
Calibration Overview
TEM/STEM Overview

Transmission Electron Microscopy
Resolution and Astigmatism Correction Test Specimens

Catalase Crystals
Gold on "Holey" Carbon Film
Evaporated Platinum / Iridium
Holey (Perforated) Carbon Film

catalase crystals

Catalase Crystals

Catalase crystals, negatively stained, are mounted on a grid. They display very clear lattice plane spacings in the TEM and STEM of 8.75nm and 6.85nm.
Wrigley, J, (1968). Ultrastructure Res, 24, 454.
Valuable for high magnification calibration.
Technical Notes, Catalase Crystals (PDF 78KB)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
612 Catalase Crystals, on 3mm grid each $94.05

ferritin resolution test specimen


Resolution of the tetrad of this molecule indicates an instrument resolution better than 1.25nm. The ferritin is dispersed on a formvar/carbon substrate supported by a G400, 400 square mesh copper Gilder grid.

PELCO® Technical Notes, Resolution Test Ferritin Molecules (PDF 399kb)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
608 Ferritin on 3mm grid each $28.20

gold on holey carbon

Gold on "Holey" Carbon Film

The spaces formed between "islands" of evaporated gold are ideal for checking TEM/STEM (3mm grid) resolution. The holes allow for simultaneous astigmatism correction. Made on a G400, 400 square mesh copper Gilder grid.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
613 Gold on Holey Carbon Film each $29.20

evaporated platinum iridium

Evaporated Platinum / Iridium

Evaporated Pt/Ir on perforated holey carbon film. Support film provides holes for ease of focus and astigmatism correction. The grains of evaporated metal provide dense particles for TEM resolution checks by the particle separation test.

PELCO® Technical Notes, Pt/Ir on Holey Carbon Film, Point Separation Resolution Test (PDF 395kb)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
611 Evaporated Platinum / Iridium; 3mm grid each $39.80

transmission electron microscopy astigmatism check

"Holey" (Perforated) Carbon Film

best general TEM astigmatism check

Thin films of carbon which have been treated to obtain a large number of small holes. Supported on a G400, 400 square mesh copper Gilder grid. Examination of the Fresnel fringe around the hole when the objective lens is slightly defocused enables astigmatism to be corrected. Observation of the fringe also gives an indication of TEM stability and available resolution.

PELCO® Technical Notes, Astigmatism Correction, Holey Carbon Film (PDF File)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
609 Holey Carbon Film on 3mm grid each $10.85

Recommended storage: TEM Calibration Grid Holder