
Calibration Overview
SEM Calibration Overview

JN-1 SEM Demonstration Specimens

JN-1 Scanning Electron Microscope Demonstration Standard The JN-1 Scanning Electron Microscope Demonstration Standard Specimen demonstration samples on two standard 12.7mm (1/2") pin stubs and a 25mm mounting adapter.

They allow for demonstrating any SEM at lower magnifications with known specimens. The variety of demonstration samples can also be used for training purposes.

They are ideal for use on table top SEMs such as the JEOL NeoScope, Hitachi TM-1000/3000/3030, Phenom and Agilent / Keysight 8500 FE-SEM.

The JN-1 SEM Demonstration Standard is not intended for magnification calibration.
six conductive samples
One pin stub contains six conductive samples including, an integrated circuit chip, metal spheres, small set screw, ductile steel fracture, diatoms and a TEM grid.

The entire stub is coated with ~20nm of Au:Pd to ensure conductivity on all samples.
five non-conductive samples
The second stub contains five non-conductive samples including an integrated circuit chip, paper, glass spheres, fabric and diatoms.

This stub is not coated for conductivity and is useful to demonstrated low-vacuum SEM imaging, charging and back-scattered electron imaging.

The pin stubs are directly compatible with SEMS made by FEI/Philips, ZEISS/LEO, Cambridge Instruments/Leica, TESCAN, CamScan, Amray, Agilent and Aspex.
The 25mm (1") cylinder stub adapter holds the pin of the pin stub with a spring loaded set screw and does not require tools to secure the pin stub. The cylinder adapter is compatible with virtually all JEOL and Hitachi SEMs. On the bottom of the cylinder there is a 4mm internal thread compatible with Hitachi SEMs. It is recommended to handle the pin stubs with pin stub grippers which will fit the groove on the pin stubs. Store the SEM demonstration standard in a dust-free and dry environment.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
649 JN-1 SEM Demonstration Specimens each $890.00

JN-1 Conductive Sample Images

Diatomes micrograph
Set screw micrograph
Set screw
Integrated circuit micrograph
Integrated circuit
TEM grid micrograph
TEM grid
M60 metal spheres micrograph
M60 metal spheres
Ductile iron facture micrograph
Ductile iron facture

JN-1 Non-conductive Sample Images

Fabric - lint free cloth micrograph
Fabric - lint free cloth
Glass spheres micrograph
Glass spheres
Diatoms micrograph
Paper - business card micrograph
Paper - business card
Integrated circuit micrograph
Integrated circuit
Credits: SEM photographs taken on a JEOL Neoscope.