-layer Graphene TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/25 566.50

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
3-5 Layers of Graphene Support Films
21740-5 PELCO® 3-5 Layer Graphene TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/5 $145.00
21740-10 PELCO® 3-5 Layer Graphene TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/10 254.10
21740-25 PELCO® 3-5 Layer Graphene TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/25 566.50

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
6-8 Layers of Graphene Support Films
21770-5 PELCO® 6-8 Layer Graphene TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/5 $155.40
21770-10 PELCO® 6-8 Layer Graphene TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/10 245.60
21770-25 PELCO® 6-8 Layer Graphene TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/25 575.55

Graphene on Ultra-fine 2000 Mesh Copper TEM Grids

This Graphene is directly supported by #G2000HA ultra-fine 2000mesh copper TEM grids with 6.5µm circular holes and a pitch of 12.5µm. Transmission for this type of grid is 41%. The ultra-fine 2000 mesh TEM grid is supported by #4510 Synaptek 1 x 2mm slotted grid to give it the required stiffness. Total thickness of the graphene, 2000 mesh and Synaptek grid stack is approximately 108µm. The slot in the Synaptek grid is 1 x 2mm. The graphene sheet covers the complete TEM grid and leaves freestanding graphene covering the 6.5µm holes. Total usable area is approximately 75% in the 1 x 2mm slot area due to unavoidable folds and wrinkles in the graphene sheet. Available with single, 2, 3-5 and 6-8 layer graphene sheets. Research-ready product, suitable for UHR imaging or as an experimental platform. The specifications of the graphene are the same as mentioned above.

Graphene on PELCO Holey Silicon Nitride
Made in USA

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
Single Layer of Graphene on Ultra-fine Mesh Copper TEM Grid
21910-5 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene on Ultra-fine 2000 Mesh Copper TEM Grid supported by 1 x 2mm Synaptek™ Slotted Grid pkg/5 $193.45
21910-10 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene on Ultra-fine 2000 Mesh Copper TEM Grid supported by 1 x 2mm Synaptek™ Slotted Grid pkg/10 361.85
21910-25 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene on Ultra-fine 2000 Mesh Copper TEM Grid supported by 1 x 2mm Synaptek™ Slotted Grid pkg/25 836.85

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2 Layers of Graphene on Ultra-fine Mesh Copper TEM Grid
21920-5 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene on Ultra-fine 2000 Mesh Copper TEM Grid supported by 1 x 2mm Synaptek™ Slotted Grid pkg/5 $183.35
21920-10 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene on Ultra-fine 2000 Mesh Copper TEM Grid supported by 1 x 2mm Synaptek™ Slotted Grid pkg/10 352.20
21920-25 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene on Ultra-fine 2000 Mesh Copper TEM Grid supported by 1 x 2mm Synaptek™ Slotted Grid pkg/25 818.10

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
3-5 Layers of Graphene on Ultra-fine Mesh Copper TEM Grid
21940-5 PELCO® 3-5 Layer Graphene on Ultra-fine 2000 Mesh Copper TEM Grid supported by 1 x 2mm Synaptek™ Slotted Grid pkg/5 $183.35
21940-10 PELCO® 3-5 Layer Graphene on Ultra-fine 2000 Mesh Copper TEM Grid supported by 1 x 2mm Synaptek™ Slotted Grid pkg/10 352.20
21940-25 PELCO® 3-5 Layer Graphene on Ultra-fine 2000 Mesh Copper TEM Grid supported by 1 x 2mm Synaptek™ Slotted Grid pkg/25 818.10

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
6-8 Layers of Graphene on Ultra-fine Mesh Copper TEM Grid
21970-5 PELCO® 6-8 Layer Graphene on Ultra-fine 2000 Mesh Copper TEM Grid supported by 1 x 2mm Synaptek™ Slotted Grid pkg/5 $183.35
21970-10 PELCO® 6-8 Layer Graphene on Ultra-fine 2000 Mesh Copper TEM Grid supported by 1 x 2mm Synaptek™ Slotted Grid pkg/10 335.00
21970-25 PELCO® 6-8 Layer Graphene on Ultra-fine 2000 Mesh Copper TEM Grid supported by 1 x 2mm Synaptek™ Slotted Grid pkg/25 818.10

Graphene on PELCO Holey Silicon Nitride

Graphene on PELCO® Holey Silicon Nitride

This Graphene product is supported by #21535-10 Holey Silicon Nitride which has 2.5µm holes with a 4.5µm pitch in 200nm Si3N4 over a 0.5 x 0.5mm window size. The graphene sheet covers the complete window with the ultraflat Si3N4 holey membrane and leaves free standing graphene covering the 2.5µm holes. Total usable area is approx. 75% due to unavoidable folds and wrinkles in the graphene sheet. Available with single, 2, 3-5, and 6-8 layer graphene sheets. Research-ready product, suitable for UHR imaging or as ultra-flat experimental platform. The specifications of the graphene are the same as mentioned above.

Example of nanopatterning of an atomically thin matter-wave beam splitter from a single-layer Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride product. Ref: C. Brand, et. al. Nature Nanotechnology, Vol. 10, Oct. 2015


Made in USA

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
Single Layer of Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride
21712-5 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/5 $267.35
21712-10 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/10 500.00
21712-25 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm window pkg/25 1169.80

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2 Layers of Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride
21722-5 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/5 $246.75
21722-10 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/10 500.00
21722-25 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/25 1140.80

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
3-5 Layers of Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride
21742-5 PELCO® 3-5 Layer Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/5 $246.75
21742-10 PELCO® 3-5 Layer Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/10 495.15
21742-25 PELCO® 3-5 Layer Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/25 1140.80

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
6-8 Layers of Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride
21772-5 PELCO® 6-8 Layer Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/5 $255.90
21772-10 PELCO® 6-8 Layer Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/10 507.50
21772-25 PELCO® 6-8 Layer Graphene on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/25 1150.15

Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate

Graphene on the #21620-55 Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrates is offered to use as a research-ready experimental platform. The graphene sheet covers the complete 5x5mm diced substrate. Total usable area is approx. 75% due to unavoidable folds and wrinkles in the graphene sheet. Available with single, 2, 3-5, and 6-8 layer graphene sheets. Suitable for AFM imaging or as ultra-flat experimental platform. The specifications of the graphene are the same as mentioned above. Supplied in a Gel-Pak box and packed in class 10 clean room conditions. The Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate consists of a 200nm thermally grown SiO2 film on an ultra-flat silicon wafer with a normal thickness of 675 µm.
5 x 5mm Diced Ultra-Flat Wafer
5 x 5mm Diced Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrates with Graphene
Made in USA

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
Single Layer of Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2
21621-5 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/5 $203.90
21621-10 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/10 381.00
21621-25 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/25 886.85

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2 Layers of Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2
21622-5 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/5 $193.85
21622-10 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/10 371.55
21622-25 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/25 862.75

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
3-5 Layers of Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2
21624-5 PELCO® 3-5 Layer Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/5 $193.85
21624-10 PELCO® 3-5 Layer Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/10 371.55
21624-25 PELCO® 3-5 Layer Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/25 862.75

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
6-8 Layers of Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2
21626-5 PELCO® 6-8 Layer Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/5 $203.50
21626-10 PELCO® 6-8 Layer Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/10 381.35
21626-25 PELCO® 6-8 Layer Graphene on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/25 871.80

PELCO® Graphene Oxide TEM Support Films & Substrates

for TEM, SEM, SPM & Research

Available with single and 2-layer graphene oxide
on lacey carbon, holey silicon nitride, and ultra flat SiO2

Graphene TEM Support Films for TEM
2-layer Graphene Oxide Film on Lacey Carbon

PELCO® Graphene Oxide Films

The PELCO® Graphene Oxide films are based on the single and 2-layer PELCO® Graphene Films. The form in which they are offered is the same as the graphene films with the difference that the graphene films are oxidized using a proprietary oxidization process. This makes the films hydrophilic and more suitable for life science applications and research.

The graphene oxide films cover the entire lacey carbon,  holey silicon nitride or the silicon dioxide substrates. For technical details on supports, please look at the technical details of the single and 2-layer graphene films.

The user can expect to find around 70% graphene oxide coverage. Due to the fabrication process used some 10-100nm diameter pores are to be found randomly scattered about the graphene oxide film. In spite of this, we are convinced that this graphene oxide film is superior to the graphene oxide flakes which are offered by others.

The thickness of the single layer of graphene oxide film is 0.8 - 1.2nm as measured by EELS

The thickness of the 2-layer graphene oxide film is 1 - 1.5nm as measured by EELS.

EELS Spectrum from a 2-Layer Graphene Oxide Film on Lacey Carbon
EELS Spectrum from a 2-Layer Graphene Oxide Film on Lacey Carbon

PELCO® Graphene Oxide TEM Supports

The basic structure is the same as the graphene TEM supports; Lacey carbon on a 300mesh Cu grid and on top of the Lacey carbon is the graphene oxide. The graphene oxide films are research ready and offer large areas of graphene oxide over the complete TEM grid area. Available in packages of 5,10 or 25.

Made in USA

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
Single Layer of Graphene Oxide Support Films
21810-5 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene Oxide TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/5 $210.00
21810-10 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene Oxide TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/10 368.45
21810-25 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene Oxide TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/25 828.65

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2 Layers of Graphene Oxide Support Films
21820-5 PELCO® 2-layer Graphene Oxide TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/5 $205.30
21820-10 PELCO® 2-layer Graphene Oxide TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/10 340.00
21820-25 PELCO® 2-layer Graphene Oxide TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon, 300 Mesh Copper Grids pkg/25 794.15

Graphene Oxide on PELCO® Holey Silicon Nitride

Graphene oxide supported by #21535-10 holey silicon nitride which has 2.5µm holes with a 4.5µm pitch in 200nm SiNx over a 0.5x0.5mm window size. The graphene oxide is deposited over the complete 3mm frame on the flat side. Available in packages of 5,10 and 25.

Graphene Oxide on PELCO Holey Silicon Nitride
Made in USA

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
Single Layer of Graphene Oxide on Holey Silicon Nitride
21812-5 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene Oxide on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/5 $305.45
21812-10 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene Oxide on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/10 586.95
21812-25 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene Oxide on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm window pkg/25 1383.50

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2 Layers of Graphene Oxide on Holey Silicon Nitride
21822-5 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene Oxide on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/5 $286.90
21822-10 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene Oxide on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/10 555.25
21822-25 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene Oxide on Holey Silicon Nitride, 2.5µm Holes, 0.5 x 0.5mm Window pkg/25 1307.25

Graphene Oxide on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate

Graphene oxide on the #21620-55 Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrates is offered to use as a research-ready experimental platform. The graphene oxide covers the complete 5 x 5mm diced substrate. Total usable area is approximately 70%. Available with single and 2-layer graphene oxide packaged in a Gel-Pak® box under class 10 clean room conditions.

5 x 5mm Diced Ultra-Flat Wafer
5x5mm Diced Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrates with Graphene
Made in USA

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
Single Layer of Graphene Oxide on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2
21641-5 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene Oxide on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/5 $228.50
21641-10 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene Oxide on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/10 436.80
21641-25 PELCO® Single Layer Graphene Oxide on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/25 1045.95

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2 Layers of Graphene Oxide on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2
21642-5 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene Oxide on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/5 $218.40
21642-10 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene Oxide on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/10 421.90
21642-25 PELCO® 2-Layer Graphene Oxide on Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrate, 5 x 5mm pkg/25 1006.00