
Calibration Overview

Pelcotec™ CDMS, Pelcotec™ CDMS-XY,
Pelcotec™ Etched Si CDMS & Pelcotec™ Etched Si
CDMS-XY Critical Dimension Magnification Standards

Available as X axis only or XY axes in Low or High Resolution Scale choices with:

Regular Accreditation for Traceability or Certification to a NIST Standard

- or -

♦♦ ISO 17025:2017 Sampling Scope of Accreditation for Traceability or Certification to a NIST Standard

Easy to use and very useful for quick and precise SEM, FE-SEM, FIB, CD-SEM, LM, and AFM magnification calibration. Pelcotec™ CDMS Calibration Standards are available either as metallic lines on Si or as etched lines in Si with two feature size ranges for low or high resolution. They are offered either as traceable at the wafer level to a NIST standard or individually certified to a NIST standard with the option of certification to ISO 17025:2017 from AISthesis Products, Inc., as an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited calibration laboratory. CDMS products originally certified individually to ISO 17025:2017 can be recertified at a later date to the same standard in the originating calibration lab using our paid service. The newly added Etched Si CDMS products provide increased line edge quality, a 50nm pitch pattern (XY product only) and are ideal for low keV imaging (≤1keV).

CDMS Products with Metallic Lines
on the Si Substrate:
CDMS Products with Lines Etched
into the Si Substrate:
CDMS products with regular Accreditation
for Traceability or Certification to a NIST Standard

PELCO CDMS Critical Dimension Magification Standards   PELCO CDMS-XY Critical Dimension Magification Standards
Pelcotec™ CDMS Pelcotec™ CDMS-XY
Etched Si CDMS products with regular Accreditation
for Traceability or Certification to a NIST Standard

Si Etched PELCO CDMS ISO Critical Dimension Magification Standards   Si Etched PELCO CDMS-XY ISO Critical Dimension Magification Standards
NEW Pelcotec™
Etched Si CDMS
NEW Pelcotec™
Etched Si CDMS-XY
♦♦ CDMS products with ISO 17025:2017
Sampling Scope of Accreditation for Traceability
or Certification to a NIST Standard


PELCO CDMS ISO Critical Dimension Magification Standards   PELCO CDMS-XY ISO Critical Dimension Magification Standards
NEW Pelcotec™
NEW Pelcotec™
♦♦ Etched Si CDMS products with ISO 17025:2017
Sampling Scope of Accreditation for Traceability
or Certification to a NIST Standard


Si Etched PELCO CDMS ISO Critical Dimension Magification Standards   Si Etched PELCO CDMS-XY ISO Critical Dimension Magification Standards
NEW Pelcotec™
Etched Si CDMS ISO
NEW Pelcotec™ Etched

CDMS product supplied with regular certification from AISthesis Products, Inc., as the calibration laboratory.

♦♦ CDMS product supplied with certification to ISO 17025:2017 requirement from AISthesis Products, Inc.
as an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited calibration laboratory.

Certificate Number: 4904.01