
Magnifier Overview
Lens Cleaning Products

Measuring Magnifiers

[ Zoom Magnifier, 8-16x ] [ Measuring Magnifier, 7x ] [ Measuring Magnifier, 10x ]
[ Measuring Magnifier, 15x ] [ Mini Comparator, 7x ] [ Measuring Magnifier, 30x ]
[ Anastigmatic Magnifier, 4x ] [ Anastigmatic Magnifier, 7x ]

zoom magnifier 750

Zoom Magnifier

an important optical advance in hand magnifiers

Furnished with one scale having both metric and inch scales, this model 750 stepless hand magnifier has click stops (shown in a small window) at 8x, 10x, 12x, 14x, and 16x, to reach a known magnification. 8 lenses in 6 groups. The design maintains sufficient brightness at each magnification stage.

The black body, finished with aluminum precision machining similar to camera lenses, allows smooth zooming-in and zooming-out. Before starting an observation, move the adjustment ring at the bottom of the lens body to select the optimum magnification in accordance with the purpose of the inspection. When completed, adjust the ring around the eyepiece so that the scale will be clearly visible. The zooming mechanism changes magnification to allow for continuous observation. With case, lens cap and cloth. Scale on reticle is ±8mm with 0.1mm divisions and ±0.3" with .005" divisions.

750-1 Replacement Scale
  • Field of view: 10 to 20 mm
  • Diopter ring adjustment: +2.5D to -5D
  • Minimum scale division: 0.1mm or 0.005"
  • Size: 45mm diameter x 65mm high
  • Weight: 149 grams
  • Scale Diameter: 35mm

Note: All 10x magnifier reticles (Ø35mm) will fit the No. 750 Zoom Magnifier. go to Reticles

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
750 Zoom Magnifier, 8-16x, mm/inch scale each $255.10

measuring magnifier, 7x 

go to Reticles
go to 7x Magnifier
with Flashlight

Measuring Magnifier, 7x

simplicity, accuracy, economic in cost

Coated achromatic lenses comprised of 3 elements and 2 groups. With measuring scale: either 20mm in length, having 0.1mm divisions, or 0.8" in length, having 0.005" divisions. Focusing ring. Objective lens: 19mm. With case, lens cap and cloth.

  • Field of View: 24mm
  • Eyepiece: 18mm
  • Scale diameter: 26mm
  • Diameter: 36mm
  • Height: 44mm
  • Weight: 56g

Standard Metric Scale
Comes with Metric Magnifiers
0 to ±10mm

Reticle No. 8, Metric Scale
0 to 20mm

Reticle No. 13, Inch Scale
0 to .8"

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
751 Measuring Magnifier, 7x, w/Standard Metric Scale each $49.85
75120 Measuring Magnifier, 7x, with inch scale each 49.95
Replacement Scales for 7x Magnifier
749C Metric Scale for Measuring Magnifier, 7x, Replacement Standard Scale, 26mm each 29.90
75318 Metric Scale for Measuring Magnifier, 7x (#751), Reticle No. 8, 26mm each 15.25
75346 Inch Scale for Measuring Magnifier, 7x (#75120), Reticle No. 13, 26mm each 15.25
751-1W Scale Standard, White Line, 7x each 31.00
751-1R Scale Standard, Red Line, 7x each 22.50

measuring magnifier set

Measuring Magnifier, 7x Set

Included are the 751 Magnifier, 7x, and five of the most widely used reticles (No's. 2, 3, 7, 8 and 10). They are housed in a handy, cushioned plastic box.
go to Reticles

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
751-2 Measuring Magnifier, 7x Set each $90.65

measuring magnifier set

Metric Scale
0 to 20mm

Measuring Magnifier, 10x, LED Lighting, Metric Scale Reticle

  • Magnification: 10x
  • Lens Ø: 30mm
  • Number of LEDs: 8
  • Smallest graduation: 0.1mm
  • Total length measurable: 30mm
  • Field of vision: 34mm
  • Lens: 3 double lenses
  • Focus ring: yes
  • Weight: 115g
  • Dimension: 45 x 45 x 53mm

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
765 Measuring Magnifier, 10x, with Metric Scale Reticle, LED Lighting each $104.50

measuring magnifier, 10x
go to Measuring Magnifier,
10x with Flashlight

Measuring Magnifier, 10x

Fine quality, coated achromatic lenses, (4 elements, 2 groups), precision made. High resolving power and wide visual field. Provided with measuring scale: either 20mm in length, with 0.1mm divisions, or 0.8" in length, with 0.005" divisions. With case, lens cap and cloth.

Field of view: 28mm.; Eyepiece: 20mm.; Scale diameter: 35mm.
Diameter: 46mm.; Height: 44mm; Weight: 74g.
Objects are easily visualized and accurately measured.
go to Reticles

Standard Metric Scale
Comes with Metric Magnifiers
0 to ±10mm

Reticle No. 8, Metric Scale
0 to 20mm

Reticle No. 13, Inch Scale
0 to .8"

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
752 Measuring Magnifier, 10x, w/Standard Metric Scale each $68.48
75220 Measuring Magnifier, 10x, with inch scale each 68.45
Replacement Scales for 10x Magnifier
75338 Metric Scale for Measuring Magnifier, 10x (#752), Reticle No. 8, 35mm each 15.25
75348 Inch Scale for Measuring Magnifier, 10x (#75220), Reticle No. 13, 35mm each 15.25

measuring magnifier set

Measuring Magnifier, 10x Set

Included are the 752 Magnifier, 10x, and five of the most widely used reticles (No's. 2, 3, 7, 8 and 10). They are housed in a handy, cushioned plastic box.
go to Reticles

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
752-2 Measuring Magnifier, 10x Set each $127.55

mesuring magnifier, 15x

Measuring Magnifier, 15x

A wide-field magnifying glass of 15x magnifying power, combined with a graduated measuring scale. Similar to the 7x and 10x Scale Magnifiers. However, to allow the sharp observation of the entire field of a 14mm diameter object magnified 15 times, the magnifier has been designed to correct almost perfectly the curvature of field and the lateral chromatic aberration by a combination of 4 lenses in 3 groups. Provided with measuring scale: either 20mm in length with 0.1mm divisions, or 0.5" in length with 0.005" divisions. Scale diameter: 26mm (1"). With case, lens cap and cloth.


Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
753 Measuring Magnifier, 15x, with mm scale each $93.95
75358 Metric Scale for 15x each 19.50


Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
75260 Measuring Magnifier, 15x, with inch scale each $93.95
75360 Replacement Inch Scale each 22.50

mini comparator

Standard reticle

Mini Comparator, 7x

Economical measuring magnifier, lightweight and convenient to carry. Doublet type achromatic lens with sharp and clear resolving power. Adjustable focus, photoengraved scale. Effective diameter is 25mm. Diameter: 29mm. Height: 46mm. Weight: 25g.
Scale 0 to ±10mm, in 0.1mm divisions.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
749 Mini Comparator, 7x each $44.25
749C Metric Scale for Measuring Magnifier, 7x, Replacement Standard Scale, 26mm each 29.90

measuring magnifier, 30x

measuring magnifier reticle

Measuring Magnifier, 30x

high magnification, upright image

This adjustable focus 30x Magnifier has 4 elements in 2 groups of lenses, and has upright image visualization. The scale is 5mm long with major divisions every millimeter and minor divisions every 0.05mm. Magnifier with case, lens cap and cloth. Inch scale not available for this product.

Diameter: 30mm.; Height: 19mm.; Weight: 16g.; Effective aperture is 7mm.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
754 Measuring Magnifier, 30x, w/metric scale each $90.45

anastigmatic magnifier, 4x
Metric Scale
(included with
Magnifier 755)

Anastigmatic Magnifier, 4x

Inspect entire large areas, 32 x 45mm or flat objects less than 58mm in diameter. The image observed through the loupe is critically sharp from the center to the edge of the image field because of the careful optical correction of the lupe for astigmatism and curvature of field as well as aberrations concerning the image of the central image. Ordinary magnifiers are corrected only for the central image. This lupe is similar to anastigmatic photographic lenses and is manufactured with the same care and precision.
One point which distinguishes this lupe from photo-lenses is the position of the effective pupil of the loupe. It is placed as far as 25mm above the upper plane of the lupe. The observer can inspect the whole image field by merely moving the eye.

  • Magnification: 4x
  • Field of View: 58mm
  • Effective Aperture: 30mm.
  • Min. Scale Division: 0.1mm, 0 to 27mm
  • Working Distance: 54mm
  • Size: 73 OD x 77mm (2.9" OD x 3")
  • Weight: 272g (9.6 ounces)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
755 Anastigmatic 4x Magnifier, metric scale each $199.50

anastigmatic magnifier, 7x

Anastigmatic Magnifier, 7x

Using the optical system of Anastigmatic 4x, this magnifier increases power as high as 7x. Reticle scale is provided. Strap attached provided for various possible needs.

  • Magnification: 7x
  • Field of View: 41mm
  • Effective Aperture: 22mm
  • Min. Scale Division: 0.1mm
  • Working Distance: 36mm
  • Size: 55 OD x 53mm (excluding strap hooks)(2.1 OD x 2.1")
  • Weight: 103g (3.6 ounces)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
757 Anastigmatic 7x Magnifier, metric scale each $178.65