
Cleaning Supplies Overview
Materials Science Overview

Cleaning, Sanitizing & Disinfecting Solutions

Detergents, Degreasers, Sanitizers, Glass Cleaner, Liquid, Powder, Tablet, Spray, Biodegradeable Decontamination Liquid

Enzymatic Cleaner
Contrad 70
Contrad 70
Decontamination Liquid
Cleaning Solution
Liqui-Nox Liquid Detergent from Alconox
Liqui-Nox® Critical
Cleaning Liquid Detergent
Sparkle Glass Cleaner
Sparkle Glass Cleaner
Sparkle Optical Lens Cleaner
Sparkle Optical
Lens Cleaner
Bell Jar Cleaner PELCO Bell Jar Kleen
PELCO Bell Jar Kleen™
Alconox Powdered Precison Cleaner
Alconox® Critical
Cleaning Powder
3M adhesive remover
3M™ Adhesive Remover
3M™ Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish
3M™ Stainless Steel
Cleaner & Polish
spill kit
Emergency Spill Response Kits, Formalin Neutralizers
pelco kleensonic wrs ultrasonic wax stripper
PELCO Kleensonic™
Ultrasonic Cleaning Solutions
ultrasonic cleaner solutions
Branson Ultrasonic Cleaning
Powders & Solutions


MEDIZIME® LF Enzymatic Cleaner/Detergent

Special Sale for a limited time only, while supplies last!

MEDIZIME® LF is an enzymatic cleaner used by medical and dental professionals nationwide.

MEDIZIME® LF is a combination of enzymes and detergents, formulated to safely eliminate proteinaceous contamination and solubilize lipids on flexible optic scopes, surgical instruments and laundry. MEDIZIME® LF is a low foam detergent that facilitates lower suds production in automatic cleaning devices.

The use of an enzymatic cleaner like MEDIZIME® LF, by infection control and gastroenterology professionals, is a critical step in instrument decontamination.

  • Saves time: MEDIZIME® LF once diluted, needs only 2-3 minutes contact time for fiber optic instrumentation.
  • Easy to use: MEDIZIME® LF is packaged as a gallon concentrate container with an accurate 1 oz. pump dispenser or in single-use 1 oz. packets.
  • Cost efficient: MEDIZIME® LF is concentrated yet mild in pH.
  • Environmentally safe: MEDIZIME® LF is 100% biodegradable and phosphate free. This solution is gentle on the environment.


Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
19966 MEDIZIME® LF, 1 Gallon Bottle with Pump each $35.50

Contrad 70

Contrad 70, Decontamination Liquid

Biodegradeable, Phosphate Free

Contrad 70 is a biodegradable concentrate combining anionic and non-anionic surface active agents with stabilizing agents, alkalis and non-phosphate detergent builders, to produce a highly effective cleaning compound.

Contrad 70 is more efficient than chromic acid mixtures and has none of the risks associated with the storage, handling and disposal of virulent acids. Contrad 70 is also a highly effective radioactive decontaminant due to the potent surface activity. Strontium 90, Iodine 131, Carbon 14, Phosphorus 32, Au 198, Hg 203, Transplutoniuim, Tantalum and radiocarbon are all handled by Contrad 70. It also caters for a wide range of problem contaminants including: abrasives, agar, algae, bacterial, blood, distillations residues, latex, protein complexes, tar, silicone, grease and oil, reagents, etc. Contrad 70 is easy to use. It is non toxic, non acidic, not flammable and does not release any harmful odors or vapors. It thoroughly removes the dirt from glassware, ceramics, rubbers, plastics, stainless steel and ferrous metals. Contrad 70 can usually be diluted with tap water but in special applications such as in medicine or pharmacology, the use of demineralized water is recommended.

The cleaning can be intensified by vortexing, increasing concentration, or applying sonication. Contrad 70 is stable up to 90°C without the generation of dangerous vapors. For decontamination, a 5% solution should be used. For hard to remove radioactive contaminants, we recommend a 20% solution.

Prod # Description Unit Qty Price Order / Quote
81132 Contrad 70, Decontamination Liquid, 1 liter each 1+ $138.15
SDS (83KB PDF) - There are Hazard Shipping Fees associated with this product. - Hazard Shipping Fees

Prod # Description Unit Qty Price Order / Quote
81133 Contrad 70, Decontamination Liquid, 5 liters each 1+ $304.00
SDS (83KB PDF) - There are Hazard Shipping Fees associated with this product. - Hazard Shipping Fees

Micro-90® Cleaning Solution

Micro-90® Cleaning Solution

Micro-90® is a concentrated cleaning solution with excellent cleaning properties. Ideal for use in ultrasonic cleaners, but can be used directly on surfaces as well. Use Micro-90® to clean precision parts, labware, instruments, processing and manufacturing equipment and filter membranes. Micro-90® can be used to remove soils such as oil, grease, wax, tar, biological materials from glass, metal, plastic, ceramic and many other surfaces. Safely removes metal particles, oxides, oil, biological matter and most other debris from filter membranes. It has a mild pH of 9.5 and for most applications only a 1-2% solution of Micro-90® in water is sufficient. Does not leave a residue when rinsed properly.

It is non-flammable, non-toxic and non-corrosive and does not contain CFCs, ODCs, phosphates, borates, halogens, silicates or phenols. Economical and environmentally friendly.


Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
17391 Micro-90® Cleaning Solution, 1 Liter each $29.80
17394 Micro-90® Cleaning Solution, 4 Liter each 95.05


biodegradable, concentrated, interfering residue-free

Alconox® detergents set the standards for critical cleaning. Scientists, engineers, and professionals specify Alconox® detergents in their cleaning procedures for optimum economy, environmental safety and performance.

Alconox Powdered Precison Cleaner

Alconox® Powdered Precision Cleaner

Concentrated, anionic detergent for manual and ultrasonic cleaning. Formulated to give you reliable results without interfering residues. Ideal for cleaning contaminants from glassware, metals, plastic, ceramic, porcelain, rubber and fiberglass. Excellent replacement for corrosive acids and hazardous solvents. USDA authorized. Dilute 1:100. pH 9.5.


Prod # Description Unit Qty Price Order / Quote
81125 Alconox® Powdered Cleaner, 4 lb each 1-8 $108.25
9+ 99.44

Liqui-Nox Liquid Detergent from Alconox

Liqui-Nox® Critical Cleaning Liquid Detergent from Alconox®

Concentrated, anionic detergent for manual and ultrasonic cleaning. Formulated to give you reliable results without interfering residues. Extremely mild and completely soluble in hard and soft water. USDA authorized. Dilute 1:100. pH 8.5.


Prod # Description Unit Qty Price Order / Quote
81126 Liqui-Nox® Cleaning Liquid Detergent, 1 gal. bottle each 1-3 $110.00
4+ 99.00

Bell Jar Cleaner PELCO Bell Jar Kleen

PELCO Bell Jar Kleen™

PELCO Bell Jar Kleen™ is a non-scratching polishing and cleaning compound specially formulated for glass and porcelain surfaces. Ideally suited for cleaning glass bell jars used on vacuum evaporators, vacuum chambers from sputter and carbon coaters and glass windows in large coating systems. Can be used on vacuum chambers made from Corning®, Schott or Pyrex® glass. Also suitable to clean metal surfaces like stainless steel, aluminum and copper parts, but will scratch surfaces on soft metals. Main ingredient of this environmentally friendly product is calcium carbonate. Does not contain phosphorus, chlorines or dyes. Use water and textile wipes or cloths for a fast cleaning action. Wipe away residue with clean moist wipes. Recommended final cleaning of vacuum parts is with a alcohol/acetone solution. Sold in 14 oz. container (395gram).

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
896 PELCO Bell Jar Kleen™, 14 oz. each $14.36

Sparkle Glass Cleaner

Sparkle Glass Cleaner

Ammonia-free de-ionized formula works without streaking. For glass, stainless steel, plastics, etc.


Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
80920 Sparkle Glass Cleaner, 1 liter (33.8 fl. oz.) each $7.20

sparkle optical lens cleaner

Sparkle Optical Lens Cleaner

A transparent non-ammonia, non-alcohol, safe cleaner for high tech lenses. Apply Sparkle Optical Lens Cleaner to surface to be cleaned and wipe with clean Lens Cleaning Cloth. Excellent for microscopes, magnifiers, eye glasses and safety goggles. Do not use on contact lenses. Anti-Static properties limit dust attraction. Testimonials from universities and private labs as the first non-alcohol product that is safe for objective lens use.


Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
80919 Sparkle Optical Lens Cleaner, 119.4 ml (4 oz.) each $6.10

3M™ Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish

3M™ Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish, Quart

Ideal for stainless steel, chrome, laminated plastics and aluminum surfaces. Pleasant lime fragrance. Contains no petroleum distillates. Ready-to-use quart. 6 quarts and 1 trigger sprayer per case.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
For Sale in U.S.A. Only
80945 3M™ Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish, Quart each $29.00

3M Adhesive Remover

3M™ Adhesive Remover

Powerful replacement for mineral spirits, solvents and other unfriendly cleaners. Ideally suited for removing used grinding/lapping/polishing discs with PSA backing from their support discs. New food-grade citrus-based 3M™ Adhesive Remover is also very effective in removing overspray of any aerosol adhesives, grease, oil, grime, tape residue, tar, wax, etc. A solvent-free formulation that provides wipe-away convenience with no filmy residue. No CFC's.

Active ingredient is listed as GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) for food contact applications under FDA21 CFR 182.20.

Flammable propellent (propane). Note: Not for sale in California.
I, F - SDS (48KB PDF)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
For Sale in U.S.A. Only
80924-1 3M™ Adhesive Remover, 18.5 oz. can each $61.60
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80924-10 3M™ Adhesive Remover, 18.5 oz. cans case/6 247.50
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