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A sturdy powder coated stainless steel constructed vacuum desiccator for storing electron microscopy samples, test samples, calibration standards, photographic film, forensic specimens, etc.
dry, dark, dust-free storage; maintain moisture-free conditions
This design offers:
Store photographic films, light or moisture sensitive materials, calibration standards and electron microscopy samples. Provided with vacuum gauge (inches of mercury, 0-30") and 3 way vacuum / vent valve. One adjustable and removable shelf included. Outside dimensions (with valve and latch): 375mm W x 432mm H (with gauge) x 373mm D (14.75 W x 17 H x 14.7" D) Inside dimensions: 298mm W x 298mm H x 302mm D (11.75 W x 11.75 H x 11.875" D)
The N2 Purge Desiccator Cabinet has the same specifications as above; but instead of purging the chamber with room air, it can be purged with N2.
Diaphragm Pump for the #2251 Vacuum Desiccator with hose connection dry system with low pumping speed and moderate end-vacuum VRI-2 Rotary Pump Kit 55 for the #2251 Vacuum Desicator with hose connection good pumping speed and good end-vacuum VRI-2 Rotary Pump Kit 51 with connection hardware for the #2251-16 Vacuum Desiccator with KF-16 connection good pumping speed and good end-vacuum VRI-2 Rotary Pump Kit 52 with connection hardware and foreline trap for the #2251-16 Vacuum Desiccator with KF-16 connection good pumping speed, good end-vacuum and back-streaming protection
This pumping kit consist of the VRI-2 pump with a KF16 hose adapter, ¼” thick wall silicone hose and rotary pump exhaust filter. The achievable vacuum is in the 10-2 mbar range. Very cost effective solution offering fast pumping speed and good end vacuum. Ideally used for intermittent pumping. Available both in 115V and 230V.
891-31, 891-34 SDS (93KB PDF)
This pumping kit consists of the VRI-2 pump with KF16 adapters, flexible stainless steel hose, connection hardware and rotary pump exhaust filter. The achievable vacuum level is in the 10-2 mbar range. Cost effective solution offering fast pumping speed and good end-vacuum. Suitable for intermittent pumping. For continuous pumping applications consider pumping kit 52.
This pumping kit is the same as above with an additional foreline trap mounted between rotary pump and the vacuum desiccator. Includes all metal KF-16 hardware and exhaust filter. The foreline trap prevents backstreaming from the rotary pump to maintain an oil-free environment (provided the activated alumina for the foreline trap is exchanged at regular intervals). Best solution with good end vacuum. Suitable for continuous pumping applications.
891-31 SDS (93KB PDF)