
TEM Supplies

AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) &
STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscopy) Supplies

Metal Specimen Discs for atomic force microscopy
AFM/STM Specimen Discs
PELCO® Gold Coated
PELCO® Gold Coated
Specimen Discs
afm diskspenser
PELCO® AFM/STM Diskpenser
disc carriers and pickup tool
PELCO® Disc Carriers
& Magnetic Pickup Tool
PELCO® AFM Disk Storage Box, magnetic layer, atomic force microscopy
Storage Box
afm workstation
PELCO® AFM Workstation
atomic force microscopy - afm disc gripper
Disc Grippers
AFM Mounts and AFM Sample Holders AFM Mounts and AFM Sample Holders
AFM Mounts and AFM Sample Holders PELCO® AFM Diskspenser
AFM/STM Mounts & AFM/STM Sample Holders
AFM Mica Discs
AFM Mica Discs
silicon nitride disks for sem, fesem, afm, atomic force microscopy
PELCO® Silicon Nitride Coated Discs
silicon chip supports for scanning electron microscopy
Silicon Chip Supports
NEW 3 x 3mm available!
Round Glass Coverslips
Round Glass Coverslips
AFM probes afm consumables
AFM Probes

metrology probe tweezer cantilever tweezers
Cantilever Tweezers

PELCO® Conductive Silver Paint
PELCO® Conductive
Silver Paint
disc punches
DISC Punches
cyanoacrylate based instant or super glues afm consumables
PELCO® Pro Cyanoacrylate Glue & Super Fast Epoxy
afm and scanning probe microscopy calibration
AFM & Scanning Probe
Microscopy Calibration

Gold Coated Slide and Coverslips
Gold Coated Glass Coverslips
Gold Coated Glass Slides

NEW First Contact™
Cleaning Solution

AFM Metal Specimen Discs

AFM/STM Metal Specimen Discs

High quality magnetic stainless steel (alloy 430) discs for Atomic Force Microscopy are offered with smooth edges and consistently flat surfaces. The AFM/STM disks are 20 gauge which is 0.0359" (0.91mm) with a range of 0.0329" to 0.0389" (0.835mm to 0.988mm) thickness. Available in 6, 10, 12, 15 and 20mm diameter, supplied in packs of 50 in a clear tube which will fit into the PELCO® AFM/STM Diskpenser (see below).

Made in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16223 AFM/STM Metal Specimen Discs, Ø6mm pkg/50 $37.50
pkg/100 75.00
pkg/150 105.00
16207 AFM/STM Metal Specimen Discs, Ø10mm pkg/50 27.50
pkg/100 55.00
pkg/150 75.00
16208 AFM/STM Metal Specimen Discs, Ø12mm pkg/50 30.00
pkg/100 60.00
pkg/150 81.00
16218 AFM/STM Metal Specimen Discs, Ø15mm pkg/50 29.50
pkg/100 59.00
pkg/150 79.50
16219 AFM/STM Metal Specimen Discs, Ø20mm pkg/50 52.50
pkg/100 105.00
pkg/150 148.50

PELCO® Gold Coated AFM Metal Specimen Discs

PELCO® Gold Coated AFM/STM Metal Specimen Discs

Advanced Nanotechnology Specimen Support

PELCO® Gold Coated AFM/STM Discs provide excellent substrates for mounting specimens due to their excellent resistance to electromigration, high electrical and thermal conductivity and high temperature operation properties. Gold is the most inert metal. Its adhesion to polymers is expected to be lower than that of other metals, however polymer irradiation with UV light and plasma discharge have been reported to enhance metal-polymer adhesion.

High quality gold coated magnetic stainless steel (alloy 430) discs for Atomic Force Microscopy are offered with smooth edges and consistently flat surfaces. The AFM/STM discs are 22 gauge which is 0.0299" (0.76mm) with a range of 0.0269" to 0.0329" (0.68 to 0.84mm) thickness, coated on all sides with 0.25 microns of gold. The discs are supplied in PELCO® AFM/STM Disc Carriers. They are available in 10, 12, 15 and 20mm diameter.

Made in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16207-G PELCO® AFM Metal Specimen Discs, Gold Coated, 10mm dia., 10 discs in AFM Disc Carrier each $72.50
16208-G PELCO® AFM Metal Specimen Discs, Gold Coated, 12mm dia., 10 discs in AFM Disc Carrier each 68.90
16218-G PELCO® AFM Metal Specimen Discs, Gold Coated, 15mm dia., 8 discs in AFM Disc Carrier each 59.90
16219-G PELCO® AFM Metal Specimen Discs, Gold Coated, 20mm dia., 4 discs in AFM Disc Carrier each 55.50

Round Glass Coverslips

Round Glass Coverslips

Useful sizes for AFM/STM

10mm, thickness #1.5 (.16 to .19mm) sold in package of 100
12mm, thickness #1 (.13 to .17mm) approx. 173 per 1/4 oz.
15mm, thickness #1 (.13 to .17mm) approx. 111 per 1/4 oz.

Gold Coated Microscope Slide & Coverslips

Prod # Description Unit Qty Price Order / Quote
Thickness #1.5, 0.16-0.19mm
260368 Coverslips, Glass, 10mm dia. pkg/100 1+ $93.80
Thickness #1, 0.13-0.16mm
26023 Coverslips, Glass, 12mm dia. 1/4 oz 1-3 54.85
4+ 52.10
26024 Coverslips, Glass, 15mm dia. 1/4 oz 1-3 26.40
4+ 25.00

AFM Mica Discs for mounting atomic force microscopy specimens afm consumables

AFM Mica Discs

Highest quality grade V1 mica, 0.21mm (0.0085”) thick. Interleaved, in packages of 10. Can be mounted on AFM/STM discs.
Available in four diameters:
10mm (0.39")
12mm (0.47")
15mm (0.59")
20mm (0.79")

See this link for Properties and chemical composition of Mica Grade V1

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
50 Highest Grade V1 AFM Mica Discs, 10mm pkg/10 $9.98
50-12 Highest Grade V1 AFM Mica Discs, 12mm pkg/10 13.75
50-15 Highest Grade V1 AFM Mica Discs, 15mm pkg/10 15.85
50-20 Highest Grade V1 AFM Mica Discs, 20mm pkg/10 21.75

PELCO® AFM Diskspenser

PELCO® AFM Diskpenser

A practical way to store and dispense AFM/STM discs. The plastic tubes in which the discs are packaged may be inserted into the PELCO® Diskpenser. With a turn of the cylinder one disc is dispensed, ready to be picked up with the PELCO® Disc Gripper as shown below. The PELCO® Diskpenser will dispense either 10, 12 or 15mm Discs.

Made in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16204 PELCO® AFM Diskpenser each $93.25
16220 PELCO® AFM Disc Magnetic Pickup Tool each 6.70

PELCO® AFM Disc Carriers & AFM Disc Pickup Tool afm consumables

PELCO® AFM Disc Carriers & AFM Disc Magnetic Pickup Tool

An inexpensive way to store 10, 12, 15 and 20mm AFM/STM discs in a dust-free environment. Discs are placed face down into a stepped cavity where the specimen is protected. The cavity allows for a maximum specimen height of 3.2mm (1/8").

The AFM/STM discs are retrieved by using the convenient PELCO® AFM Disc Pickup Tool, comprised of a plastic handle, stainless steel shaft and a magnetic pad on the tip. Fingers need not touch the disc.

Sliding cover. Box size: 76.2 L x 40 W x 7.5 H (mm) (3" L x 1.58" W x .295" H)


magnetic afm disc pickup tool

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16209 PELCO® AFM Disc Carrier, 10mm, (holds 10) each $15.85
16210 PELCO® AFM Disc Carrier, 12mm, (holds 10) each 15.85
16214 PELCO® AFM Disc Carrier, 15mm, (holds 8) each 15.85
16206 PELCO® AFM Disc Carrier, 20mm, (holds 4) each 15.85
16220 PELCO® AFM Disc Magnetic Pickup Tool each 6.70

PELCO® AFM Disk Storage Boxes, magnetic layer

PELCO® AFM/STM Disc Storage Boxes

The PELCO® AFM/STM Disk Storage Boxes have a single pole magneticlayer in the base to store stainless AFM discs with 6, 10, 12, 15 or 20mm diameter. Designed to sort and organize AFM/STM samples and protect them from dust. These storage boxes are ideal for storing and transferring AFM/STM samples in the lab. A marker pen can be used to write on the magnetic material to mark the sample positions. Samples can be lifted from the storage boxes using PELCO® AFM Disc Grippers (shown below). Not ideal for shipping AFM samples. The PELCO® Disc Carriers are better suited for shipping AFM discs.

Single storage box holds one AFM disc of either 6, 10, 12, 15 or 20mm diameter. Inside measurements of the clear styrene box are 25.4 x 25.4 x 15.9mm (1" x 1" x 5/8"). Sold in packages of 5.

Small storage box holds up to 4 discs depending on size of the AFM discs. Inside measurements of the styrene box are 70 x 28 x 18mm (2-3/4" x 1-1/8" x 11/16"). Box has a clear lid and a blue base.

Large storage box holds up to 20 AFM discs depending on size of the AFM discs. Inside measurements of the styrene box are 152 x 51 x 18mm (6" x 2" x 11/16"). Box has a clear lid and a black base.

Made in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16201 PELCO® Single AFM/STM Disc Storage Box, Small pkg/5 $14.50
16203 PELCO® AFM/STM Disc Storage Box, Small each 5.95
16212 PELCO® AFM/STM Disc Storage Box, Large each 12.95

PELCO® AFM Disk Storage Boxes, magnetic layer


Very strong and rugged clear polycarbonate box to store stainless steel AFM discs with 6, 10, 12, 15 or 20mm diameter. The PELCO® X-TREME storage box is watertight, crushproof and dustproof. The strong hinges, locking clasps and O-ring seal makes this box suitable for transport, shipping and storage of the stainless steel AFM discs. Ideal for storing calibration and test samples. The box has a single pole magnetic layer in the base with a size of 47 x 86mm (1.85" x 3.4"). A marker pen can be used to write on the magnetic material. Outside dimensions 112 x 77 x 36mm (4.4" x 3" x 1.4"), maximum specimen height is 21mm (0.81").

Storage capacity:
5 ea of the Ø20mm AFM discs
8 ea of the Ø15mm AFM discs
10 ea of the Ø12mm AFM discs
21 ea of the Ø6mm AFM discs

Made in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16224 PELCO® X-TREME AFM/STM Disc Storage Box each $19.00

PELCO® AFM Workstation

PELCO® Atomic Force Microscopy Workstation

Turned from solid aluminum, this workstation features an adjustable internal magnet to securely hold a metal AFM/STM Specimen Disc in place. A tray around the circumference of the central disc holder may be used to catch residue or hold additional discs.

PELCO® Technical Notes, AFM Workstation & Accessories (906KB PDF)

Made in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
15010 PELCO® AFM Workstation each $139.80
16220 PELCO® AFM Disc Magnetic Pickup Tool each 6.70

PELCO® AFM Disc Gripper
Disc Gripper in action

PELCO® AFM Disc Grippers

10mm, 12mm, 15mm PELCO® AFM Disc Grippers
PELCO® AFM Disc Grippers for picking up discs

Specially designed rubber coated tips for picking up AFM/STM discs from a flat surface. Transfer Atomic Force Microscopy Discs from PELCO® AFM Diskpenser to PELCO® AFM Workstation to Microscope and to PELCO® AFM Disc Carrier or AFM Disc Storage Box with ease.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
1671 PELCO® 10mm AFM Disc Grippers each $14.95
1668 PELCO® 12mm AFM Disc Grippers each 14.95
1669 PELCO® 15mm AFM Disc Grippers each 14.95
1672 PELCO® 20mm AFM Disc Grippers each 14.95

Cross Section AFM/STM Mounts and AFM/STM Sample Holders

The Cross Section AFM/STM Mounts and AFM/STM Sample Holders offer a convenient way to clamp and position cross sectional samples for AFM imaging. The holders are all made from high quality magnetic stainless steel (alloy 430) so they can be easily attached to the magnetic sample holder of the AFM system. The small 12mm diameter, 4.5mm height and 3.5mm feature depth will make the cross section holders compatible with most AFM systems on the market.

Made in USA
90 degree AFM sample mount

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16213-6 90° AFM Sample Mount. Use (conductive) adhesive to mount specimen. each $28.50
90 degree AFM Sample Mount with Spring Clip

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16213-10 90° AFM Sample Mount with Spring Clip to conveniently mount thin cross section sample each $48.00
AFM, atomic force microscopy Set Screw Vise

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16213-4 Set Screw Vise to mount AFM samples up to 4mm thickness. Allen key for set screw included. each $49.50
AFM, atomic force microscopy Dual Set Screw Vise

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16213-1 Dual Set Screw Vise to AFM mount samples up to 1mm thickness. Allen key for set screws included. each $49.50

PELCO® Silicon Nitride Disks for SEM, FESEM, AFM
Silicon Nitride Blank

PELCO® Silicon Nitride Coated 3mm Disks (blanks)

These 3mm silicon disks have a 50nm ultra low stress silicon nitride layer (Si3N4) on both sides and can be used as specimen disks for AFM applications which need a Si3N4 background. Provide smooth background: Surface roughness has RMS (Rg) of 0.65 ±0.06nm which gives a mean roughness (RA) of 0.45 ±0.02nm

more information on silicon nitride support films

Product Specifications
  • Film thickness: 50nm ultra low stress Si3N4 on both sides
  • Disc thickness: 200µm silicon support
  • Disc diameter: 3mm
  • Surface roughness: The RMS (Rq) is 0.65 +/- 0.06nm which gives a mean roughness (Ra) of 0.45 +/- 0.02nm
  • Packaging: The PELCO® Silicon Aperture Frames are packaged under cleanroom conditions in the PELCO® #160 TEM Grid Storage box. Each box holds 10 discs.


Made in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
21555-10 PELCO® Silicon Nitride 3mm Disks pkg/10 $125.00

silicon chip supports for scanning electron microscopy

Silicon Chip Specimen Supports low background specimen supports for SEM viewing

Silicon chips are opaque, of low electrical resistance and have surface properties equal to glass (including smoothness). They are also good substrates for growing or mounting cells. Silicon chips are precleaned before packaging. Also ideal for imaging small particles due to low background signal.

Availability: 4" wafer (#16010) is precut into 3 x 3mm, 5 x 7mmm, 5 x 5mm, 10 x 10mm, 20 x 20 mm or 20 x 30mm chips that can be easily separated in the laboratory.

  • 4" wafer precut into 3 x 3mm chips approximately 600 chips/wafer
  • 4" wafer precut into 5 x 7mm chips approximately 187 chips/wafer
  • 4" wafer precut into 5 x 5mm chips approximately 270 chips/wafer
  • 4" wafer precut into 10 x 10mm chips approximately 55 chips/wafer
  • 4" wafer precut into 20 x 20mm chips approximately 10 chips/wafer
  • 4" wafer precut into 20 x 30mm chips approximately 6 chips/wafer


  • Orientation: <100>
  • Resistivity: 1-30 Ohm-cm
  • Type: P (Boron) (1 primary flat)
  • No SiO2 top coating
  • Wafer thickness: 18-21 mil (460-530µm)
  • Wafer is polished on one side
  • Roughness: 2nm
  • Before dicing they are rinsed in de-ionized water for cleaning

courtesy K.R. Peters
Peters, K.R., 1985. Working at higher magnifications in scanning electron microscopy with secondary and backscattered electrons on metal coated biological specimens and imaging macromolecular cell membrane structures. Scanning Electron Microscopy, IV:159.
Apkarian, R.P., High-resolution signal detection of specimen-specific secondary electrons in an analytical SEM, "Proc.. 44th Ann. Meeting of the EMSA", 1986, G.W. Bailey, Ed., San Francisco Press, 658

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16003 4" (10cm) dia., 3 x 3mm diced Silicon Wafer, 600 chips/wafer, each $130.00
16007 4" (10cm) dia., 5 x 7mm diced Silicon Wafer, 187 chips/wafer, each 110.00
16008 4" (10cm) dia., 5 x 5mm diced Silicon Wafer, 270 chips/wafer each 110.00
16006 4" (10cm) dia., 10 x 10mm diced Silicon Wafer, 55 chips/wafer each 110.00
16004 4" (10cm) dia., 20 x 20mm diced Silicon Wafer, 10 chips/wafer each 110.00
16005 4" (10cm) dia., 20 x 30mm diced Silicon Wafer, 6 chips/wafer each 110.00

disc punch - tools

Disc Punches

punch circles from raw materials

SEM: For placing adhesive tapes or sheet material on specimen mounts, punch a conveniently sized circle, prior to mounting.

TEM: Punch circles from ACLAR® film for growing cells on a rod-type holder end for ultramicrotomy. Thinner, 2mil ACLAR® now available for easier punching.

Maximum thickness for punching: 0.067" (1.7mm)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
54740 Disc Punch, 7.9mm ø circle (5/16") each $66.00
54741 Disc Punch, 9.5mm ø circle (3/8") each 63.80
54742 Disc Punch, 11mm ø circle (7/16") each 68.20
54743 Disc Punch, 12.7mm ø circle (1/2") each 68.20

AFM Cantilever Tweezers

AFM/STM Economy Cantilever Tweezers, Non-magnetic Stainless Steel

Metrology Probe Tweezer Cantilever Tweezers
Easily grasp AFM/STM cantilevers / probes with these precise, non-magnetic stainless steel AFM Probe Tweezers. 4-5/8" (117mm) long. Although these tweezers are made from non-magnetic stainless steel, magnetization can occur in the presence of strong magnetic fields.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
5599 AFM/STM Cantilever Tweezers, Non-magnetic Stainless Steel each $13.20

AFM Cantilever Tweezers

NEW AFM/STM Precision Cantilever Tweezers, Non-magnetic Stainless Steel

AFM/STM Precision Cantilever Tweezers
Precision formed, Swiss made, low carbon, non-magnetic, austenitic steel (material number 1.4435, DIN X2CrNiMo 18-14-3, AISI number 316L) for precise manipulation of cantilevers and probes. 4-3/4" (120mm). Non-magnetizable.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
5599-P AFM/STM Precision Cantilever Tweezers, Non-magnetic Stainless Steel each $26.60

AFM Cantilever Tweezers made from Titanium - tip view

AFM/STM Cantilever Tweezers, Titanium

AFM Cantilever Tweezers - Titanium
Easily grasp magnetic AFM/STM cantilevers / probes with these precise titanium, absolutely non-magnetic tweezers. 4-5/8" (117mm) long.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
5596-TI AFM/STM Cantilever Tweezers, Titanium each $31.40

Gold Coated Slide and Coverslips

PELCO® Gold Coated Microscope Slide

High quality glass, standard microscope slides coated with 50nm of gold with a 5nm chromium adhesion layer between the glass slide surface and the gold coating. Can be used for a wide range of nanotechnology, biotechnology and AFM applications. Also suitable as an opaque microscopy support. Both Cr and Au are evaporated on the glass slide using a vacuum evaporation system. The gold surface is not atomically flat, but has bumps in the nm range. The gold slides are individually packed in a slide mailer. The gold slides are autoclavable.

Glass slide: 75 x 25mm , 1mm thickness, soda lime glass
Chromium adhesion layer thickness: 5nm
Gold layer thickness: 50nm (+/- 5nm)
Gold purity: 99.999%

PELCO® Pro Gold Plated Tweezers

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
26002-G Gold Coated 75 x 25mm Microscope slide, 50nm Au each $92.40

Gold Coated Slide and Coverslips

PELCO® Gold Coated Glass Coverslips

High quality, borosilicate glass coverslips coated with 50nm of gold with a 5nm chromium adhesion layer between the coverslip surface and the gold coating. Can be used for a wide range of nanotechnology, biotechnology and AFM application. Both Cr and Au are evaporated on the glass coverslips using a vacuum evaporation system. The gold surface is not atomically flat, but has bumps in the nm range. The coverslips are sold in packs of 2 and are packed in an X0 Gel-Pak box. The gold coated coverslips are autoclavable.

Glass coverslips size: Ø16mm with thickness #1 (0.13-0.16mm) or 22x22mm with thickness #2 (0.19-0.25mm)
Glass type: Schott D263M borosilicate
Chromium adhesion layer thickness: 5nm
Gold substrate layer thickness: 50nm (±5nm)
Gold purity: 99.999%

PELCO® Pro Gold Plated Tweezers

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
260156-G Gold Coated 22 x 22mm Glass Coverslips, 50nm Au pkg/2 $106.70
260374-G Gold Coated Ø16mm Glass Coverslips, 50nm Au pkg/2 77.00