
Calibration Overview
AFM Supplies

AFM, Atomic Force Microscopy Calibration,
Scanning Probe Microscopy Calibration

AFM Gold Calibration Kit
AFM Gold Calibration Kit
TipChecker for AFM Probes
TipChecker for AFM Probes
HS series AFM calibration standard
HS-Series AFM Calibration
Standards & CS-XYZ
AFM Calibration
Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite
Highly Oriented Pyrolytic
Graphite (HOPG)
High Resolution Calibration for AFM
High Resolution Calibration
Standards for AFM, SEM,
Auger, 145 & 292nm pitch
Very High Resolution Standard for AFM
Very High Resolution
Calibration Standard for AFM,
STM, Auger, FIB, & SEM
with 150nm & 300nm pitch
cross line grating replica
2000 lines/mm
Cross Line Grating Replica

Resolution Test Specimen
Critical Dimension Calibration Specimen for AFM
Critical Dimension (CD)
Calibration Test Specimens
(may be used on AFM)

Multiple Use Microscopy
Calibration; AFM Profilometry
MRS-3, MRS-4, & MRS-6
AFM Test Grating for X-, Y- and Z-direction
AFM Test Gratings

Online Magnification Calibration Calculators

AFM Calibration Specimens

2000 lines/mm Cross Line Grating Replica

cross line grating replica cross line grating replica
AFM Image of Cross Line Grating Replica
2,000 lines/mm cross line grating replica is suitable for X-Y calibration. The replicas have well-defined trench type grooves, which makes it easy to determine the 500nm pitch.

The 677-AFM Grating Replica is made of cellulose acetate. It replaces the previous #607-AFM Grating Replica with 463nm pitch.

The 677-STM Grating Replica is a carbon replica with Au/Pd shadowing supported on a 400 square mesh, 3mm copper TEM grid which is mounted on a 12mm disc. It replaces the previous #607-STM Grating Replica with 463nm pitch.

250 Magnification Calibration Calculator

PELCO® Technical Notes, 2000 lines/mm Cross Line Grating Replica, #677-AFM (430KB PDF)
PELCO® Technical Notes, 2000 lines/mm Cross Line Grating Replica, #677-STM (499KB PDF)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
677-AFM X-Y Cross Line Grating Replica, 2000 lines/mm, Cellulose Acetate, mounted on 12mm AFM/STM Specimen Disc each $57.50
677-AFM-10 X-Y Cross Line Grating Replica, 2000 lines/mm, Cellulose Acetate, mounted on 10mm AFM/STM Specimen Disc each 63.50
677-STM X-Y Cross Line Grating Replica, 2000 lines/mm, Carbon/Au/Pd Coated, mounted on 12mm AFM/STM Specimen Disc each 59.50

waffle grating replica
AFM Image of Cross Line Grating Replica

2,160 Waffle Grating Replica for STM

The 607-STM Grating Replica is a carbon replica with Au/Pd shadowing for X-Y calibration with 2,160 lines/mm crossed lines. Made on a 400 square mesh, 3mm copper TEM grid; mounted on a 12mm stainless steel STM disc.

250   Magnification Calibration Calculator

PELCO® Technical Notes, Calibration Specimen for Scanning Tunneling Microscope, #607-STM (500KB PDF)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
607-STM X-Y Cross Line Grating Replica, Carbon/Au/Pd Coated, mounted on 12mm specimen disc each $65.50

Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite - HOPG calibration specimen

Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite – HOPG

HOPG is widely used as a substrate for specimens to be examined in scanning probe microscopes (SPM, STM and AFM). It may also be used as a calibration specimen. HOPG consists of layered planes of carbon atoms (002) which are highly oriented with respect to each other.

  • Single-sided HOPG grade ZYB with a mosaic spread of 0.8° ± 0.2° with a grain size of up to 1µm

PELCO® Technical Notes, Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite - HOPG, #626-10 (310KB PDF)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
626-10 HOPG grade ZYB, 0.8° 10 x 10 mm x 1mm each $134.00

PELCO® AFM Tip and Resolution Test Specimen

This product is intended for checking the tip sharpness (not height calibration); AFM tips wear down and can get damaged resulting in blurry lines, especially at the nano scale. For example, a worn tip would have the cobalt particles looking oblong rather than round. The second feature of this product is in helping the microscopist get down to the nanoscale. having a uniform coverage of nanoscale features, you know what to look for and what to expect.

Tipchecker good

A single layer of cobalt particles provide an excellent and stable substrate for AFM tip characterization and instrument operation. Image at top demonstrates height calibration at 1nm (red line profile) and 3nm (green line profile) on the standard to indicate a sharp tip. Can be used in water as long as there are no chemicals present which would react with the substrate or the Co particles.

The Co particles are flattened half spheres (droplets) with the radius typically larger than the height. There is a distribution of particle heights between 1 and 5nm. The measured widths will largely depend on the size of the tip, however, they are round.

Available on 5x5mm silicon wafer chips, unmounted or mounted, on 12mm stainless steel metal disk. Tip characterization down to angstrom resolution is easily attained. Ready-to-scan test specimen.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
628 PELCO® AFM Tip and Resolution Test Specimen, Unmounted each $145.00
628-AFM PELCO® AFM Tip and Resolution Test Specimen, Mount AFM each 155.00

TipChecker for AFM probes

When imaging a sample by AFM, it is imperative to know the condition of the AFM probe, since this determines the quality and correctness of the image. The TipChecker is an SPM sample for fast, convenient and efficient determination of the AFM tip condition. The clear differences between the tips becomes apparent even with a single scan line. The TipChecker offers a fast and easy way to compare and categorize different AFM tips with respect to tip apex, shape and sharpness. The TipChecker sample enables checking if the tip is still good, starts showing wear or is blunted or broken without the need for scanning an entire image or using SEM inspection. The Tipchecker sample works perfectly with Auto Tip Qualification and Tip Characterization software that is available on the market.

Tipchecker good
good tip
tipchecker warn
worn tip
tipchecker blunt
blunt or broken tip
Figures showing a comparison between different AFM probe tips used to image the TipChecker sample. Scan is 1x1µm for all images, height is 100nm. Each image is shown with a representative cross-section scan. Images made with TAP 300AL-G AFM Tip

The BudgetSensors TipChecker sample consists of an extremely wear-resistant thin film coating deposited on a silicon chip. The thin film coating shows a granular, sharply peaked nanostructure ideal for reversely imaging an AFM probe's apex.
The die size of the BudgetSensors TipChecker is 5x5mm and is completely coated with the thin film. It comes glued onto a 12mm diameter, stainless steel, magnetic disc, ready to be placed into your AFM set.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
TC1 BudgetSensors TipChecker for AFM probes each $300.00

Diagrams showing construction and patterns.

HS-Series AFM Calibration Standards

Step heights of 20, 100 or 500nm.

The HS-series calibration standards offers an easy and reliable way to calibrate AFM systems. Primarily designed for accurate Z-axis calibration the standards also offer X- and Y-axis calibration for bigger scanners in the 40-100um range. The structure symmetry enables calibration without the need to rotate and re-align the sample in between x- and Y-axis calibration.
The HS-series feature silicon dioxide structure arrays on a 5x5mm silicon chip. The fabrication process ensures excellent uniformity of the structures across the chip. There are three step heights available with nominal values of: 20nm, 100nm, and 500nm. The actual value will be supplied with the delivered calibration standard. Arrays of structures with different shape and pitch are integrated on the chip. The larger square of 1 x 1mm contains square pillars and holes with a 10um pitch. The smaller center square of 500 x 500µm contains circular pillars and holes as well as lines in both X- and Y-direction with a 5um pitch.

HS-500MG - 3% height accuracy of the value that is handwritten on the label of the individual box.

HS-20MG - 2% height accuracy; 100 nanometer pitch (lateral) accuracy for all arrays

HS-100MG - 3% height accuracy; 100 nanometer pitch accuracy for all arrays

HS-500MG - 3% height accuracy; 100 nanometer pitch accuracy for all arrays

CS-20NG - 2% height accuracy; 100 nanometer pitch accuracy for the 5 micrometer and 10 micrometer pitch arrays, and 10 nanometer pitch accuracy for the 500 nanometer pitch array

The silicon chips are available unmounted or mounted on a 12mm standard AFM disc using a high quality electrically conductive epoxy.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
HS-20MG AFM Calibration Standard, step height 20nm, mounted each $250.00
HS-20MG-UM AFM Calibration Standard, step height 20nm, unmounted each 250.00
HS-100MG AFM Calibration Standard, step height 100nm, mounted each 250.00
HS-100MG-UM AFM Calibration Standard, step height 100nm, unmounted each 250.00
HS-500MG AFM Calibration Standard, step height 500nm, mounted each 250.00
HS-500MG-UM AFM Calibration Standard, step height 500nm, unmounted each 250.00

BudgetSensors AFM Probes

CS AFM XYZ Calibration Standard

CS AFM XYZ Calibration Standard

The CS-20NG represents an advanced XYZ calibration grid that enables reliable calibration of AFM systems down to the nanometer level. The XYZ calibration standard features silicon dioxide structures on a 5 x 5mm silicon chip. The calibration area is in the middle of the chip and can be easily located by the optical system of the AFM. The structure step height is in the range of 20nm. The actual height value will be supplied with the delivered calibration standard. CS-20NG has three different x-y array sizes, all with the same 20nm height. The large 1 x 1mm square contains square pillars and holes with a 10µm pitch. The middle square contains circular pillars, holes and lines with a 5µm pitch. The small central area contains circular holes with a 500nm pitch. The CS-20NG is suitable for both lateral and vertical AFM scanner calibration. The structure symmetry enables calibration in one step without the need to rotate the sample between X- and Y-calibration.

Vertical accuracy is 2% of the actual value which corresponds to ±0.4nm. The lateral pitch accuracy for the 5µm and 10µm patterns is 0.1µm. For the 500nm pitch region, the lateral accuracy is 10nm.

The XYZ calibration standard comes unmounted or, optionally, mounted on any of our common AFM or SEM specimen mounts.

Mounts A-R

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
CS-20NG AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, unmounted each $730.00
CS-20NG-A AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, A-mount each 951.00
CS-20NG-B AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, B-mount each 951.00
CS-20NG-C AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, C-mount each 951.00
CS-20NG-D AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, D-mount each 951.00
CS-20NG-E AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, E-mount each 951.00
CS-20NG-F AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, F-mount each 951.00
CS-20NG-G AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, Customer Supplies Mount each 1051.00
CS-20NG-K AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, K-mount each 951.00
CS-20NG-L AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, L-mount each 951.00
CS-20NG-M AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, M-mount each 951.00
CS-20NG-O AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, O-mount each 951.00
CS-20NG-P AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, P-mount each 951.00
CS-20NG-Q AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, Q-mount each 951.00
CS-20NG-R AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, R-mount each 951.00
CS-20NG-AFM AFM XYZ Calibration Standard, AFM-mount each 951.00
CS-20NG-S AFM XYZ Calibration Standard,S-mount each 951.00

NEW KPFM-EFM Calibration Standard

A test and calibration standard for Electrostatic Force and Kelvin Probe atomic force microscopy modes. Sample consists of arrays of Aluminum and Gold lines deposited on oxide-covered silicon. Thin copper wires are connedted to the Al and Au contact pads, allowing a specified electric field to be applied between the lines.

  1. Line arrays with 8, 20, and 40um pitch
  2. Line height of ~35nm
  3. Mounted verson is on 15mm glass on a standard 15mm AFM disc with thin copper wires connected to the Al and Au bond pads on each side of the die
  4. Unmounted version is die only, no substrate or wires
Close-up of KPFM-EFM
Probe Standard
KPFM-EFM Probe Standard, mounted
on 15mm mount with wires (#629-AFM)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
629 Kelvin Probe (KPFM) and Electronic Force (EFM) Probe Standard, unmounted each $580.00
629-AFM Kelvin Probe (KPFM) and Electronic Force (EFM) Probe Standard, mounted on 15mm mount with wires each 580.00

BudgetSensors AFM Probes
AFM Gold Calibration Kit