
Materials Science Overview
Mounting, Fixturing & Adhesives

PELCO® Mounting Waxes


quartz sticky wax

PELCO® Quartz Sticky Wax 70C

PELCO® Quartz Sticky Wax 70C is a quartz type sticky, orange colored wax (translucent in thin films) used to hold crystals or other materials while they are being sliced, lapped or polished. Moderate hardness and strength make it useful for bonding small samples in diamond wheel sawing and wire sawing operations. Widely used for holding semiconductors, optical materials, ceramics and metals with medium to large contact areas. Chemically resistant. Melting point is 70°C.


Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
892-20 PELCO® Quartz Sticky Wax, 70C, 450g box of approximately 150 sticks of wax each of approximately 1/4" diameter and 4" length each $132.00
892-22 PELCO® Quartz Sticky Wax, 70C, bulk slab, sold by the lb. weight in 2lb increments, minimum order 2lbs lb. 71.50

quickstick 80C

PELCO® Quickstick 80C

PELCO® Quickstick 80C is an amber colored wax, which is translucent in thin films. High hardness makes it ideal for sawing, ultrasonic cutting and lapping & polishing operations. Best suited to vitreous materials, polished metal surfaces, semiconductors and piezoelectric materials with large contacted areas. Chemically resistant. Melting point is 80°C.


Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
892-30 PELCO® Quickstick 80C, pack of 6 rectangular bars, 150g approximate weight each $110.00

quickstick 80C

PELCO® Cement, Low Heat

PELCO® Cement, Low Heat, 30L is a tan colored wax, which is translucent in thin films. Softness makes it most useful with abrasive slurry cutting of materials. Best suited to non-porous surfaces such as glass or polished metal with a reasonably large area. Easily soluble in a variety of solvents. Melting point is 52°C.


Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
892-35 PELCO® Cement, Low Heat, 30L, single bar of approximately 100g each $35.20

PELCO® Quickstick 135

PELCO® Quickstick 135 is a clear wax with a slight green color. High hardness and strength make it ideal for diamond wheel cutting, wire saw cutting, abrasive slurry cutting, ultrasonic cutting, lapping and polishing, etc. Widely used with semiconductor, optical material, ceramics and metals with small contact area. Soluble in acetone and methylene chloride, but resists most other common solvents. Melting point is 135°C.

Available in a cardboard tube, as a block in a foil container, or as a single bar as pictured and detailed below.


quickstick tube wax Quickstick 135
PELCO® Quickstick 135
Tube (892-41)
PELCO® Quickstick 135
Bar (892-43)
PELCO® Quickstick 135
Tray (892-44)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
892-41 PELCO® Quickstick 135, tube, approximate weight 1.25kg each $108.90
892-43 PELCO® Quickstick 135, single bar, approximate weight 90g each 27.75
892-44 PELCO® Quickstick 135 wax block in a foil container 7 x 4.75 x 1.5", approximate weight 1.27kg each 114.50

Apiezon W black wax

Apiezon® W Wax

Black wax for permanent sealed joints at room temperatures for low to medium vacuum range. Also used as a low melting point (100° C) wax for sample mounting applications.

Technical Notes: W Wax (212KB PDF)

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
891-81 Apiezon® W Black Wax, 100g (in 5 pieces) each $91.10

pelco kleensonic wrs ultrasonic wax stripper

PELCO Kleensonic™ WRS Wax Stripper

PELCO Kleensonic™ WRS is an environmentally friendly cleaning compound in powder form formulated for removing mounting waxes used in specimen preparation, semiconductor processing and casting. Needs to be dissolved in water to make the cleaning solution. Primarily designed to dissolve and remove waxes and oils, but Kleensonic™ WRS can also be used to remove silicones, finishing compounds, soils and greases. PELCO Kleensonic™ WRS is compatible with parts or products made from silicon, glass, iron, aluminum zinc, copper, brass and magnesium. Highly recommended to use ultrasonic agitation to enhance cleaning process and to reduce cleaning time. Sold in container of 1 lb. (makes 2.67 gallons).
Usage: 6 oz. (170grams) of powder concentrate in water makes 1 gallon (3.8ltr) of ultrasonic wax stripper solution, best working temperature 50 - 70°C.

SDS (121KB PDF) - There are Hazard Shipping Fees associated with this product.  Hazard Shipping Fees

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
17388 PELCO Kleensonic™ WRS Wax Stripper 1 lb. $20.25