
Calibration Overview
SEM Calibration Overview Page
SEM Magnification Calibration
MRS-4 Reference Standard
MRS-3 Reference Standard

MRS-6 Magnification Reference Standard
1,500x - 1,000,000x

geller mrs-6 mrs6 magnification reference standard
  • 0.08, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, and 2µm PITCH PATTERNS
  • 3 BAR PATTERNS from .08 TO 3µm
  • 1µM PITCH TEST GRID X 20µm

100 nm pitch micrograph of geller MRS-6 MRS6 SEM magnification reference standard
Micrograph of the 100nm PITCH
located bottom right corner

This is the next generation, NIST and NPL (NIST counterpart in the U.K.) Traceable, Magnification Reference Standard & Stage Micrometer. For Instrument Calibration from 1,500x – 1,000,000x (80nm min. pitch).
  • Electron Microscopy: SEM and FIB/SEM (secondary & backscattered electrons), TEM (for use with a bulk holder) the MRS-6 is conveniently sized at 3.2 x 3.2 x 0.5mm.
  • Scanning Microscopies and Profilometry: STM, AFM, stylus and optical, etc. The pattern height is approximately 15nm.
  • Optical Microscopy: reflected, bright/dark field, differential contrast, and confocal.
  • Chemical Mapping: EDS, WDS, Micro/Macro XRF, XPS, Auger, and others. The pattern is fabricated using 15nm chromium over single crystal silicon.
  • Resolution Testing: With a series of 2 bar targets (similar to the USAF 1953 patterns) ranging in size from 80nm to 3µm.
  • Linearity Testing: With a 1µm² pitch over 40 x 40µm.
  • A Standard Ahead of Its Time: The MRS-6 represents a challenging next step. The nanotechnology sized patterns will be a good test of your imaging systems.
    • Advanced optical microscopes now have submicrometer test patterns to measure resolution and linearity.
    • Scanning electron microscopes have a pattern that will show significant differences between backscattered and secondary electron type I and type II images. Imaging the pattern will also tax their low accelerating voltage capabilities.
    • Scanning probe microscopes have a pattern that is closely sized to the finest cantilever tips challenging their resolution ability.


Introducing the MRS-6, the next level in a series of magnification calibration standards (the MRS-1, MRS-3 and MRS-4 are currently still available). The MRS series of calibration standards are highly accepted pitch standards, with well over 1,000 being used in laboratories around the world including national laboratories in the US, UK and Germany. Industrial customers include Intel, AMD, and IBM. The MRS-6 is offered as a certified reference material (a traceable standard) or, optionally, without traceability. Also offered is a cleaning service and a recertification program, as required by international quality standards such as ISO, QS-9000 and ISO-17025.

Details on MRS-6 Design, Traceability, Magnification Requirements

Pattern Pitch Spacings
2µm 1µm 500nm 200nm
4 each
4 each
4 each
3 bar
3µm 2µm 1µm 1.5µm 1µm 900nm
3 bar
800nm 700nm 600nm 500nm 400nm 300nm
3 bar
200nm 100nm 80nm      


  • 3.2mm x 3.2mm x 0.5mm thick silicon die with thin 15nm Cr deposit pattern, fully conductive, excellent edge definition.
  • Pitch is defined as a cycle, the distance of a bar plus space.
  • Optional retainer & mounting available


The MRS-6 is traceable to the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in the U.K. NPL IS the counterpart to NIST in the U.S. There is a mutual recognition agreement between NIST and NPL recognizing each others' measurements.

Geometric Design

It should be noted that some high resolution standards are traceable through optical diffraction methods to determine the pattern frequency which does not account for frequency variations in the pattern. We do it correctly, measuring and providing traceability to the individual pattern.

Retainer & Mounting Options for SEM

retainer & mounting

The MRS-6 Calibration Standard comes unmounted to give the customer the flexibility to mount the standard on the position or stub they wish.

We offer two retainer & mounting options; MRS-6 on either Ø1/2" (12.7mm) pin stub or Hitachi Ø15mm x 6mm stub. These mounting options have to be ordered additional to the MRS-6 at the time of ordering.


Ordering Information

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
Magnification Reference Standards
614-80 MRS-6NT Reference Standard, X-Y, Not Traceable, without Protective Retainer, Unmounted each $3450.00
614-81 MRS-6XY Reference Standard, X-Y, Traceable, without Protective Retainer, Unmounted each 5635.00
614-64 Retainer & Mounting MRS-6 on standard commonly used 1/2" (12.7mm) pin stub with 1/8" (3.2mm) pin each 370.00
614-65 Retainer & Mounting MRS-6 on Hitachi Ø15mm x 6mm stub each 370.00
Cleaning and Recalibration Service
614-81R MRS-6XY Cleaning, Re-coating and Re-calibration each P.O.R.
614-73 MRS-3/4/5/6 Cleaning and Re-coating only each 265.00

To avoid contamination of your MRS Standard, we recommend storing the standard under vacuum. For MRS Standards mounted on pin stubs the PELCO® SEM Sample Stub Vacuum Desiccator would be ideal.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
16179 PELCO® SEM Sample Stub Vacuum Desiccator each $267.50