
Carbon Products
SEM Supplies & Accessories

Vitreous Carbon, Carbon Planchets
and Planchet Holders

vitreous carbon (graphite) planchet
Vitreous Carbon Planchets

carbon planchets for JEOL, Hitachi, pin stubs
Carbon Planchets
Highly Polished Carbon Planchets
Highly Polished Carbon Planchets
Carbon Discs on Pin Stubs
Carbon Discs on Pin Stubs
16538 16357 with carbon planchet 16357 with carbon planchet
16538 16357 with carbon planchet
NEW Carbon Planchet Holders

various diameters, pin and M4

Vitreous Carbon and Carbon (graphite) Planchets are ideal substrates for X-ray analysis and backscattered electron imaging in a SEM or electron microprobe. The spectroscopically pure carbon discs provide an excellent conductive, low emission X-ray background free of any characteristic X-ray peaks except carbon. Carbon Planchets are favored over the non-conductive diamond planchets (charging will have negative effects on the analytical results and can distort X-ray mapping and imaging).

The Vitreous Carbon and Carbon (graphite) Planchets can be cleaned and used again. For fine powders and imaging applications the vitreous carbon is the best choice. For X-ray applications of larger particles or specimens or for applications where the planchets can not be used again, the Carbon (graphite) Planchets are adequate.

vitreous carbon (graphite) planchet
dimensions in mm

Vitreous Carbon Planchets

NEW Sizes Available!

Lapped surface on one side for smoothness, also known as glassy carbon or glass-like carbon. For analytical SEM/EDX, X-ray analysis and chemical analysis applications.

Vitreous carbon is an advanced non-graphitizing pure carbon material with glass or ceramic-like mechanical properties. It is high purity, high hardness (230 HV1), impermeable to gases and liquids, and corrosion resistant. It has a high thermal stability, up to 600°C in air or 3000°C in vacuum or inert atmospheres. Planchets are mirror polished on both sides.

Applications in the fields of chemical analysis, metallurgy, crystal growth, medical technology and in glass and ceramics research.


High purity vitreous carbon with impurities less than 30ppm total.

Physical Properties of Vitreous Carbon
Maximum Service Temperature (vacuum or inert gas) 3000°C
Density 1.42 g/cm³
Open Porosity 0%
Permeability Coefficient 10-9 cm²/s
Vickers Hardness 230HV
Flexural Strength 260 MPa
Young's Modulus 35 GPa
Compressive Strength 480 MPa
Electrical Resistivity (30°C) 45Ωµm
Thermal Conductivity (30°C) 6.3 W/(Km)
Expansion Coefficient (20-200°C) 2.6 x 10-6/K
Typical chemical analysis of these Vitreous Carbon Planchets:
Al 0.270   Cu 0.030   Sn 0.440
Ba 0.081   Fe 0.920   Si 13.860
Be 0.044   K 0.340   Sr 0.061
Bi 0.050   Mg 0.052   Ti 0.096
Ca 9.710   Mn 0.041   V 0.044
Cd 0.044   Mo 0.044   W 0.089
Co 0.089   Na 0.780   Zn 0.044
Cr 0.091   Ni 0.120   Zr 0.062

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16514 NEW High Purity Vitreous Carbon Planchet 9.5mm dia. x 2mm each $108.00
16515 NEW High Purity Vitreous Carbon Planchet 10mm dia. x 2mm each 116.00
16516 NEW High Purity Vitreous Carbon Planchet 12.2mm dia. x 2mm each 124.00
16518 NEW High Purity Vitreous Carbon Planchet 12.5mm dia. x 2mm each 128.00
16524 High Purity Vitreous Carbon Planchet 12.7mm dia. x 2mm each 125.00
16520 NEW High Purity Vitreous Carbon Planchet 15mm dia. x 2mm each 140.00
16522 NEW High Purity Vitreous Carbon Planchet 18mm dia. x 2mm each 158.00
16526 High Purity Vitreous Carbon Planchet 25mm dia. x 3mm each 181.65
16528 High Purity Vitreous Carbon Planchet 32mm dia. x 3.2mm each 236.40

carbon planchets for JEOL, Hitachi, pin stubs

Properties of Grade 1 Carbon
Density 1.58 - 1.63 g/cm³
Hardness 30 - 35 Shore
Electrical Resistivity 58 - 71 Ωµm
Flexural Strength 24 - 31 MPa
Tensile Strength 22 MPa
Compressive Strength 48 MPa
Thermal Expansion 1.9 x 10-6/°C
Porosity 28 - 30%
Purity Impurities < 2ppm

Carbon Planchets

Spectroscopically pure carbon Grade 1 (graphite) planchets with total impurities equal to or less than 2ppm with each single element 1ppm or less. Trace elements can be Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca or B. The carbon discs have a fine ground finish on one side; 0.80µm (32µ inches). All carbon planchets are 1.6mm (1/16") thick. Sizes from 9.5 to 32mm diameter to fit all styles of SEM pin and cylinder mounts.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16501 Carbon Planchets, 9.5mm, for JEOL 9.5mm mounts pkg/10 $30.00
pkg/100 270.00
16504 Carbon Planchets, 10mm, for JEOL 10mm mounts pkg/10 27.00
pkg/100 250.00
16502 Carbon Planchets, 12.2mm, for JEOL 12.2mm mounts pkg/10 30.00
pkg/100 270.00
16503 Carbon Planchets, 12.5mm, for JEOL 12.5mm mounts pkg/10 30.00
pkg/100 270.00
16500 Carbon Planchets, 12.7mm, for pin stubs pkg/10 22.00
pkg/100 200.00
16505 Carbon Planchets, 15mm, for Hitachi and ISI/ABT/Topcon mounts pkg/10 24.00
pkg/100 228.00
16508 Carbon Planchets, 18mm, for 18mm pin stubs pkg/10 22.50
pkg/100 215.00
16510 Carbon Planchets, 25.4mm, for large pin stubs, JEOL metallographic mounts and Hitachi 25mm mounts pkg/10 30.00
pkg/100 285.00
16512 Carbon Planchets, 32mm, for large pin stubs, Hitachi and JEOL mounts pkg/10 40.50
pkg/100 380.00

Highly Polished Carbon Planchets

Highly Polished Carbon Planchets

NEW Sizes Available!

The highly polished carbon planchets have a smooth, polished finish on one side with much less surface porosity than the standard carbon planchets. The material for the cabon discs is spectroscopically pure carbon Grade 1 (soft graphite) with total impurities equal to or less than 2ppm with each single element 1ppm or less. Properties same as Carbon Planchets above. The polished planchets are 1.4 to 1.5mm (0.055" to 0.06") thick. Available in the popular 12.7mm (1/2") and 25.4mm (1") diameter. Available in all of the same sizes as our unpolished carbon planchets.

Prod # Description Unit Qty Price Order / Quote
16501-P NEW Highly Polished Carbon Planchets, 9.5mm diameter each 1-9 $20.00
10+ 18.00
16504-P NEW Highly Polished Carbon Planchets, 10mm diameter each 1-9 20.00
10+ 18.00
16502-P NEW Highly Polished Carbon Planchets, 12.2mm diameter each 1-9 20.00
10+ 18.00
16503-P NEW Highly Polished Carbon Planchets, 12.5mm diameter each 1-9 20.00
10+ 18.00
16500-P Highly Polished Carbon Planchets, 12.7mm diameter each 1-9 20.00
10+ 18.50
16505-P NEW Highly Polished Carbon Planchets, 15mm diameter each 1-9 21.50
10+ 19.35
16508-P NEW Highly Polished Carbon Planchets, 18mm diameter each 1-9 24.50
10+ 22.05
16510-P Highly Polished Carbon Planchets, 25.4mm diameter each 1-9 24.50
10+ 22.50
16512-P NEW Highly Polished Carbon Planchets, 32mm diameter each 1-9 32.00
10+ 28.80

Carbon Discs on Pin Stubs

Carbon Discs on Pin Stubs

Carbon planchets with a 1.6mm thickness mounted on standard pin stubs, supplied in the #16709 pin mount storage box. Convenient and ready to use. Provides a durable and economical solution for SEM/EDS microanalysis or low emission surface backscatter imaging applications needing light element surface. Surface roughness of the carbon discs is 0.05-0.01um, material is spectroscopically pure carbon with total impurities less than 2ppm. The aluminum stub underneath the carbon disc provides more rigidity that the carbon stubs. Available for 12.7, 18 and 25.4mm (1/2", 0.7" and 1") pin stubs. Sold in storage box with 10 of the 12.7mm pin stubs and 8 of the 18 or 25.4mm pin stubs.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16530 Carbon Discs Mounted on 12.7mm Pin Stubs, Box of 10 each $49.00
16532 Carbon Discs Mounted on 18mm Pin Stubs, Box of 8 each 60.00
16534 Carbon Discs Mounted on 25.4mm Pin Stubs, Box of 8 each 60.00