
Tables and Charts

Metric to SAE Conversion Table

multiply given factor (Unit) to achieve equivalent value shown at column heads
Unit to mm to cm to m to ft to in
from mm 1 .1 .001 .00328 .03937
from cm 10 1 .01 .03281 .3937
from m 1000 100 1 3.2808 39.37
from ft 304.80 30.480 .30480 1 12
from in 25.40 2.540 .02540 .08333 1

Volume Conversion Table

multiply given factor (Volume) to achieve equivalent value shown at column heads
Volume to cc to L to cu in to cu ft to US gal
from cc 1 .001 .06102 .0000353 .00026
from L 1000 1 61 .0353 .2642
from cu in 16.39 .01639 1 .000579 .00433
from cu ft 28317 28.317 1728 1 12
from US gal 3785.4 3.785 231 .13368 1