PELCO® Technical Notes, PELCO® Eponate 12
Kit with DMP-30 and BDMA (276KB PDF)
First use of Epon 812 in U.S.A.:
Finck H, 1960. Epoxy resins in electron microscopy. J Biophys Biochem Cytol, 7, p. 27.
Luft JH, 1961. Improvements in epoxy resin embedding methods. J Biophys Biochem Cytol, 9, p. 409.
Prod #
| Description
| Unit
| Price
| Order / Quote
| Eponate 12™ Embedding Kit, with BDMA
| each
| $393.08
Eponate 12 Embedding Kit, with DMP-30
PELCO® Technical Notes, PELCO® Eponate 12
Kit with DMP-30 and BDMA (276KB PDF)
Prod #
| Description
| Unit
| Price
| Order / Quote
| Eponate 12 Kit (DMP-30 catalyst)
| each
| $381.75
*NMA Hardener in increased amounts, in the embedding mixture, make a harder block.
Eponate 12 Araldite 502 Kit with BDMA
PELCO® Technical Notes, PELCO®
Araldite 502 Kit with DMP-30 and BDMA (276KB PDF)
Prod #
| Description
| Unit
| Price
| Order / Quote
| Eponate 12 Araldite 502 Kit with BDMA
| each
| $399.75
Eponate 12 Araldite 502 Kit with DMP-30
PELCO® Technical Notes, PELCO®
Araldite 502 Kit with DMP-30 and BDMA (276KB PDF)
Prod #
| Description
| Unit
| Price
| Order / Quote
| Eponate 12 Araldite 502 Kit with DMP-30
| each
| $388.42
Poly/Bed® 812 Embedding Kit, with DMP-30
Poly/Bed® 812 for electron microscopy and histology
for studies requiring beam stability, low shrinkage and good contrast.
Epoxy formulations are lower in viscosity than Araldite formulations,
and hence provide better penetration into tissue samples. Instructions included.
Prod #
| Description
| Unit
| Price
| Order / Quote
| Poly/Bed® 812 Kit (w/DMP-30)
| each
| $522.75
Poly/Bed® 812 Resin Test Kit
contains BDMA as accelerator
Contains BDMA in place of DMP-30 for faster infiltration. Instructions, supplies, syringes provided for leftovers. Mixture bottle provided.
Prod #
| Description
| Unit
| Price
| Order / Quote
| Poly-Bed® Test Kit
| each
| $251.75
"Spurr" Low Viscosity Kits
ERL 4221 has replaced ERL 4206. ERL 4221 has a higher viscosity than the previously used ERL 4206.
Spurr AR, 1969. A low-viscosity epoxy resin embedding medium for electron microscopy. J Ultrastruc Res, 26, p. 31.
Ellis, E Ann, Solutions to the Problem of Substitution of ERL 4221 for Vinyl Cyclohexene Dioxide in
Spurr Low Viscosity Embedding Formulations, Microscopy Today, V 14, No 4, July 2006
The Spurr Kit gives excellent penetration for tough materials particularly in the studies of botanical, mineral and
other hard biological specimens. When the mixture is kept at room temperature for 24 hours its viscosity will
increase to 140cP, as is the case with other resins. When fully formulated, the Spurr’s resin will store
in a deep-freeze for two months and at room temperature for two days. Curing is done at 70ºC for about 8
hours (see our Microwave system for significant time saving during epoxy processing).
PELCO® Technical Notes for Low Viscosity Kit (1.54MB PDF)
Prod #
| Description
| Unit
| Price
| Order / Quote
| Low Viscosity "Spurr" Kit
| each
| $123.50
LR White Resin
Prod #
| Description
| Unit
| Price
| Order / Quote
| LR White Resin, Soft, 500ml
| each
| $242.40
Resin with initiator (BPO) packaged separately. Accelerator #18185 can be used for cold-cure (room temperature). Heat cure is 24 hours between 50°C and 65°C. Gelatin capsules are recommended for temperatures below 60°C. Tightly closed BEEM® Capsules and PTFE Molds with ACLAR® as cover (#10506 or #10508) work well at 65°C. Widely used because of excellent immunolabeling results. LR White is a polar, monomer polyhydroxylated aromatic acrylic resin (see PTFE Molds).
* LR White Soft is not recommended for electron microscopy. |
Prod #
| Description
| Unit
| Price
| Order / Quote
| LR White Resin, Medium, 500ml
| each
| $249.75
Resin with initiator (BPO) packaged separately. Accelerator #18185 can be used for cold-cure (room temperature).
Heat cure is 24 hours between 50°C and 65°C. Gelatin capsules are recommended for temperatures below
60°C. Tightly closed BEEM® Capsules and PTFE Molds with ACLAR® as cover (#10506 or #10508) work well at 65°C. Widely used because of excellent immunolabeling results. LR White is a polar, monomer
polyhydroxylated aromatic acrylic resin (see PTFE Molds).
Sections from LR White appear "bumpy" in contrast to Epon resin sections. It is possible that
Epon links covalently to tissue proteins while LR White links more weakly. "LR White appears to act in
a manner similar to ice in a freeze-fractured specimen."17 A. Yamamoto and Y. Tashiro, using AFM, found
a strong relief surface on LR White sections, 3-4nm on average. Depressions ranged from 6 to 30nm. Protrusions
could be seen on the complimentary surface. Epon sections show relatively smooth surfaces.18 Micrographs appear
similar to freeze-etched images but scaled to nm instead of µm. Viscosity ~= 8cP
18 Yamamoto A, Tashiro Y: Visualization by an atomic force microscope of the surface of ultra-thin sections of rat kidney and liver cells embedded in LR White. J Histochem Cytochem, 42, 1994, pp 1463-1470
Landmark Paper, Freeze-Fracture
Steere RL: Electron microscopy of structural detail in frozen
biological specimens. J Biophys Biochem Cytol, 3, pp 45-60, 1957
Newman GR: Use and abuse of LR White. J. Histochem, 19, 118, 1987.
Newman GR: LR White embedding medium for colloidal gold methods. In: Colloidal Gold: Principles, Methods,
and Applications, V. 2, (Hayat MA, ed)
PELCO® Technical Notes, LR White Embedding Medium,
Prod. Nos. 18181 & 18182 |
Prod #
| Description
| Unit
| Price
| Order / Quote
| LR White Resin, Hard, 500ml
| each
| $236.50
Prod #
| Description
| Unit
| Price
| Order / Quote
| Accelerator for LR white, 10ml
| each
| $39.15
Glycol Methacrylate (GMA) Kit
PELCO® Technical Notes, PELCO® Glycol Metbhacrylate (GMA) Kit (166KB PDF)
Prod #
| Description
| Unit
| Price
| Order / Quote
| Glycol methacrylate (GMA) Kit
| each
| $78.00