
Cressington Coaters Overview

Spares & Consumables
for 108 Series Coaters

Replacement Glass Cylinders & O-Rings

Standard Ø120mm x 120mmH for 108 Series Coaters or short Ø120mm x 44mm H available for use with 108 R-T Stage.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
9607 O-Ring, 120mm, for Glass Cylinder for 108 Series Coaters pk/2 $22.55
9608 Glass Cylinder Standard (Ø120mm x 120mm H) for 108 Series Coaters each 472.26
9604 Glass Cylinder Short (Ø120mm x 44mm H) for 108 R-T Stage each 396.00

Replacement Glass Cylinders & O-Rings for 108/SE Series Only

Tall Ø150mm x 150mmH light deposition or short Ø150mm x 65mm H heavy deposition available for 108 Auto/SE and 108C Auto/SE.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
8006 Glass Cylinder Tall (150mm D x 150mm H), for 208HRD, 208C, 108 Auto/SE and 108C Auto/SE each $614.19
8009 Glass Cylinder Short (150mm D x 65mm H), for 208HRD, 208C, 108 Auto/SE and 108C Auto/SE each 478.89
8025 O-Ring, 150mm, for Glass Cylinder for 208C, 208HR, 108 Auto/SE and 108C Auto/SE pk/2 17.20
8091-1 Metal Spacer Ring, for 208HR, 208C, 108 Auto/SE and 108C Auto/SE each 240.00

Replacement Ø63mm Stationary Stage & Larger Diameter Ø83mm Stationary Stage

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
7021-100 Standard 63mm Diameter Stationary Stage, height adjustable, includes M6 x 80mm threaded rod with two nuts each $125.00
7021-200 NEW Larger 83mm diameter Stationary Stage, height adjustable, includes M6 x 80mm threaded rod with two nuts each 145.00
7021-A Replacement M6 x 80mm threaded rod for Stationary Stage, with two nuts each 10.00
7021-B Longer M6 x 118mm threaded rod for 7021-100 Stationary Stage, with two nuts, for use with 108 Auto/SE and 208HRD each 12.00

Double Neck Tip Carbon Rods

Double-Pointed, High Purity Carbon Rods, Ø6.2 x 38mm long1/4" x 1-1/2" L)

Tip: 3.8 / 1.6mm (0.15 / 0.066") double neck for Cressington carbon coaters. Impurity level of 5ppm or less. For re-sharpening graphite tips use the PELCO easiShaper™ or the Two Step, Hand Carbon Rod Shaper below.

Made in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
93010 Pointed Carbon Rods, Double Neck Tip, Ø6.2 x 38mm long (Ø1/4 x 1-1/2" L), 60Hz pk/10 $91.00

High Purity Carbon Rods for Cressington Carbon Coaters

Impurity level of 5ppm or less

Made in USA
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
for 110V, 60 Hz:
93015 Carbon Rods for Cressington Carbon Coaters, 1/4" x 12"(6.15 x 305mm), 60Hz pkg/10 $185.90
for 220V, 50 Hz:
93016 Carbon Rods for Cressington Carbon Coaters, 1/4" x 12"(6.15 x 305mm), 50Hz pkg/10 190.00

2 step Carbon rod sharpener two step Carbon rod sharpener

Two Step, Hand Carbon Rod Shaper

Hand tool for shaping / sharpening two step carbon rods for the Cressingtion Carbon Coaters. Graphite rod is inserted into tool and rotated by hand against two pre-set tungsten carbide cutters to achieve the correct steps. Comes with brass adjustment tool.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
57-10 Two Step Carbon Rod Sharper, for 1/4" rods (Cressington 108C & 208C) each $136.30
57-12 Replacement Blades for Two Step Carbon Rod Shaper, for 1/4" rods pk/2 20.45

Vent Filter

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
9611 Filter for Venting Inlet, complete with 1/4" hose for 108Auto, 108Auto/SE, 108Carbon, 108Carbon/SE each $14.25

Double Neck Tip Carbon Rods

Replacement Bradley Carbon Source & Accessories

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
9617 Replacement Bradley Carbon Source for 108C each $895.50
9612 Carbon Rod Slider Springs for Bradley Carbon Source pk/5 76.50
9613 Carbon Rod Slider, replacement or spare each 188.50
9614 Copper Braids for Bradley Carbon Source pk/5 92.90
9615 Ceramic Insulators for Bradley Carbon Source pk/8 95.00
9616 PTFE Insulator Kit for Bradley Carbon Source each 165.00

Double Neck Tip Carbon Rods

Optional Carbon Fiber Sources for 108C & 108C Auto/SE

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
9617-F-108 NEW Carbon Fiber source for 108C V2 - Compatible with models #9632 and 9632-220 only each $875.00
9617-F-208 NEW Carbon Fiber source for 108C Auto/SE or 208C each 895.00
91202 Carbon Fiber, 2.5mm dia., 1.6g/m 3 meters 59.00
91202-2 Carbon Fiber, 2.5mm dia., 1.6g/m 10 meters 179.90

Replacement MTM-10 and MTM-20 Crystals

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
93008 Replacement Crystals for MTM-10/20 pk/3 $42.00
93009 Replacement Crystals for MTM-10/20 pk/10 93.30

2 step Carbon rod sharpener

Exhaust Filter for Vacuum Rotary Vane Pumps, 1/2" NPT

(mist eliminators)

Permits discharge into clean work areas. Return collected oil to sump or discard.
Rugged construction, simple installation. For non-hazardous, non-corrosive applications.
Fits on VRP 100-3.5, VRP-8, Edwards RV5, or similar. Connection: 1/2" male NPT thread.


Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
92061 Exhaust Filter for #92080, Model 100-3.5 each $163.10

PELCO Ultra 19 Oil

PELCO® Ultra 19 Vacuum Pump Oil

Premium quality vacuum pump oil for single and dual stage rotary pumps. Extra refined for increased lubrication, enhanced sealing and reduced back streaming. Excellent oil for rotary backing pumps on high vacuum systems, electron microscopes and mass spectrometers. PELCO® Ultra 19 vacuum pump oil is suitable for our VRP, RVP and VRI Rotary Vane Pumps. Compatible with rotary vane pumps from Edwards, Adixen, Alcatel, Varian, Agilent, Leybold, Oerlikon, Ulvac, Sargent-Welch, Ilmvac and other brands. Fully comparable with Edwards Ultragrade 19 and Inland 19 Ultra rotary pump oil. Great cost savings compared to more expensive brand products.

Typical Properties of PELCO® Ultra 19 Vacuum Pump Oil

Prod # Description Unit Qty Price Order / Quote
891-31 PELCO® Ultra 19 Vacuum Pump Oil 1 liter 1-3 $17.80
4+ 16.90
891-34 PELCO® Ultra 19 Vacuum Pump Oil 1 gallon 1+ 44.00

argon presure regulator

Argon Pressure Regulator Kit

Precise Argon Dual Stage Pressure Regulator Kit for sputtering applications. The high quality pressure regulator has a stainless steel diaphragm and chrome plated brass body, and 6mm tube fitting. Tank gauge shows the gas volume remaining in the supply tank (between 0-4,000 psi) and the working pressure gauge indicates line pressure (between 0-30 psi). Fits standard argon gas cylinder connection; CGA580. The kit contains 3m (10') 6mm polyethylene tubing incl. 2 hose clamps to fit both the pressure regulator and the Cressington series coaters. Note: Working pressure for sputter applications is 5-6 psi.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
7032 Argon Pressure Regulator Kit, including dual stage pressure regulator, 3m gas hose and 2 hose clips for 6mm tube fittings each $610.00

Bell Jar Cleaner PELCO Bell Jar Kleen

PELCO Bell Jar Kleen™

PELCO Bell Jar Kleen™ is a non-scratching polishing and cleaning compound specially formulated for glass and porcelain surfaces. Ideally suited for cleaning glass bell jars used on vacuum evaporators, vacuum chambers from sputter and carbon coaters and glass windows in large coating systems. Can be used on vacuum chambers made from Corning, Schott or Pyrex glass. Also suitable to clean metal surfaces, like stainless steel, aluminum and copper parts, but will scratch surfaces on soft metals. Main ingredient of this environmentally friendly product is calcium carbonate. Does not contain phosphorus, chlorines or dyes. Use water and textile wipes or cloths for a fast cleaning action. Wipe away residue with clean moist wipes. Recommended final clean of vacuum parts is with a alcohol/acetone solution. Sold in 14 oz. (395gram) container.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
896 PELCO Bell Jar Kleen™, 14 oz. each $14.36