
Calibration Overview

PELCO® Faraday Cup

faraday cup for electron beam current measurement faraday cup for electron beam current measurement faraday cup for electron beam current measurement
Cross section of
Pelco® Faraday Cup

The PELCO® Faraday Cup allows for precise measurement of the beam current on SEM, MicroProbe or FIB systems; select point mode on your system and focus the beam into the small 100µm aperture hole of the PELCO® Faraday Cup. The cavity under the aperture hole absorbs virtually all electrons or ions. Absorption efficiency of the design is 98.5% or better (depending on beam diameter and kV). The PELCO® Faraday Cup is designed for mounting on the specimen stage and uses the existing electrical connections built in the SEM, Microprobe or FIB stage for measuring or displaying absorbed current. If your instrument does not have the capability of measuring and displaying absorbed current, you need to use a Keithley Pico-ammeter.

The PELCO® Faraday Cup is made from brass and overall dimensions are only 2.5mm diameter with 2mm height, and aperture size is 100µm. The compact size allows for easy mounting on specimen holders, standard or mounts. We can also supply the Faraday Cup already mounted on a variety of popular SEM mounts. (see mount selections, type A - R)

Technical Notes (108KB PDF)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
651 PELCO® Faraday Cup, Unmounted each $133.00
651-A PELCO® Faraday Cup, Mounted A each 145.00
651-B PELCO® Faraday Cup, Mounted B each 145.00
651-C PELCO® Faraday Cup, Mounted C each 145.00
651-D PELCO® Faraday Cup, Mounted D each 145.00
651-E PELCO® Faraday Cup, Mounted E each 145.00
651-F PELCO® Faraday Cup, Mounted F each 145.00
651-G PELCO® Faraday Cup, Mounted G, You Supply Mount each P.O.R.
651-K PELCO® Faraday Cup, Mounted K each 145.00
651-L PELCO® Faraday Cup, Mounted L each 145.00
651-M PELCO® Faraday Cup, Mounted M each 145.00
651-O PELCO® Faraday Cup, Mounted O each 145.00
651-P PELCO® Faraday Cup, Mounted P each 145.00
651-Q PELCO® Faraday Cup, Mounted Q each 145.00
651-R PELCO® Faraday Cup, Mounted R each 145.00