
BudgetSensors Overview

budget sensors atomic force microscopy probes

Silicon AFM Tapping Mode Probes

Tapping Mode
TAP 300
Soft Tapping Mode
TAP 150
Tapping Mode
TAP 190

Force Modulation Probes MFM Probes Contact Mode Probes
SiNi Probes All-in-One Probes Cantilever Tweezers

Model >>> Tap300-G / Tap300AL-G / Tap300GD-G / Tap300GB-G / ElectriTap300-G / Tap300DLC

Technical Data:
  Value Range
Resonant Freq. 300 kHz +/-100 kHz
Force Constant 40 N/m 20 - 75 N/m
Length 125 µm +/-10 µm
Mean Width 30 µm +/-5 µm
Thickness 4 µm +/-1 µm
Tip Height 17 µm +/-2 µm
Tip Set Back 15 µm +/-5 µm
Tip Radius

<10 nm (Tap 300; 300AL; 300GD)
<25nm (Electri-Tap 300)
<15nm (Tap300DLC)
Also see individual probes.

Half Cone Angle 20°-25° along cantilever axis
25°-30° from side
10°-at the apex
silicon afm probe, tap300 drawing

Tap300-G Tip radius <10nm
Application: Tapping, Intermittent Contact
General: Rotated Monolithic silicon probe
Symmetric Tip Shape
Alignment Grooves
(Chipsize 3.4 x 1.6 x 0.3mm)
Coating: None
tap 300 silicon afm probe

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
TAP300-G-10 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 300 -G, no coating pkg/10 $200.00
TAP300-G-50 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 300 -G, no coating pkg/50 850.00
TAP300-G-W Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 300 -G, no coating pkg/380 P.O.R.

Tap300AL-G Tip radius <10nm
Application: Tapping, Intermittent Contact
General: Rotated Monolithic silicon probe
Symmetric Tip Shape
Alignment Grooves
(Chip size 3.4 x 1.6 x 0.3mm)
Coating: 30nm Al for enhanced reflectivity
tap 300 al silicon afm probe

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
TAP300AL-G-10 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 300 AL -G, Aluminum Reflex Coating pkg/10 $210.00
TAP300AL-G-50 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 300 AL -G, Aluminum Reflex Coating pkg/50 890.00
TAP300AL-G-W Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 300 AL -G, Aluminum Reflex Coating pkg/380 P.O.R.

Tap300GD-G Tip radius <10nm
Application: Non-contact, Tapping
General: Rotated Monolithic silicon probe
Symmetric Tip Shape
Alignment Grooves
(Chip size 3.4 x 1.6 x 0.3mm)
Coating: 70nm Au on back of cantilever
tap 300 gd silicon afm probe

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
TAP300GD-G-10 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 300 GD -G, part Au coating pkg/10 $325.00
TAP300GD-G-50 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 300 GD -G, part Au coating pkg/50 1350.00

Tap300GB Tip radius <25nm
Application: Non-contact, Tapping, special application
General: Rotated Monolithic silicon probe
Symmetric Tip Shape
Alignment Grooves or no Grooves
(Chip size 3.4 x 1.6 x 0.3mm)
Coating: 70nm Au on both sides of cantilever
tap 300 gb silicon afm probe

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
TAP300GB-G-10 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 300 GB, overall Au coating pkg/10 $325.00
TAP300GB-G-50 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 300 GB, overall Au coating pkg/50 1350.00

ElectriTap300-G Tip radius <25nm
Application: Tapping, Intermittent Contact Mode and Electric Modes like:
• Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM)
• Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM)
• Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KFM)
• Scanning Probe Lithography
General: Rotated Monolithic silicon probe
Symmetric Tip Shape
Alignment Grooves
(Chip size 3.4 x 1.6 x 0.3mm)
Coating: Electrically conductive Cr/Pt on both sides of cantilever. 5nm Cr covered with 25nm Pt.
electritap 300 silicon afm probe

Contact Resistance: 300 ohms on Pt thin film surface
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
TAP300E-G-10 Silicon AFM Probes, ElectriTap 300 -G, overall Cr/Pt Coating pkg/10 $240.00
TAP300E-G-50 Silicon AFM Probes, ElectriTap 300 -G, overall Cr/Pt Coating pkg/50 1050.00

TAP300DLC Tip radius <15nm
Application: Tapping, Intermittent Contact Mode
General: Rotated Monolithic silicon probe
Symmetric Tip Shape
Alignment grooves
(Chip size 3.4 x 1.6 x 0.3mm)
Coating: Diamond-Like-Coating on tip side of cantilever, 15nm thick
Aluminum Reflex coating on detector side of cantilever, 30nm thick
This probe uses an "on scan angle" symmetric tip to provide a more symmetric representation of features over 200nm.
tap300dlc silicon afm probe

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
TAP300DLC-10 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 300 DLC, DLC coating on tip pkg/10 $360.00
TAP300DLC-50 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 300 DLC, DLC coating on tip pkg/50 1530.00

go to BudgetComboBox for a mixed box of probes

Model >>> Tap150-G / Tap150Al-G / Tap150DLC

Technical Data:
  Value Range
Resonant Freq. 150 kHz +/-75 kHz
Force Constant 5 N/m 1.5 - 15 N/m
Length 125 µm +/-10 µm
Mean Width 25 µm +/-5 µm
Thickness 2.1 µm +/-1 µm
Tip Height 17 µm +/-2 µm
Tip Set Back 15 µm +/-5 µm
Tip Radius <10 nm (Tap150-G, Tap150AL-G)
<15 nm (Tap150DLC)
Also see individual probes.
Half Cone Angle 20°-25° along cantilever axis
25°-30° from side
10°-at the apex
tap150-g afm probe drawing
Tap150-G Tip radius <10nm
Application: Soft Tapping Mode, Intermittent Contact Mode
General: Rotated Monolithic silicon probe
Symmetric Tip Shape
Alignment Grooves
(Chip size 3.4 x 1.6 x 0.3mm)
Coating: None
This probe uses an "on scan angle" symmetric tip to provide a more symmetric representation of features over 200nm
tap 150-g silicon afm probe

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
TAP150-G-10 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 150 -G, no coating pkg/10 $200.00
TAP150-G-50 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 150 -G, no coating pkg/50 850.00

Tap150AL-G Tip radius <10nm
Application: Soft Tapping Mode, Intermittent Contact Mode
General: Rotated Monolithic silicon probe
Symmetric Tip Shape
Alignment Grooves
(Chip size 3.4 x 1.6 x 0.3mm)
Coating: Aluminum Reflex coating, 30nm thick
This probe uses an "on scan angle" symmetric tip to provide a more symmetric representation of features over 200nm
tap 150al-g silicon afm probe

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
TAP150AL-G-10 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 150 AL -G, aluminum reflex coating pkg/10 $210.00
TAP150AL-G-50 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 150 AL -G, aluminum reflex coating pkg/50 890.00

TAP150DLC Tip radius <15nm
Application: Tapping, Intermittent Contact Mode
General: Rotated Monolithic silicon probe
Symmetric Tip Shape
Alignment grooves
(Chip size 3.4 x 1.6 x 0.3mm)
Coating: Diamond-Like-Coating on tip side of cantilever, 15nm thick
Aluminum Reflex coating on detector side of cantilever, 30nm thick
This probe uses an "on scan angle" symmetric tip to provide a more symmetric representation of features over 200nm.
tap150dlc silicon afm probe

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
TAP150DLC-10 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 300 DLC, DLC coating on tip pkg/10 $360.00
TAP150DLC-50 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 300 DLC, DLC coating on tip pkg/50 1530.00
or go to BudgetComboBox for a mixed box of probes

Model >>> Tap190-G / Tap190AL-G / ElectriTap190 / Tap190DLC

The Tap190-G series of AFM probes are characterized by a resonance frequency of 190kHz and have a longer cantilever compared to the TAP300 and TAP150-G AFM probes. This is required by some models of AFM systems by certain manufactureres, such as Quesant. This product is available with alignment grooves only
Technical Data:
  Value Range
Resonant Freq. 190 kHz +/-60 kHz
Force Constant 48 N/m 20 - 100 N/m
Length 225 µm +/-12 µm
Mean Width 38 µm +/-9 µm
Thickness 7 µm +/-1 µm
Tip Height 17 µm +/-2 µm
Tip Set Back 15 µm +/-5 µm
Tip Radius <10 nm (Tap190-G, Tap190AL-G)
<25nm (ElectriTap190)
<15nm (Tap190DLC)
Also see individual probes.
Half Cone Angle 20°-25° along cantilever axis
25°-30° from side
10°-at the apex
tap190-g afm probe drawing
Tap190-G Tip radius <10nm
Application: Tapping Mode, Intermittent Contact Mode, long canitlever
General: Rotated Monolithic Silicon Probe
Symmetric Tip Shape
Alignment Grooves
(Chip size 3.4 x 1.6 x 0.3mm)
Coating: None
tap 190-g silicon afm probe

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
TAP190-G-10 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 190 -G, no coating pkg/10 $200.00
TAP190-G-50 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 190 -G, no coating pkg/50 850.00

Tap190AL-G Tip radius <10nm
Application: Tapping Mode, Intermittent Contact Mode, long cantilever
General: Rotated Monolithic Silicon Probe
Symmetric Tip Shape
Alignment Grooves
(Chip size 3.4 x 1.6 x 0.3mm)
Coating: Aluminum Reflex coating, 30nm thick
This probe uses an "on scan angle" symmetric tip to provide a more symmetric representation of features over 200nm
tap 190-g al silicon afm probe

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
TAP190AL-G-10 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 190 AL -G, aluminum reflex coating pkg/10 $210.00
TAP190AL-G-50 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 190 AL -G, aluminum reflex coating pkg/50 890.00

ElectriTap190 Tip radius <25nm
Application: Tapping Mode, Intermittent Contact Mode and Electric Modes like:
• Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM)
• Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM)
• Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KFM)
• Scanning Probe Lithography
General: Rotated Monolithic silicon probe
Symmetric Tip Shape
Alignment Grooves
(Chip size 3.4 x 1.6 x 0.3mm)
Coating: Electrically conductive Cr/Pt on both sides of cantilever. 5nm Cr covered with 25nm Pt.
electritap 190 silicon afm probe

Contact Resistance: 300 ohms on Pt thin film surface
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
TAP190E-G-10 Silicon AFM Probes, ElectriTap 190 E -G, overall Cr/Pt Coating pkg/10 $240.00
TAP190E-G-50 Silicon AFM Probes, ElectriTap 190 E -G, overall Cr/Pt Coating pkg/50 1050.00

Tap190DLC Tip radius <15nm
Application: Tapping Mode, Intermittent Contact Mode, long cantilever
General: Rotated Monolithic Silicon Probe
Symmetric Tip Shape
Alignment Grooves
(Chip size 3.4 x 1.6 x 0.3mm)
Coating: Diamond-Like-Coating on tip side of cantilever, 15nm thick
Aluminum Reflex coating on detector side of cantilever, 30nm thick
This probe uses an "on scan angle" symmetric tip to provide a more symmetric representation of features over 200nm
tap 190 dlc silicon afm probe

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
TAP190DLC-10 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 190 DLC, DLC coating on tip pkg/10 $360.00
TAP190DLC-50 Silicon AFM Probes, Tap 190 DLC, DLC coating on tip pkg/50 1530.00

go to BudgetComboBox for a mixed box of probes

AFM Cantilever Tweezers

AFM/STM Economy Cantilever Tweezers, Non-magnetic Stainless Steel

Metrology Probe Tweezer Cantilever Tweezers
Easily grasp AFM/STM cantilevers / probes with these precise, non-magnetic stainless steel AFM Probe Tweezers. 4-5/8" (117mm) long. Although these tweezers are made from non-magnetic stainless steel, magnetization can occur in the presence of strong magnetic fields.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
5599 AFM/STM Cantilever Tweezers, Non-magnetic Stainless Steel each $13.20

AFM Cantilever Tweezers

NEW AFM/STM Precision Cantilever Tweezers, Non-magnetic Stainless Steel

AFM/STM Precision Cantilever Tweezers
Precision formed, Swiss made, low carbon, non-magnetic, austenitic steel (material number 1.4435, DIN X2CrNiMo 18-14-3, AISI number 316L) for precise manipulation of cantilevers and probes. 4-3/4" (120mm). Non-magnetizable.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
5599-P AFM/STM Precision Cantilever Tweezers, Non-magnetic Stainless Steel each $26.60

AFM Cantilever Tweezers made from Titanium - tip view

AFM/STM Cantilever Tweezers, Titanium

AFM Cantilever Tweezers - Titanium
Easily grasp magnetic AFM/STM cantilevers / probes with these precise titanium, absolutely non-magnetic tweezers. 4-5/8" (117mm) long.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
5596-TI AFM/STM Cantilever Tweezers, Titanium each $31.40