
Books by Alphabetical Title Listing

Books Alpha Author Listing,
by First Author

This list is for reference only.
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Ayache, Beaunier, Boumendil, Ehret, Laub - Sample Preparation Handbook for Transmission Electron Microscopy, Volumes 1 and 2
Bancroft, Gamble - Theory& Practice of Histological Techniques, 5th edition
Bigelow - Vacuum Methods in Electron Microscopy
Birkholz - Thin Film Analysis by X-ray Scattering
Bordo, Rubahn - Optics and Spectroscopy at Surfaces and Interfaces
Bozzola, Russell - Electron Microscopy, 2nd edition
Brydson - Abberation-Corrected Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy
Croft - Under the Microscope, a brief history of microscopy
- Methods in Plant Electron Microscopy and Cytochemistry
Dykstra - A Manual of Applied Techniques for Biological Electron Microscopy
Echlin - Handbook of Sample Preparation for Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis
Flegler, Heckman, Klomparens - Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy: An Introduction
Fultz, Howe - Transmission Electron Microscopy and Diffractometry of Materials
Giannuzzi – Introduction to Focused Ion Beams: Instrumentation, Theory, Techniques and Practice
Giberson, Demaree – Microwave Techniques and Protocols
Goldstein, Newbury, Echlin and Joy - Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis: A Text for Biologists, Materials Sciences, and Geologists, 2nd edition
Goodhew, Humphreys, Beanland – Electron Microscopy and Analysis
Hajibagheri - Electron Microscopy Methods and Protocols
Haugstad - Atomic Force Microscopy: Understanding the Basic Modes and Advanced Applications
Hayat - Immunogold-Silver Staining: Principles, Methods and Applications
Heath, Julian P. - Dictionary of Microscopy
Heinrich, Newbury - Electron Probe Quantitation
Horobin, Kiernan - Conn’s Biological Stains, 10th edition
Hunter - Practical Electron Microscopy, A Beginner’s Illustrated Guide, 2nd edition
Janssens, Adams, Rindby - Microscopic X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis
Kiernan, Mason - Microscopy and Histology for Molecular Biologists: A User's Guide
Lyman, Newbury, Goldstein, Williams, Romig Jr, Armstrong, Echlin, Fiori, Joy, Lifshin, Peters - Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-Ray Microanalysis and Analytical Electron Microscopy, A Laboratory Workbook
Morel, Cavalier, Williams - in situ Hybridization in Electron Microscopy
Murphy, Douglas B. - Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging
Paddock, Stephen W. - Confocal Microscopy Methods and Protocols
Polak, Van Noorden - Introduction to Immunocytochemistry, 3rd Edition
Prutton, El Gomati - Scanning Auger Electron Microscopy
Rasmussen - Picture Control: The Electron Microscope and the Transformation of Biology in America, 1940-1960
Ruzin - Plant Microtechnique and Microscopy Scientific Notebook, Prod. No. 70018
Samori - Scanning Probe Microscopies Beyond Imaging: Manipulation of Molecules and Nanostructures
Stokes - Principles and Practice of Variable Pressure/Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (VP-ESEM)
Warley - X-ray Microanalysis for Biologists
Watt - The Principles and Practice of Electron Microscopy, 2nd edition
Watts, Wolstenholme - An Introduction to Surface Analysis by XPS and AES
Williams, Carter - Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Textbook for Materials Sciences