
SEM Supplies & Accessories Overview

PELCO® Q Pin Stubs and Q Multi Pin Stub Holders

PELCO® Scanning Electron Microscopy Pin Stubs

A new fundamentally improved pin stub for correlative, corroborative and repetitive microscopy.

PELCO® Q Pin Stubs
Engraved PELCO®
Q Pin Stubs
Q Pin Stubs
Multi Pin Stubs Holders
PELCO® Q Multi
Pin Stub Holders


combo of 25mm The PELCO® Q Pin Stubs have been especially designed for correlative microscopy, corroborative SEM investigations and repetitive SEM imaging/analysis and specimen preparation. The square PELCO® Q Stubs have an easy to locate reference notch on one of the corners. Using the SEM X and Y stage movements and read-outs, each position on the PELCO® Q Stub can be easily indexed to the reference notch. Once the position of a location is recorded with reference to the reference notch, the location can be easily found again using the same SEM, another SEM or FIB system, X-ray imaging system, Auger system, SIMS, light microscope or any imaging system with X and Y stage movements. It will work with manual, motorized and computerized stages as long as there is a position read-out. Depending on the precision of the stage, the recorded position can be retrieved with an accuracy of ±5µm. The reference notch in the corner of the PELCO® Q Stubs enables intrinsic indexing – no additional holders needed and the locations are all relative to the notch in the stub.

The sample surface of the PELCO® Q Stubs is square for easy alignment of the sides of the Q Stub with the X and Y movements of the sample stage. An additional advantage is the larger sample surface area; over 20% larger than round stubs. Below the square top, the PELCO® Q Stubs are identical to the conventional round pin mounts and are fully compatible with existing SEM grippers, storage boxes, sample preparation equipment and most multiple pin stub holders. Carbon tape such as #16073-1 can be used to make carbon tabs which cover the complete square surface.

The PELCO® Q Pin Stubs are available in 12.7mm (1/2"), 19mm (3/4") and 25.4mm (1") square sample surface and a standard 3.2mm (1/8") pin. Compatible with SEMs, FESEMs and SEM/FIB systems from FEI/Philips, TESCAN, Cambridge, Leica, Amray, ASPEX, and Camscan. Also suitable for ZEISS/LEO if they can cope with the longer 9mm pin instead of the standard 6mm pin.

Features and benefits of the PELCO® Q Pin Stubs

  • Reference notch for intrinsic indexing of any location on the Q Stub
  • Square shape for easy alignment with the X-Y axis of SEM stage
  • Reliable retrieval of any position on the Q Stub
  • Ideal for correlative microscopy; same locations can be easily found on multiple imaging/analyzing platforms with X-Y axis
  • Enables corroborative microscopy; share between SEM platforms or re-investigate same position afterwards
  • Perfect for repetitive microscopy and repetitive sample prep procedures; exact same position can be easily found and imaged over again
  • Larger sample area than traditional round stubs
  • Fully compatible with all existing tools, grippers, SEM holders and specimen preparation equipment
Detail Showing Notch
Made in USA

Prod # Description Unit Qty Price Order / Quote
16187-12 PELCO® Q Pin Stub, 12.7 x 12.7mm (1/2" x 1/2") each 1-9 $4.65
10+ 4.35
16187-19 PELCO® Q Pin Stub, 19 x 19mm (3/4" x 3/4") each 1-9 8.90
10+ 8.45
16187-25 PELCO® Q Pin Stub, 25.4 x 25.4mm (1" x 1") each 1-9 7.95
10+ 7.65


Engraved PELCO® Q Pin Stubs

The PELCO® Q Pin Stubs are available with an engraved lines to accommodate multiple small samples on one stub and to simplify indexing. The sharp notch can be used as master reference point and the engraved crosses can be used as sub-reference point; ideal for low magnification applications. The engraved lines divide the PELCO® Q Pin Stubs in equal sized squares of 6.3 x 6.3mm (1/4" x 1/4").

Made in USA

Prod # Description Unit Qty Price Order / Quote
16190-124 PELCO® Q Pin Stub, 12.7 x 12.7mm (1/2" x 1/2"), 4 Divisions each 1-9 $10.45
10+ 9.80
16190-199 PELCO® Q Pin Stub, 19 x 19mm (3/4" x 3/4"), 9 Divisions each 1-9 12.65
10+ 12.00

Direction for use of the PELCO® Q Pin Stubs

Record position(s):
  1. Locate notch; we suggest to position it in the upper right corner
  2. Set SEM stage tilt at zero
  3. Set SEM beam shift and stage rotation at zero
  4. Align the sides of the PELCO® Q Stub parallel with the X and Y movements of the stage
  5. Image the tip of the notch and determine the tip; define the tip of the notch the 0,0 location on the PELCO® Q Stub
  6. Index any location with reference to the tip of the notch and record the position(s); example 5.64mm Left and 4.28mm Down
  7. Store the indexing positions with the PELCO® Q Stub together with an image
Relocate position(s):
  1. Locate notch; we suggest to position it in the upper right corner
  2. Set stage tilt at zero
  3. Line up the sides of the PELCO® Q Stub parallel with the X- and Y-movements of the stage
  4. Image the tip of the notch and determine the tip; define the tip of the notch the 0,0 location on the PELCO® Q Stub
  5. Retrieve recorded positions for the stub and move the stage to location; example 5.64mm Left and 4.28mm Down
  6. The previously stored location should now be in the field of view

Engraved Engraved
close-up view
of 90° notch
NEW Round PELCO® Q Pin Stubs

In this simplified round Q Pin Stub, the 90° notch can be used as an origin reference point for the SEM stage. Ideal for low magnification correlated imaging.

Made in USA

Prod # Description Unit Qty Price Order / Quote
16187-18 Round PELCO® Q Pin Stub, Ø18mm, 6mm Pin Height each 1+ $5.50

PELCO® Q Multi Pin Stub Holders

Enabling correlative and corroborative microscopy.

Multi Pin Stubs Holders Multi Pin Stubs Holders Multi Pin Stubs Holders
PELCO® Q Multi Pin Holder
for 16 with 12.7mm Q Stubs
PELCO® Q Multi Pin Holder
for 16 Pin Stubs
PELCO® Q Multi Pin Holder
for 16 with 25mm Q Stubs

The square PELCO® Q Multi Pin Stub Holders are the perfect companion
for the PELCO® Q Pin Stubs and comprise a number of helpful features:
  • Reference notch for intrinsic indexing
  • Engraved lines for alignment with the X and Y axis of the SEM stage
  • Simple X-Y movements to go to the next stub
  • Set screw used to secure pin stubs on 4 and 8 stub holders
  • Spring-loaded pin clamping for quick and easy loading (on 16, 24, 36 and 48 stub holders)
  • Numbered positions for quick referencing
  • Efficient coverage when used with the square PELCO® Q Pin Stubs or standard round stubs
  • Removable pin for imaging with light microscopes and M4 Hitachi mounting
  • Fully compatible with existing conventional pin stubs
Compatible with SEMs, FESEMs and SEM/FIB systems from FEI/Philips, TESCAN, Cambridge, Leica, Amray, ASPEX, and Camscan. Also suitable for ZEISS/LEO instruments if they can accommodate the longer 9mm pin instead of the standard 6mm pin. Available for 4, 8, 16, 24, 36, and 48 PELCO® Q Pin Stubs, or standard pin stubs with 12.7mm (1/2") head.
PELCO® Q Multi Pin Holder
for 16 with 12.7mm
Standard Pin Stubs
PELCO® Q Multi Pin Holder
for 16 with 25mm
Standard Pin Stubs

Made in USA

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
15334-22 PELCO® Q Multi Pin Stub Holder for 4 ea 12.7mm (1/2") pin stubs each $65.45
15334-33 PELCO® Q Multi Pin Stub Holder for 8 ea 12.7mm (1/2") pin stubs each 98.45
15334-44 PELCO® Q Multi Pin Stub Holder for 16 ea 12.7mm (1/2") or 4 ea 25.4mm (1") pin stubs each 131.45
15334-55 PELCO® Q Multi Pin Stub Holder for 24 ea 12.7mm (1/2") pin stubs each 208.45
15334-66 PELCO® Q Multi Pin Stub Holder for 36 ea 12.7mm (1/2") or 9 ea 25.4mm (1") pin stubs each 323.95
15334-77 PELCO® Q Multi Pin Stub Holder for 48 ea 12.7mm (1/2") pin stubs each 468.05