
Histology Overview
Biological Microscopes
Calibration Overview | Light Microscopy Calibration Standards
Pro Series Stage Micrometers

Standard Series Stage Micrometers
for Transmitted & Reflected Light

Stage Micrometers for Transmitted Light
Stage Micrometeres for Transmitted Light
Dual Graduated Metric and Inch Scale Stage Micrometer
Dual, Graduated, Metric and Inch Scale Stage Micrometer
England Finder
England Finder - S7 Slide
Grid Counting Slide
Grid Counting Slides


Stage Micrometers for Transmitted Light

Stage Micrometer for transmitted and reflected lignt

These accurate stage micrometers are intended for routine calibration of light microscopes, particularly when alternating objectives of different microscopes. Ideal for student, lab settings and instructional purposes. Robust and precise construction. Manufactured with vacuum evaporated chromium. Scale is centered on a glass disc, mounted in a black anodized aluminum slide, 75 x 24 x 2mm thick. Patterns are protected by a 0.13mm thick cover glass. If you need a certified stage micrometer, please go to the Pro Series Stage Micrometers.

Table of Accuracy


stage micrometer
Stage Micrometer for transmitted light


Stage Micrometers for Transmitted Light

Horizontal, crossed and vertical stage micrometers with metric or inch scales.

  • Horizontal Scales in 10 , 5, 1 or 0.1mm and 0.1 or 0.005 inch
  • Crossed Scales in 1 x 1mm
  • Vertical Scales in 2 mm
  • Mounted in a black anodized aluminum slide
  • Patterns are protected by a 0.13mm thick cover glass except #2280-18


Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2280-10 Micrometer Scale 10mm in 0.1mm divisions each $247.70
2280-11 Micrometer Scale 5mm in 0.05mm divisions each 295.90
2280-12 Micrometer Scale 0.1 inch in 0.001 inch divisions each 315.40
2280-13 Micrometer Scale 1mm in 0.01mm divisions each 237.40
2280-14 Micrometer Scale 0.005 inch in 0.0001 inch divisions each 436.90
2280-15 Micrometer Scale 0.1mm in 0.002mm divisions each 441.50
2280-16 Crossed Micrometer Scales, 1mm in 0.01mm divisions each 383.00
2280-17 Micrometer Scale Vertical, 2mm in 0.01mm divisions each 316.50
2280-18 Micrometer Scale 1mm in 0.01mm divisions, no coverglass each 324.60

Stage Micrometer Scale

Combined Metric/Inch Stage Micrometer for Transmitted Light

2mm in 0.01mm divisions and 0.1 inch in 0.005 inch divisions. Mounted in a black anodized aluminum slide.; 75 x 24 x 2mm. Pattern protected by a 0.13mm thick cover glass.
Table of Accuracy

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2280-24 Stage Micrometer, metric/inch, 2mm/0.01mm and 0.1"/0.005" each $345.20

Grouped Graduation Pattern

Grouped Graduation Pattern Stage Micrometer for Transmitted Light

For speedy determination of a range of feature sizes from 0.01 up to 5mm within a given specimen. Mounted in a black anodized aluminum slide.; 75 x 24 x 2mm. Pattern protected by a 0.13mm thick cover glass.

Patterns are 5mm in 0.5mm divisions, 2mm in 0.1mm divisions, and 0.2mm in 0.01mm divisions.
Table of Accuracy

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2280-25 Stage Micrometer Grouped Pattern each $316.50

Dual, Graduated, Metric and Inch Scale Stage Micrometer for Transmitted Light

Resolution 0.01mm/25mm length, resolution 0.001"/1" length

Diamond Ruled Stage

Bright field stage micrometer has 1" and 25mm scales, subdivided to provide calibration for various microscope magnifications.

  • Dual scale. Both metric and inch scale on same slide.
  • High definition chrome scales on soda lime glass slide (76 x 25 x 1.5mm)
  • Graduated divisions for different magnifications.
  • Metric: 25mm in 0.5mm divisions; 5mm in 0.1mm divisions; 1mm in 0.01mm divisions
  • Inch: 1" in 0.05" divisions; 0.20" in 0.01" divisions; 0.05" in 0.001" divisions
  • Foam-lined plastic case
  • Ideal for stereo microscopes, stage measurements and light microscope calibration
  • Available with UKAS (Internationally Traceable) Certificate of Calibration

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2280-70 Dual, Graduated, Metric and English Scale Stage Micrometer each $341.70
2280-70U Dual, Graduated, Metric and English Scale Stage Micrometer, with UKAS Certificate of Calibration each 1187.60

Particle Analysis Test Slide

Particle Analysis Test Slide Particle Analysis Test Slide
magnified center

The Particle Analysis Test Slide has a center strip pattern with 100 particles of various shapes and sizes. Each shape is numbered. Designed for comparing various shapes and sizes, training and regular checks of digital cameras and image analysis software performance. Includes manufacturers test certificate which states the equipment diameter, length, width and area of each particle; Example of Test Certificate. Glass slide, 76 x 26 x 1.2mm.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2280-29 Particle Analysis Test Slide each $853.30

Stage Micrometers for Reflected Light

Micrometer Scale for Reflective Light

Horizontal Scale

Micrometer for Reflective Light

Mounted in a black, stainless steel slide


These accurate scales are etched through a highly reflective vacuum coated metal. When viewed with reflected light illumination, as with a metallurgical microscope, the scales appear bright against a black background. If you need a certified stage micormeter, please go to Pro Series Stage Micrometers for Reflected Light.
Table of Accuracy

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2280-27 Micrometer Scale for Reflected Light, 10mm in 0.1mm divisions each $276.40
2269-10 Micrometer Scale for Reflected Light, 1mm in 0.01mm divisions each 270.70
2280-28 Micrometer Scale for Reflected Light, 0.1 inch in 0.001 inch divisions each 259.20

Line Width and Accuracy of Stage Micrometers

Product # Line Width Accuracy (overall)
2280-10 0.005 mm within 0.002mm
2280-11 0.005 mm within 0.0015mm
2280-12 0.002 mm within 0.0001 inch
2280-13 0.002 mm within 0.001mm
2280-14 0.001 mm within 0.00005 inch
2280-15 0.001 mm within 0.001mm
2280-16 0.0015 mm within 0.001mm
2280-17 0.0025 mm within 0.0015mm
2280-18 0.0027 mm within 0.001mm
2280-24 0.002 mm within 0.001mm
2269-10 0.003 mm within 0.001mm
2280-25 0.0025mm within 0.0015mm
2280-27 0.005mm within 0.002mm
2280-28 0.002mm within 0.0001 inch
2280-30 0.005mm within 0.0015mm
2280-31 0.004mm within 0.0015mm
2280-32 0.004mm within 0.0015mm
2280-33 0.0025mm within 0.0015mm

Counting Slide

Grid Counting Slides (Transmitted Light)

Produced with precision vacuum evaporated chromium centered on a glass disc, mounted in a black anodized Al slide of 75 x 24 x 2mm. Pattern is covered with a 0.13mm cover glass for protection. Available in two sizes.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2280-30 Counting Slide, 0.1 x 0.1mm Grid / 1mm Square each $251.10
2280-31 Counting Slide, 0.05 x 0.05mm Grid / 0.5mm Square each 319.90

Counting Grid

Fine Counting Grids (Transmitted Light)

Produced with precision vacuum evaporated chromium centered on a glass disc, mounted in a black anodized Al slide of 75 x 24 x 2mm. Pattern is covered with a 0.13mm cover glass for protection. 0.01 x 0.01mm grid available in two sizes.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2280-32 Counting Grid, 0.01 x 0.01mm / 0.2mm Square Grid each $266.10
2280-33 Counting Grid, 0.01 x 0.01mm / 1.5mm Square Grid each 266.10

England Finder - S7 Slide (Transmitted Light)

Locator and Calibration Slide

England Finder Slide
Progressively enlarged view of slide surface.

X (A through Z, excluding I) Y (1 through 75), note K34 to right.

England Finder Slide 2
The England Finder is a glass slide marked over the top surface in a way that a referenced position can be directly read relative to the locating edges.
All England Finders produced by Graticules for over 40 years are identical. The purpose of the finder is to give the microscopist an easy method of recording the position of a particular field of interest, so that the same position can be re-located at a later date, or by another person in another laboratory, or when using any other England Finder on any other microscope.
The location of the arrows is identical for all England Finder slides. Mark a label on the left hand side of the specimen slide, indicating the orientation to be repeated. By replacing the specimen slide with the England Finder, taking care not to disturb the position, the feature of interest can be noted. The feature an also be re-located at another place or time by reversing the procedure. Over 1,800 positions on a 76 x 26mm slide can be accurately located. Slide thickness is 1.35mm ±0.05mm. Nominal line width is 0.025mm.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
2280-50 England Finder S7 Slide each $298.20

Pro Series Stage Micrometers
Linear Glass Scales