
Vacuum Supplies & Equipment Overview
SEM Supplies Overview | Semiconductor Storage Boxes & Trays
PELCO® Pro Gold Plated Tweezers

Mica & Single Crystal Substrates,
Silicon Chip Specimen Supports & Wafers,
Gold Coated Silicon Wafers, Slides & Coverslips

Mica Substrates for AFM, TEM and SEM

mica disks for sem
Mica Discs
Highest Grade V1
Highest Grade Mica Sheets
Highest Grade
Mica Sheets V1
Hi-Grade Mica Grade V2
Hi-Grade Mica
Grade V2
mica sheets
Mica Sheets V5
silicon chip supports for sem
Silicon Chip Supports
Pelcotec™ SFG12 Finder Grid Substrate
Pelcotec™ SFG12
Finder Grid Substrate
Silicon Wafer
Silicon Wafers

NEW styles available!
Gold Coated Silicon Wafers
Gold Coated Silicon Wafers
Gold Coated Slide and Coverslips
Gold Coated Glass Coverslips
Gold Coated Glass
Slides & Coverslips
6" Silicon Wafer5 x 5mm SiO2 diced wafer
Ultra-Flat Silicon Wafers,
Stealth-Diced Ultra-Flat Wafers, Ultra-Flat Thermal SiO2 Substrates
6" Silicon Wafer5 x 5mm SiO2 diced wafer
Ulta-Flat SiNx Coated Wafers, Stealth Diced Ultra-Flat SiNx on Silicon Substrates
Silicon Nitride Disks for SEM, FESEM, AFM
Silicon Nitride
Single Crystal Substrates
Single Crystal
PELCO Quartz Substrate Discs
PELCO® Quartz
Glass Substrate Discs
sapphire discs
PELCO® Sapphire
Substrate Discs
Coverslip Pick-Up Tool
Handi-Vac® Coverslip
Pick-Up Tool
Wafer Carriers, polypropylene
NEW Die & Sample
Storage Trays
Wafer Carriers, polypropylene
Semiconductor Storage

Freshly cleaved muscovite mica surfaces have an outstanding even surface, are optically flat, clear, transparent, scratchless and free from fingerprints. They are very useful in electron microscopy for production of carbon support films, particle imaging, cell growing and thin film coating research. Muscovite mica surface are also suitable as substrates for high resolution atomic force microcopy studies such as DNA, DNA-protein and thin films.

Cleaving mica involves insertion of a sharp edge or point into an edge or corner of the sheet and gently prying apart the leaves. A good sharp razor blade edge will do the job and in some cases a sharp pointed tweezer may accomplish this.. The freshly exposed micro surface should be used immediately after cleaving to take advantage of the clean and even surface. The muscovite mica is die cut to the sizes offered. The thickness of the mica sheets varies between 0.18 - 0.25mm (0.007 - 0.01") which yields much thinner, uniform sheets.

Cleaving can also be achieved by placing a double coated piece of tape onto the mica surface and gently pulling off the mica layer starting on one edge of the mica. Then place mica with tape side down on to a specimen disc or mount. Muscovite mica cleaves on the {001} plane. Ruby muscovite color ranges from almost white through pink to a light ruby and into shades of brownish ruby and brown. It is considered of higher quality (compared to green muscovite) because of hardness and excellent cleavage properties permitting it to be split into the thinnest desired film without the risk of cracking. It is optically flat, resilient and incompressible. While it splits into thin films along its cleavage planes, it remains tough and elastic, even at high temperatures. Chemically, mica is a complex hydrous silicate of aluminum, containing potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium fluoride and/or lithium and traces of other elements. It is stable and inert to water, acids (except hydrofluoric and concentrated sulfuric acids), alkalis, conventional solvents and oil. Our mica has minimum inclusions, minimum air and bubbles and is clean. ASTM D-351 describes grading standards for mica.

Properties and Chemical Composition of Mica Grade V1

Mica Grades
Mica grades from V-1 to V-5 with V-1 being the highest quality.
V-1 Clear, hard, of uniform color, nearly flat, free from stains, foreign inclusions, cracks and other similar defects.
V-2 Clear and slightly stained. May contain slight crystallographic discoloration and very slight air inclusions in one fourth of the usable area.
V-3 Fair stained. Hard, of uniform color, may contain slight waves, slight crystallographic discoloration, and medium air inclusions in not more than one half of the usable area.
V-4 Good stained. Hard, of uniform color, may contain medium waves. Slight crystallographic discoloration and medium air inclusions in not more than two thirds of the usable area.
V-5 Stained A quality. Hard, may contain medium air inclusions, uniformly distributed in the usable area, slight green vegetable stains and medium waviness.

AFM Mica Discs for mounting atomic force microscopy specimens afm consumables

AFM Mica Discs

Highest quality grade V1 mica, 0.21mm (0.0085”) thick. Interleaved, in packages of 10. Can be mounted on AFM/STM discs.
Available in four diameters:
10mm (0.39")
12mm (0.47")
15mm (0.59")
20mm (0.79")

See this link for Properties and chemical composition of Mica Grade V1

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
50 Highest Grade V1 AFM Mica Discs, 10mm pkg/10 $9.98
50-12 Highest Grade V1 AFM Mica Discs, 12mm pkg/10 13.75
50-15 Highest Grade V1 AFM Mica Discs, 15mm pkg/10 15.85
50-20 Highest Grade V1 AFM Mica Discs, 20mm pkg/10 21.75

highest grade mica sheets grade v1

Highest Grade Mica Sheets

Highest quality Grade V1
0.15 to 0.177mm (0.006 - 0.007") thick
Sheets interleaved
Various sizes

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
56-15 Highest Grade V1 Mica, 15 x 15mm (0.59 x 0.59") pkg/10 $15.50
56-25 Highest Grade V1 Mica, 25 x 25mm (1 x 1") pkg/10 45.00
56 Highest Grade V1 Mica, 25 x 75mm (1 x 3") pkg/10 36.50
56-75 Highest Grade V1 Mica, 50 x 75mm (2 x 3") pkg/10 59.50
56-100 Highest Grade V1 Mica, 100 x 75mm (4 x 3") pkg/5 180.00

hi-grade mica grade v2

Hi-Grade Mica

Grade V2
0.23 to 0.3mm (0.009 - 0.012") thick
Sheets interleaved
Various sizes

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
52-15 Hi-Grade Mica, Grade V2, 15 x 15mm (0.59 x 0.59") pkg/10 $13.50
52-25 Hi-Grade Mica, Grade V2, 25 x 25mm (1 x 1") pkg/10 14.90
52-6 Hi-Grade Mica, Grade V2, 25 x 25mm (1 x 1") pkg/20 23.50
52-19 Hi-Grade Mica, Grade V2, 25 x 75mm (1 x 3") pkg/10 47.50
52-75 Hi-Grade Mica, Grade V2, 50 x 75mm (2 x 3") pkg/10 72.50

mica sheets grade v5

PELCO® Mica Sheets, Grade V5

Various sizes available, presenting many fresh, clean surfaces for such EM applications as carbon filming and particle spraying. Thickness, 0.23mm - 0.3mm (0.009" - 0.12").

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
53-15 PELCO® Mica Sheets, Grade V5, 15 x 15mm (0.59 x 0.59") pkg/10 $7.80
53-25 PELCO® Mica Sheets, Grade V5, 25 x 25mm (1 x 1") pkg/10 10.60
54 PELCO® Mica Sheets, Grade V5, 10 x 40mm (0.39 x 1.57") pkg/100 27.80
53 PELCO® Mica Sheets, Grade V5, 25 x 75mm (1 x 3"), pkg/20 15.20
52 PELCO® Mica Sheets, Grade V5, 50 x 75mm (2 x 3"), pkg/10 16.80

Coverslip Pick-Up Tool

Handi-Vac® Coverslip Pick-Up Tool

Simple hand actuated vacuum pump with 1/2" straight tip and 9.3mm (3/8") silicone cup to pick up coverslips, mica and Si chips.

  • ESD safe rubber body
  • Will pick-up and hold up to 35g
  • Easily picks up cover glasses, mica or silicon discs for accurate placement
  • No scratch silicone rubber cup
  • More user friendly than conventional metal tweezers
Coverslip Pick-Up Tool

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
528-99 Handi-Vac® Coverslip Pick-Up Tool each $21.85

silicon chip supports for scanning electron microscopy

Silicon Chip Specimen Supports low background specimen supports for SEM viewing

Silicon chips are opaque, of low electrical resistance and have surface properties equal to glass (including smoothness). They are also good substrates for growing or mounting cells. Silicon chips are precleaned before packaging. Also ideal for imaging small particles due to low background signal.

Availability: 4" wafer (#16010) is precut into 3 x 3mm, 5 x 7mmm, 5 x 5mm, 10 x 10mm, 20 x 20 mm or 20 x 30mm chips that can be easily separated in the laboratory.

  • 4" wafer precut into 3 x 3mm chips approximately 600 chips/wafer
  • 4" wafer precut into 5 x 7mm chips approximately 187 chips/wafer
  • 4" wafer precut into 5 x 5mm chips approximately 270 chips/wafer
  • 4" wafer precut into 10 x 10mm chips approximately 55 chips/wafer
  • 4" wafer precut into 20 x 20mm chips approximately 10 chips/wafer
  • 4" wafer precut into 20 x 30mm chips approximately 6 chips/wafer


  • Orientation: <100>
  • Resistivity: 1-30 Ohm-cm
  • Type: P (Boron) (1 primary flat)
  • No SiO2 top coating
  • Wafer thickness: 18-21 mil (460-530µm)
  • Wafer is polished on one side
  • Roughness: 2nm
  • Before dicing they are rinsed in de-ionized water for cleaning

courtesy K.R. Peters
Peters, K.R., 1985. Working at higher magnifications in scanning electron microscopy with secondary and backscattered electrons on metal coated biological specimens and imaging macromolecular cell membrane structures. Scanning Electron Microscopy, IV:159.
Apkarian, R.P., High-resolution signal detection of specimen-specific secondary electrons in an analytical SEM, "Proc.. 44th Ann. Meeting of the EMSA", 1986, G.W. Bailey, Ed., San Francisco Press, 658

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16003 4" (10cm) dia., 3 x 3mm diced Silicon Wafer, 600 chips/wafer, each $130.00
16007 4" (10cm) dia., 5 x 7mm diced Silicon Wafer, 187 chips/wafer, each 110.00
16008 4" (10cm) dia., 5 x 5mm diced Silicon Wafer, 270 chips/wafer each 110.00
16006 4" (10cm) dia., 10 x 10mm diced Silicon Wafer, 55 chips/wafer each 110.00
16004 4" (10cm) dia., 20 x 20mm diced Silicon Wafer, 10 chips/wafer each 110.00
16005 4" (10cm) dia., 20 x 30mm diced Silicon Wafer, 6 chips/wafer each 110.00

Pelcotec™ SFG12 Finder Grid Substrate

Pelcotec™ SFG12 Finder Grid Substrate

The innovative Pelcotec™ SFG12 finder grid substrate is a flat, conductive silicon substrate with a die size of 12.5 x 12.5mm. It is covered with a 1 x 1mm raster giving a total of 12x12=144 fields. Each field has a unique label using an alphanumeric pattern. The lines and labels are precision laser etched in the silicon surface. It is the best combination of a flat specimen support and an SEM finder grid.

This unique and innovative product has some resemblance with an engraved SEM specimen mount, but it has a number of additional advantages:
  • Flat - there are no height differences like with copper finder grids
  • Fine pattern over a large area - better defined than engraved SEM mounts
  • Low background signal - same as with Si chip substrates
  • For EDX analysis only one element (Si) from the finder substrate
  • Practical and easy to navigate - 1mm spacing with 144 fields
  • Pattern is visible with naked eye, preparation microscope and SEM
  • Gives an approximate size at (very) low magnification
  • Can easily be mounted on SEM sample stubs - compatible with most popular sizes
  • Can be used with SEM, FIB, XPS/ESCA, Auger and LM
Specifications of the silicon substrate used: prime virgin silicon wafer, P Boron doped, <100> orientation, resistivity of 0.5-35 ohm/cm, thickness 645 µm ±55µm.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
21480 Pelcotec™ Silicon SFG12 Finder Grid Substrate each $27.25

Silicon Wafer

1", 2", 3", 4" and 6" Silicon Wafers

NEW styles available!

These 1", 2", 3", 4" and 6" (25.4, 50.8, 76.2, 100, 150mm) diameter silicon wafers can be used either as a substrate for thin film research or to make smaller substrates by dicing the wafer into pieces using Scribing and Cleaving Kits and hand tools. The wafer is shipped in a coin-style wafer carrier.

Wafer Mounting Film


  • Orientation: <100> for 1", 2", 3", 4" and 6" wafer <111> for 3" P type
  • Resistivity: 1-50 Ohm-cm
  • Type P: (Boron) (1 primary flat)
  • Type N: Phosphorous doped (1 primary flat)
  • No SiO2 top coating
  • Wafer thickness:
Ø1" = 0.010 - 0.012" (275 - 325µm)
Ø2" = 0.010 - 0.012"(255 - 305µm)
Ø3" = 0.013 - 0.017" (330 - 420µm)
Ø4" = 0.020 - 0.021" (505 - 545µm)
Ø6" = 0.023 - 0.027" (585 - 695µm)
  • Roughness: 2nm
  • TTV: ≤5µm
  • Bow/Warp: ≤30µm
  • Wafer is polished on one side, etched on the other

Prod # Description Unit Qty Price Order / Quote
16011 Ø1" Silicon Wafer, Type P / <100> each 1-9 $45.90
10+ 43.70
16012 Ø2" Silicon Wafer, Type P / <100> each 1-9 28.95
10+ 27.50
21605 NEW Ø3" Silicon Wafer, Type P / <100> each 1-9 40.00
10+ 38.00
16013 Ø3" Silicon Wafer, Type P / <111> each 1-9 32.30
10+ 30.65
16010 Ø4" Silicon Wafer, Type P / <100> each 1-9 42.70
10+ 40.60
16015 Ø6" Silicon Wafer, Type P / <100> each 1-9 60.40
10+ 57.40
21601 NEW Ø1" Silicon Wafer, Type N / <100> each 1-9 55.00
10+ 52.25
21602 NEW Ø2" Silicon Wafer, Type N / <100> each 1-9 37.00
10+ 36.05
21603 NEW Ø3" Silicon Wafer, Type N / <100> each 1-9 40.00
10+ 38.00
21604 NEW Ø4" Silicon Wafer, Type N / <100> each 1-9 62.00
10+ 58.90
21606 NEW Ø6" Silicon Wafer, Type N / <100> each 1-9 83.00
10+ 78.85

6" Silicon Wafer
Ultra-Flat 4" Silicon Wafer

Ultra-Flat 4" Silicon Wafers

Ultra-Flat 4" Silicon Wafer for demanding substrate studies. Can also be used as substrate for AFM or SEM samples by dicing the wafer into smaller pieces using a Scriber and the Wafer Cleaving / Glass Breaking Pliers. The 4" ultra-flat silicon wafer is shipped in a  4" Wafer Carrier.

Properties for 4" (100mm) Ultra-Flat Wafer:

  • Orientation: <100>
  • Type/Dopant: P/Boron
  • Grade: Prime / CZ Virgin
  • Resistivity: 10-20 Ohm-cm
  • Thickness: 525µm +/- 20µm
  • TTV: <4.00µm
  • SFPD: <2.0µm
  • Warp: ≤30µm
  • Bow: ≤20µm
  • Particles: ≤20@≥0.3µm
  • Front Surface: Polished
  • Back Surface: Etched
  • Flat: 2 per SEMI Standard
  • Site Flatness: <2.0µm
  • Roughness: Typically 2-3Å

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
21610-4 Ø4" Ultra-Flat Silicon Wafer, Type <100> each $100.40

6" Silicon Wafer
Ultra-Flat 6" Silicon Wafer

5 x 5mm SiO2 diced wafer
5 x 5mm, 5 x 7mm,
10 x 10mm stealth-diced
Ultra-Flat Wafers

Ultra-Flat 6" Silicon Wafers

Ultra-Flat 6" diameter Silicon Wafer for demanding substrate studies. The 6" ultra-flat silicon wafer is shipped in a 6" Wafer Carrier.

Also available as 5 x 5mm, 5 x 7mm, 10 x10mm stealth-diced dies in Gel-Pak® boxes. Stealth dicing eliminates edge-chipping and cutting debris associated with saw dicing, providing the cleanest, most uniform product possible. All products are packed in class 10 clean room conditions.

Properties for 6" (150mm) Ultra-Flat Wafer:

  • Material: CZ Virgin Silicon Wafer
  • Grade: Prime
  • Diameter: 150mm
  • Orientation: <100>
  • Type/Dopant: P/Boron
  • Resistivity: 10-20 ohm-cm
  • Thickness: 675µm +/- 20µm
  • TTV: ≤2µm
  • Site Flatness: <=1µm
  • Warp: ≤30µm
  • Bow: ≤20µm
  • Particles: ≤30@≥0.2µm
  • Front Surface: Polished
  • Back Surface: Etched
  • Flat: 1 per SEMI Standard

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
21610-6 Ø6" Ultra-Flat Silicon Wafer, Type <100> each $110.55
21610-55 5 x 5mm stealth-diced Ultra-Flat Wafer, Type <100>, in a Gel-Pak® box box/25 150.05
21610-57 5 x 7mm stealth-diced Ultra-Flat Wafer, Type <100>, in a Gel-Pak® box box/18 150.05
21610-510 10 x 10mm stealth-diced Ultra-Flat Wafer, Type <100>, in a Gel-Pak® box box/6 150.05

6" Silicon Wafer
Ultra-Flat Thermal 6" SiO2 Wafer

5 x 5mm SiO2 diced wafer
5 x 5mm Diced Ultra-flat Thermal SiO2 Substrates

Ultra-Flat Thermal SiO2 Substrates

The Ultra-Flat SiO2 substrates consist of a 200nm thermally grown amorphous SiO2 film on an ultra-flat silicon wafer. SiO2 is one of the most characterized materials and is widely used in semiconductor manufacturing, thin film research and as substrate for growing cells. It can be directly used as substrate for AFM and SEM imaging. The ultra-flat thermal silicon dioxide substrates are available in 6" wafer and conveniently diced 5 x 5mm, 5 x 7mm and 10 x 10mm chips. The 6" wafer is shipped in a 6" Wafer Carrier, the diced pieces are shipped in a Gel-Pak® box.

The special clean dicing process involves coating the wafer with photo resist before dicing and removing it after dicing which produces debris-free SiO2 substrates. All products are packed in class 10 clean room conditions.

Properties for thermal SiO2 substrates:

  • Material: CZ Virgin Silicon Wafer
  • Grade: Prime
  • Diameter: 150mm
  • Orientation: <100>
  • Type/Dopant: P/Boron
  • Resistivity: 10-20 Ohm-cm
  • Thickness: 675 +/- 25µm
  • TTV: ≤2µm
  • Site Flatness: ≤1µm
  • Warp: ≤30µm
  • Bow: ≤20µm
  • Particles: ≤20@≥0.2µm
  • Front Surface: Polished
  • Back Surface: Etched
  • Flat: 1 per SEMI Standard
  • 2000A +/- 5% Thermal Oxide

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
21620-6 200nm Thermal Oxide on ø6" Ultra-Flat Wafer, Type <100>, in 6" wafer carrier each $211.65
21620-55 200nm Thermal Oxide on 5 x 5mm diced Ultra-Flat Wafer, Type <100>, in Gel-Pak® box box/25 166.70
21620-57 200nm Thermal Oxide on 5 x 7mm diced Ultra-Flat Wafer, Type <100>, in Gel-Pak® box box/18 180.00
21620-510 200nm Thermal Oxide on 10 x 10mm diced Ultra-Flat Wafer, Type <100>, in Gel-Pak® box box/6 166.70

6" Silicon Wafer
Ultra-Flat SiNx Coated Wafer

5 x 5mm SiO2 diced wafer
5 x 5mm Diced Ultra-Flat SiNx on Silicon Substrates

Ultra-Flat SiNx Coated Substrates

The Ultra-Flat SiNx Substrates consist of ultra-flat silicon wafers coated with 200nm of amorphous nonstoichiometric ultra low-stress silicon nitride, similar to our silicon nitride grids. The ultra-flat SiNx substrates are available in 6" wafer and conveniently diced 5 x 5mm, 5 x 7mm and 10 x 10mm chips. The 6" wafer is shipped in a 6" Wafer Carrier; the diced pieces are shipped in a Gel-Pak® Box.

The wafers are stealth diced, a special clean dicing process which produces debris-free substrates. All products are packed in class 10 clean room conditions.

Properties for thermal SiNx substrates:

  • Material: CZ Virgin Silicon
  • Wafer Grade: Prime
  • Diameter: 150mm
  • Orientation: <100>
  • Type/Dopant: P/Boron
  • Resistivity: 10-20 Ohm-cm
  • Thickness: 675 +/- 25µm
  • TTV: ≤2µm
  • Site Flatness: ≤1µm
  • Warp: ≤30µm
  • Bow: ≤20µm
  • Front Surface: Polished
  • Back Surface: Etched
  • Flat: 1 per SEMI Standard
  • 2000A +/- 100A SiNx

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
21630-6 200nm SiNx on Ultra-Flat Silicon Wafer, in 6" wafer carrier each $445.20
21630-55 200nm SiNx on Ultra-Flat Silicon Wafer, 5 x 5mm pieces in a Gel-Pak® box box/25 233.35
21630-57 200nm SiNx on Ultra-Flat Silicon Wafer, 5 x 7mm pieces in a Gel-Pak® box box/18 233.35
21630-510 200nm SiNx on Ultra-Flat Silicon Wafer, 10 x 10mm pieces in a Gel-Pak® box box/6 233.35

Silicon Nitride Disks for SEM, FESEM, AFM
Silicon Nitride Blank

Silicon Nitride Coated 3mm Discs (blanks)

These 3mm silicon discs have an ultra flat (RA of 0.45 ±0.02nm) 50nm ultra low stress silicon nitride layer (Si3N4) on both sides and can be used for a number of applications:

  • Specimen mounts for SEM and FESEM applications
  • Specimen discs for AFM applications which need a Si3N4 background
  • Blanks to build the PELCO® Liquid Cell™ together with the PELCO® Silicon Nitride Membrane

More Information on Silicon Nitride Support Films

  • Film thickness: 50nm ultra low stress Si3N4 on both sides
  • Disc thickness: 200µm silicon support
  • Disc diameter: 3mm
  • Surface roughness: The RMS (Rq) is 0.65 +/- 0.06nm which gives a mean roughness (Ra) of 0.45 +/- 0.02nm
  • Packaging The PELCO® Silicon Nitride Discs are packaged under cleanroom conditions in a vial holding 10 discs.


Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
21555-10 PELCO® Silicon Nitride Ø3mm Disks vial/10 $125.00

Single Crystal Substrates

Single Crystal Substrates (NaCl, KBr and KCl)

High purity, optical grade single crystals of sodium chloride (NaCl), potassium bromide (KBr) and potassium chloride (KCl) form excellent substrates to grow epitaxial films. The orientation of the vacuum coated thin films is directly related to the orientation of the single crystal substrate thereby creating single crystal films. Ideal for thin film research, education and studies of properties of single crystal films. Impurities are less than 1%.

All three materials are supplied with (100) orientation with a crystal size of 10 x 10 x 10mm in packs of 5. For most applications it is advisable to use freshly cleaved substrates. The cleaved surfaces produce atomically flat areas; however, cleavage steps over different atomic planes should be expected.

SDS 46-2 (531KB PDF) | SDS 46-6 (527KB PDF) | SDS 46-8 (635KB PDF)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
46-2 NaCl Crystals, 10 x 10 x 10mm pkg/5 $46.50
46-6 KBr Crystals, 10 x 10 x 10mm pkg/5 46.00
46-8 KCl Crystals, 10 x 10 x 10mm pkg/5 40.55

PELCO Quartz Substrate Discs

PELCO® Quartz Glass Substrate Discs

The PELCO® Quartz Glass Discs or Wafers are made from high quality fused quartz (glassy, amorphous material - not a single crystal) (Technical Data on GE 124 Quartz) ground and optical-grade clear polished on both sides. The discs are ideal as substrates for thin film research and are also suitable for optical research. These quartz wafers have excellent chemical resistance against a wide variety of solvents. They have also excellent heat resistance with high dimensional stability over a wide temperature range. Transparency is provided for 0.19 to 4.2µm with very low absorbance in the 0.26 to 2.6µm range. Surface flatness is ±1 degree with 60/40 scratch/dig specifications. Available in sizes from 1" to 4" diameter with thickness of 1/16" and 1/8".

Wafer Carriers
Quartz Glass Microscope Slides
Vacuum Evaporation Supplies

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16001-1 Quartz Disc, Ø25.4mm x 1.6mm (Ø1" x 1/16"), polished each $13.20
16001-2 Quartz Disc, Ø25.4mm x 3.2mm (Ø1" x 1/8"), polished each 13.20
16002-1 Quartz Disc, Ø50.8mm x 1.6mm (Ø2" x 1/16"), polished each 35.20
16002-2 Quartz Disc, Ø50.8mm x 3.2mm (Ø2" x 1/8"), polished each 37.40
16003-1 Quartz Disc, Ø76.2mm x 1.6mm (Ø3" x 1/16"), polished each 63.80
16003-2 Quartz Disc, Ø76.2mm x 3.2mm (Ø3" x 1/8"), polished each 68.20
16004-1 Quartz Disc, Ø101.6mm x 1.6mm (Ø4" x 1/16"), polished each 92.40
16004-2 Quartz Disc, Ø101.6mm x 3.2mm (Ø4" x 1/8"), polished each 99.00

sapphire discs

PELCO® Sapphire Substrate Discs

The PELCO® Sapphire Discs or Wafers are made from high purity clear sapphire (Al2O3), ground and optically clear polished on both sides. (Technical Data for Sapphire). Sapphire has a wide transmission range; from 150 to 6000nm with low absorbance in the 300 to 4500nm range. The discs are ideal as substrates for thin film research and are suitable for optical research. Excellent resistance against a wide range of chemicals. Surface polish to one microinch or better on each face. Tolerances are ±0.001" (0.025mm) in diameter and thickness; flatness to 0.0003" (0.0008mm) or better. Available in 0.5" (12.7mm), 0.75" (19mm) and 1" (25.4mm) diameter with a choice of thickness between 0.010" or 0.125" (0.25 or 3.2mm).
Wafer Carriers

Vacuum Evaporation Supplies

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16005-0520 Sapphire Substrate Disc, Ø12.7mm x 0.5mm (Ø0.5" x 0.020"), polished each $24.80
16005-0540 Sapphire Substrate Disc, Ø12.7mm x 1mm (Ø0.5" x 0.040"), polished each 27.00
16005-0720 Sapphire Substrate Disc, Ø19.0mm x 0.5mm (Ø0.75" x 0.020"), polished each 29.50
16005-0740 Sapphire Substrate Disc, Ø19.0mm x 1.0mm (Ø0.75" x 0.040"), polished each 30.60
16005-1010 Sapphire Substrate Disc, Ø25.4mm x 0.3mm (Ø1" x 0.010"), polished each 40.50
16005-1020 Sapphire Substrate Disc, Ø25.4mm x 0.5mm (Ø1" x 0.020"), polished each 36.90
16005-1040 Sapphire Substrate Disc, Ø25.4mm x 1.0mm (Ø1" x 0.040"), polished each 40.60
16005-10125 Sapphire Substrate Disc, Ø25.4mm x 3.2mm (Ø1" x 0.125"), polished each 46.00

PELCO® Gold Coated Silicon Wafers
4" Gold Coated Silicon Wafer
held by Carbon Wafer Tweezers
2" Gold Coated Silicon Wafers
2" Gold Coated Silicon Wafer
in wafer carrier

PELCO® Gold Coated Silicon Wafers

2" and 4" gold coated silicon wafers, useful for a variety of applications such as SEM or AFM supports, nanotechnology and biotechnology. Both Cr and Au are evaporated on the silicon wafers using a vacuum evaporation system with chromium between the glass and the gold to serve as an adhesion layer. The gold surface is not atomically flat, but has bumps in the nm range. The wafers are packed and shipped in a wafer carrier. Au coating should be stable to about 175° C; above that temperature delamination could occur.


  • Wafer: thickness  4”, 460 - 530µm, 2”, 254 – 301µm,  <111> orientation, P-type
  • Chromium adhesion layer thickness: 5nm
  • Gold layer thickness: 50nm (±5nm)
  • Diameter: 2" or 4"

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16012-G Gold Coated Ø2" Silicon Wafer, 50nm Au on 500µm P-type <111> Si wafer each $147.40
16010-G Gold Coated Ø4" Silicon Wafer, 50nm Au on 279µm P-type <111> Si wafer each 408.10

Gold Coated Slide and Coverslips

PELCO® Gold Coated Microscope Slide

High quality glass, standard microscope slides coated with 50nm of gold with a 5nm chromium adhesion layer between the glass slide surface and the gold coating. Can be used for a wide range of nanotechnology, biotechnology and AFM applications. Also suitable as an opaque microscopy support. Both Cr and Au are evaporated on the glass slide using a vacuum evaporation system. The gold surface is not atomically flat, but has bumps in the nm range. The gold slides are individually packed in a slide mailer. The gold slides are autoclavable.

Glass slide: 75 x 25mm , 1mm thickness, soda lime glass
Chromium adhesion layer thickness: 5nm
Gold layer thickness: 50nm (+/- 5nm)
Gold purity: 99.999%

PELCO® Pro Gold Plated Tweezers

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
26002-G Gold Coated 75 x 25mm Microscope slide, 50nm Au each $92.40

Gold Coated Slide and Coverslips

PELCO® Gold Coated Glass Coverslips

High quality, borosilicate glass coverslips coated with 50nm of gold with a 5nm chromium adhesion layer between the coverslip surface and the gold coating. Can be used for a wide range of nanotechnology, biotechnology and AFM application. Both Cr and Au are evaporated on the glass coverslips using a vacuum evaporation system. The gold surface is not atomically flat, but has bumps in the nm range. The coverslips are sold in packs of 2 and are packed in an X0 Gel-Pak box. The gold coated coverslips are autoclavable.

Glass coverslips size: Ø16mm with thickness #1 (0.13-0.16mm) or 22x22mm with thickness #2 (0.19-0.25mm)
Glass type: Schott D263M borosilicate
Chromium adhesion layer thickness: 5nm
Gold substrate layer thickness: 50nm (±5nm)
Gold purity: 99.999%

PELCO® Pro Gold Plated Tweezers

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
260156-G Gold Coated 22 x 22mm Glass Coverslips, 50nm Au pkg/2 $106.70
260374-G Gold Coated Ø16mm Glass Coverslips, 50nm Au pkg/2 77.00